Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Not Much Longer...

I realize that I haven't posted much lately, but please be patient; you haven't got much longer to wait. I am presently on the third draft of a rather lengthy thesis and am hoping to post it today or tomorrow. I can't make any promises, but it will be here soon.

Until then...

John Kerry is now on the campaign trail with his V.P. pick, John Edwards. Liberal Mommy seems quite happy about this, even though she didn't get what she wanted.

Personally, I think the choice was all right, but I had hoped Kerry would make this choice for his runningmate.

I still think that Bush is going to win. Edwards seems more in touch with reality than Kerry, but Kerry is so "out there" that I think he's unelectable. Remember what I said about his dreamworld where America is a third world country in need of inspiration from such enlightened countries as France?

I guess Kerry chose Edwards because people say he is good looking. The Americans are such a dumb people that many of us will vote for a person just because he is good looking (or in this case, because he has a good looking runningmate). Well, it doesn't matter. The White House is not gained by way of a fashion show; it is gained through an election which takes place in this place called reality, and Kerry is so absent from reality that he can't possible be elected. He does have a few followers of the "anyone-but-Bush" kind who will stick with him, but that's just because they have left the real world in favor of the one Kerry inhabits.

Maybe I'm wrong. What do you think? Can Kerry, with his new runningmate, beat Bush in November (a frightening prospect)? I shudder to even think about that. So tell me, what chance does Kerry have?


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At Wed Jul 07, 02:02:00 PM, Blogger D2M said...

Yeahm mean, look at Lincon! Not be mean, but that guy wasn't pretty by an stretch of the imagination. ^___^

At Wed Jul 07, 04:21:00 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

The VP doesn't really change people's mind about a candidate. I think.

At Thu Jul 08, 01:09:00 AM, Blogger LAURA A. WARMAN said...

I think Edwards was a brilliant choice for the VP. But, it wont get to many people to cahnges there minds. This is quite ignorant of me, but what kind of change can a VP make to a presidency?

At Mon Jul 12, 12:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edwards was a smooth move on Kerry's part. The average idiot out there apparently really does believe that Edwards is a balancing influence on the ticket. A few of them apparently heard that Kerry might be a little bit liberal... But all they have heard about Edwards is how nice he is! [frustrated sarcasm]

Have you ever heard him debate? Remember the democratic primaries? When he didn't want to answer a question he decided to attack Brit Hume(the guy who asked the perfectly relevant question - about his stance in Iraq, I think) personally. He refused to answer that question.... Instead he started screaming, "How dare you ask me a question like that Brit, when there are so many people in America who don't have enough to eat? Why won't you just leave the partisan stuff out of all this and let's talk about what matters! Let's talk about feeding and housing people...." etc, ad nauseum.

#4 most liberal, just as bad as Kerry (if not worse) about actually ever taking a stand... but the media is going to love letting him get away with being "the nice guy with the sweet accent"

do you wonder why I've been avoiding politics on my blog recently?

Amanda Strassner (i don't have a blogger account)


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