We're leaving our hotel now. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next...
This blog is dead... repeat, this blog is dead. I have since repented of the hardcore republicanism expressed through most of this blog's history. See my profile for my current blog.
Now this is great: Scientists have discovered a shark repellent!
AAAHHH! I didn't put my hit counter or Bible verse on my sidebar! What's going on?!
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, it is not puffed up;
I haven't laughed this hard in forever! Worldmagblog is having a contest on the photo to see who can come up with the best caption. Post your caption on the comments page.
"Terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength. They are invited by the perception of weakness."
I am shocked! Okay, so I'm not actually shocked. Really, I'm not surprised in the least. I'm even a little happy that the liberals' true colors have started to show through.
Lie-beralism has a faulty base. Secular humanism is a philosophy that can never work. Such a system as Liberalism can never stand if it adheres to its own principals because it's principals are destructive. Liberalism self-destructs and it attempts to counter this by convincing itself and others that it actually stands for more wholesome values. Saying that it stands for freedom sounds better than saying that it stands for freedom to sin. By changing the definitions of key words, the Lie-berals make their atrocious system of values more palatable to the average person.
Let there be no doubt in anyone's mind: Liberalism is a faulty system. Secular humanism, the foundation of Liberalism, is fallacious in its assumptions and tenets, and thus provides a warped base for the "free and inclusive" system of Liberalism. Should America adhere to these false tenets and place itself upon the warped base of Secular Humanism, America would surely fall, for if America seeks to imitate a self-destructive system, America would inevitably self-destruct as well.
Peace (through strength), y'all.
Hooray! Worldmagblog is back up after days of inaccessibility. I am so happy! I can finally get back there and comment!
I’m listening to WOW 1998. Right now it’s on a song called “We Need Jesus,” by Petra. I like it a lot.
Hey, hey, hey! I'm back!
(BIG SIGH) Well, I can post pictures now, but I'm exhausted! I'll post the rest of my photos later...
Not much time right now, but I thought I'd let you know what was going on. I'm staying at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Pennsylvania. This hotel actually has Wi-Fi high speed internet access, so I can now post some of the stuff I have been writing over this long trip.
Originally typed at 6:10 on Sunday, July 25.
This post was finished at about 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 24, while on the road to Pennsylvania
Well, I'm in the process of leaving for Pennsylvania now. We should have actually left hours ago, but we are running late and will be leaving shortly.
Or it could just be a sorry PC. I am typing this on Mozilla Firefox, and nothing has changed on my publishing page. I am using Window's ME (have I mentioned that yet?), and even though I have switched browsers, I still don't have any formatting buttons. I'm not a big fan of this Firefox stuff either; it seems a little slow.
Ugh. I have found quite a few things that I would like to do with my blog, but I don't have the time or the ability to do them right now. As soon as my blogging tools get back up and running, you can expect a few changes. Nothing drastic, just a few changes to make my blog more interesting. Unfortunately, I still can't blog correctly, for as I have said, I DON'T HAVE MY FORMATTING BUTTONS!!! I'm kind of bothered by that.
Hmm... This is bad. I have discovered that I can publish correctly on my laptop, but when on my PC I can't get the bar with all the little buttons to come up above my text box. After the publishing page is finished loading, that little bar above the task bar says "Error on page." I guess that means that it didn't load the little buttons.
Hello? Is anyone there?
Okay, before I get to my post, I've got to say a few things.
I have just been directed to an excellent blog and website owned by David Sessions, a college student. On his website,, David profiles John Edwards. On his blog, he wrote an excellent post on the irrelevance of states' rights in the homosexual marraige issue. David apparently does a great amount of research, and that becomes evident in the quality of his posts.
I find it amazing how America's liberals hold such a vehement disdain for history. Somehow they are always able to come up with some new way to distort and conceal the truth, often by simply lying. Someone once said something to the effect of "tell enough people enough lies for long enough, and they will begin to believe them." (can someone point me to the actual quote and author?)
Well, the good news is that I found a cool quiz. It tells you what movie you should be in. The bad news is what I got for a result. I'm sure my parents will get a kick out of this...
Dang it! Because the terrorist animals have captured and threatened to kill a Filipino truck driver, the Philippines are withdrawing their soldiers from Iraq (all fifty of them).
Okay, so imagine a world where liberals were the only ones who wrote children's stories. Scary huh? If you can't visualize it, let me help you with these examples of politically correct and left leaning variations of classic stories.
"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."
"Sure, to them it was only a song, but every time my preschool class had to sing 'Do Your Ears Hang Low,' it just tore me up inside."
In case you haven't been following the situation in Israel, the Israelis have been trying to build a barrier to keep Palestinian suicide bombers out of Israeli settlements. The World Court, however, has ruled that Israel has no right to defend herself. At least, not in any effective manner.
Remember when I said that I had three friends going to Costa Rica for a mission trip? Well, I found out that one of them has a weblog, and she has been posting some about her trip. Her blog is called LivingNtheLight. So, if you want the scoop on Costa Rica, take a gander on over there.
For any Trekkies out there, I just found this depressing piece of information.
In honor of Doohan, the theme of this year's "Star Trek" convention will be "Beam Me Up Scotty -- One Last Time,"
I hate teen culture. It’s true. Call me crazy, but I tend to avoid people and things that are completely out of touch with reality, so it follows that I absolutely detest the stupidity that is teen culture. Unfortunately, I find myself surrounded by it. It is everywhere; to find it in schools is expected (though still disappointing, as stupidity is a disappointment wherever it is found), but teen culture is so ingrained into so many teenagers’ minds, that it follows them even to church.
I realize that I haven't posted much lately, but please be patient; you haven't got much longer to wait. I am presently on the third draft of a rather lengthy thesis and am hoping to post it today or tomorrow. I can't make any promises, but it will be here soon.
You may have noticed that I haven't been posting very frequently lately, and that is due to a combination of factors. First, I have been very busy cutting grass. We have about 12 acres of grass to cut, and even though my dad helps me out, it still takes a few days. Also, since I am homeschooled and we just built a house and moved a few days ago, I am not finished with school for the year yet. It will get done, I just won't get much of a summer vacation.
There hasn't been a lot to post on, or a lot of time to post lately. Therefore, I'm going to toss a some CCM song lyrics out there for your enjoyment.
I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.
What are we sneaking around for?
Who are we trying to please?
Shrugging off sin, apologizing like we're spreading some kind of disease.
I'm saying, "No way. No way."
I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.
This one warns it's lost cause, save your testimonies for churchtime.
The other ones state you'd better wait until you do a little market research.
I'm saying, "No way. No way."
I'm not ashamed to let you know
I want this light in me to show.
I'm not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus
"The disease of self... is a cancer fatal to my soul"
Saddam Hussein, in a hearing on Thursday, made a quite Kerry-like statement:
"You know that this is all a theater by Bush, the criminal, to help him with his campaign,"
"Given the fact that everyone is unique, it stands to reason that there is no such thing as a 'normal' kid; those who try to become normal only succeed in becoming boring."
Bill Cosby is certainly brave. He has spoken against the gangsta culture which pervades low-income black America, and he continues to hold his ground. GO BILL!!!
“Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”
So the Iraqis now have power in Iraq. The transfer of power came two days early, in order to thwart the terrorists who would undoubtedly try to coordinate some attacks and "make a statement."
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.