Sunday, July 25, 2004

Road Trip Update 1

This post was finished at about 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 24, while on the road to Pennsylvania

Howdy everybody! Just thought I’d pop by and say hi! I’m presently on the road in easily the best traveling conditions I have ever encountered. I brought along my laptop so I can type stuff as I think of it, and since I can plug it in to a special outlet in the back of the van, I’m quite content. I brought along my CDs, so my brother can listen to music from the laptop while I type. Meanwhile, my parents are enjoying the peace and quiet.

If I get bored with this, I can practice piano on my keyboard that I brought along (also with headphones). It’s pretty small (only four octaves), so it should fit, though I’m not sure if it will because I haven’t used it yet. I also brought along some reading material (WORLD Magazine and Let Freedom Ring by Sean Hannity) in case I needed more still to occupy me. I had to return Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville before I finished reading it, but I will finish it. It is quite deep reading, and by far the most difficult reading I have ever attempted. Still, I am confident that I can conquer it.

I guess I’ll take this opportunity to tell you about my reading list. First, we have the aforementioned Democracy in America. For those of you who don’t know, it was written by a Frenchman who was visiting America in order to study the country. France had just been through a revolution, and Tocqueville wanted to study the pros and cons of democracy, or majority rule. It is a very interesting book; a must read for the well educated person, I’ve been told.

The next book on my reading list is Evidence That Demands a Verdict, a book that was recommended to me as a result of my questions about the inspiration of the Bible. My main question is if we, when we believe in the verbal-plenary inspiration of the men who wrote the Bible, are also believing in the inspiration of the men who compiled the Bible. My question has basically been answered (we also believe that those who compiled the Bible were inspired by God), but it has been recommended that I read the book so that I can know how to intelligently answer any questions on the subject.

I also plan on reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. For a total change of pace, a fiction book called Timeline has been recommended to me as well. Have any of you read it?

This seems like a good stopping point for the first of my road trip posts.


Be blessed!


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At Mon Jul 26, 12:05:00 PM, Blogger LAURA A. WARMAN said...

Evidence that demands a verdit is a REALLY good book! Really long, but really good!

At Mon Jul 26, 03:51:00 PM, Blogger Lewis said...

Good books. I've never read Tocqueville or Rand, but they are on my (nearly bottomless) reading list.

A word about Timeline... assuming it's by Crichton... bluntly, it's terrible. Mr. Crichton has the unhappy gift of developing fascinating plots that go absolutely nowhere. Poor dialogue, stereotypical characters, and an appallingly lacking vocabulary.
Quite frankly, the most interesting part of the book is the foreword; I buzzed through the rest.

At Tue Jul 27, 10:07:00 PM, Blogger maladroitme said...

I just want to say that "Let Freedom Ring" is an excellent book. My mom required it as part of my schoolwork but now I'm thinking I'm going to read it again just on my own free time.


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