Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I Told You Not to Feed the Animals!

Dang it! Because the terrorist animals have captured and threatened to kill a Filipino truck driver, the Philippines are withdrawing their soldiers from Iraq (all fifty of them).

Okay, so this won't hurt our numbers very much, but still, the loss is annoying. Manila is withdrawing its troops because of terrorists, just as Spain did. I keep wondering when the collective amnesia which pervades the world will lift, and people will begin to see that terrorists aren't just going to give up if you relent to them. They have never done so, and they never will.

This will surely only encourage more terrorism in Iraq and abroad. I doubt that the Filipino truck driver will even be released, though I have found it to be very hard to predict such evil, depraved neanderthals as those terrorists who capture and behead civilians. The whole point of their kind of crime is to keep people guessing. They want us to be sure of nothing, quivering with anxiety and apprehension, unsure of what the tomorrow, or even the next minute will bring. If they can accomplish that, they can break the spirits of those whom they beseige, and once a nation's spirit is broken, the nation is lost.

Terrorism is as effective as it is vile, for bravery and grit are certainly not trademarks of our instant-gratification, if-it-feels-good-do-it culture. Terrorism attacks the spirits of those towards whom its wrath is directed, and spirit of our nation has been weakened. In WWII, our nation was strong, even in the face of several superpowers. Japan made a sneak attack with suicide bombers on Pearl Harbor and was a threat to our mainland, but still our spirits remained unbroken. Now, we are fighting against criminals using more radical forms of terrorism, bypassing soldiers at times in order to prey on civilians, and instead of being repulsed by the utter lack of conscience of those barbarians, we, in our spiritual brokenness, have those among us who would fight to appease and pacify our adversaries. There are those among us who would rather throw down our hunting rifles and offer the rabid terrorist animals a cookie than valiantly defend the cause of liberty.

This sickens me. Compassion, self-sacrifice, and strength of character have not been taught to those who preach modernized hippie-like liberalism. Instead, self-preservation, impulsiveness, and avoidance of accountability are what define our culture. No longer do we sympathize with the plight of millions of Christians and other demographic groups who are being brutally murdered by ruthless genocidal dictators around the world. Instead, we look to the impotent U.N. to condemn the actions of such despots, which is also often avoided, since the despots are often among the ranks of the U.N. itself. The United Nations is can no longer defend the world from the likes of those that it embraces. When terrorists and dictators enter the U.N. in greater and greater numbers, its ability to fight injustice and crime is diminished, until it reaches its present point, which is total uselessness.

In Iraq, there is still a flickering light. The Salvation Movement, a vigilante group in Iraq, has threatened Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a dangerous terrorist. I'm glad that this story got out; hopefully it will show America that we are actually doing a good thing and that there are still some people in the world who are willing to fight back against terrorism, even when America's liberals are not. Kudos to the Salvation Movement; they are doing something that an established democracy, because of some of its more reluctant members, cannot.

Terrorists don't give up when they meet with success. Period. Their goal is world domination, and they view the U.S. and Israel as their biggest enemies. If we give them a little bit of what they want, they will see our weakness and strive even harder to get more. We can continue to give them little pieces of what they want, and eventually, America will be no more. We can't give in to them now, or it will be harder to resist them later. Spain has given in and the Philippines have already given in (something that is understandable, considering the political turbulence there), and we must fight with all our strength to avoid succumbing to the terrorist dogs. If that means fighting unilaterally, so be it. Simply because everybody else is doing it (or in this case, not doing it), that doesn't make it right. We must fight terrorism, even alone if we have to. If no one else fights against terrorism, then our victory will be all the greater, for when everyone else was too scared or too stupid to fight for liberty, we stepped up to the plate and conquered.

Peace (through strength), y'all!


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At Sun Sep 12, 09:34:00 AM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

Just to correct your terminology so no one will think you're a raging liberal, your ideas that you have told me about are more conservative, perhaps, than even mine. However, your ideas do not strike me as being plausible right now, though a scorched-earth policy would be good...


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