Sunday, July 04, 2004

Saddam and Kerry: Long Lost Brothers?

Saddam Hussein, in a hearing on Thursday, made a quite Kerry-like statement:

"You know that this is all a theater by Bush, the criminal, to help him with his campaign,"

Maybe Kerry and Saddam are long lost brothers; they seem to think a lot alike, considering they both lie and convince themselves that their lies are true. Or, Maybe Saddam has just been watching too many Michael Moore movies; he seems to think that he has done nothing wrong and that Bush is an evil dictator. Excessive Moore-watching would definately account for Saddam's willful ignorance. I still don't understand how someone like Saddam can refer to Bush as a criminal.

Seriously though, he's denying that he gassed the Kurds, and he tried to justify the invasion of Kuwait. I think he believes that he didn't do any of those things. Repeatedly, those in contact with him have referred to him as psychotic. Even over the course of the hearing, he experienced several mood swings. The man's a psycho!!

Ok, enough of that. Let's look at the facts:

We know that he murdered the Kurds, no matter what he says.

We know that he had WMDs, and there is much evidence that they are still in existence (it is widely believed that he shipped them out of Iraq at the last minute).

We know that he had WMDs because he used them on the Kurds.

We Know that there was a connection between al-Qaeda and Saddam. Here an excellent viewpoint on their connection.

We know that he defied authority by refusing to allow investigators into his country, making a mockery of the "Oil for Food" program, and ignoring the U.N. in its commands for him to destroy his WMDs.

We know that he invaded Kuwait in order to "give (his army) something to do" because he distrusted them.

We know that he and his officials (including his sons) beat, raped, tortured and killed civilians for entertainment.

We know that Saddam and his loyalists have a plan for destablizing Iraq.

These are all things that we know, and considering the immense loss of life at Saddam's hands (not to mention all of his other crimes), I would say that the death penalty is the only just punishment for such a vile man. I'm not the kind of person that goes around screaming for shoplifters to be executed, but some crimes against humanity simply must be punished.

He has been handed over to the Iraqis, so his fate is in their hands. I hope they have the presence of mind to remember what he did to them and to make the right choice about his punishment. It would be a true travesty of justice to let such a bloodthirsty villain live.


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At Sun Jul 04, 10:50:00 PM, Blogger D2M said...

Me too! Because if they don't kill him off now, he's going to find a way to get in contact with his loyalists, and they're gonna cause trouble. I just hope that outside governments will let them do it. After all that man has done to them, he deserves it.

Though someone could plead insanity on his part. ;)

At Sun Jul 04, 11:30:00 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

They'll hopefully find him guilty. The question is when.


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