Monday, January 30, 2006

Condi Tells It Like It Is

"'The United States is not prepared to fund an organization that advocates the destruction of Israel, that advocates violence and that refuses its obligations,' under an international framework for eventual Mideast peace, Rice said."

Thank you. If we're devoted to rooting out terrorists, terror organizations and those who fund terrorism, this would be a really bad time to get caught sending aid to Hamas. Europe, take note.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"Better Than Expected"

Better than who expected, exactly? But don't worry, anything that happens is probably the fault of those evil Israelis...

And Bush.

And global warming.

Whoops... wrong conspiracy theory.

Hamas Doing Better Than Expected in Palestinian Vote

Monday, January 16, 2006

Listen Up, and Listen Hard

Hark! Do you hear that sound? Quiet everyone, quiet! Listen!


Do you hear it yet? It's the sound of Liberals ignoring religious zealotry, intolerance, and a breach of the Separation of Church and State! I'm presently waiting for them to work themselves into an uproar, but so far, I've heard nothing. Here's what they should be angry about:

Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that "God is mad at America" and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting.

"Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country," Nagin, who is black, said as he and other city leaders marked Martin Luther King Day.

"Surely he doesn't approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses. But surely he is upset at black America also. We're not taking care of ourselves."

Nagin also promised that New Orleans will be a "chocolate" city again. Many of the city's black neighborhoods were heavily damaged by Katrina.

"It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild New Orleans — the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans," the mayor said. "This city will be a majority African American city. It's the way God wants it to be. You can't have New Orleans no other way. It wouldn't be New Orleans."

Now do you hear it? The silence on the Left is deafening. Nagin invoked the name of God. Strike one, and that's enough for the Left to jump on the back of any American politician (e.g. Roy Moore).

Nagin then claimed that this God he refers to must also be punishing America. Strike two, and that's enough for the Left to assail any American televangelist (e.g. Pat Robertson).

Finally, Nagin put on display his bigotry, again citing "God's will" in his wishes to make New Orleans a "chocolate" city once again. Desegregation, anyone? That's strike three, and I defy anyone who reads this to produce ONE reputable white Conservative who called for his city to become a "white chocolate" community, and yet managed to escape the ire of the Left.

I'm not horribly disappointed in Ray Nagin... I've known for some time now that he's a complete moron. Sure, I had no idea he was such a racist bigot, but his level of intelligence has been in question ever since Hurricane Katrina when he sent out fliers to tell the citizens that they were on their own. Everything just went downhill from there.

The surprising aspect of his comments, however, is that up to this point, he has gotten away with something no WASP ever could. He made racially bigoted comments, in God's name, from a position as an elected official. I, as a white Conservative, must be extremely cautious even if I'm simply noting a person's race, and I cannot invoke God's name without ridicule from some trollish commentor. Meanwhile, Nagin does both, and makes unsubstantiated jabs at the War in Iraq to boot! Where's the Left now? Why aren't they upholding the wall of Separation of Church and State? What happened to integration, racial tolerance, and a colorblind America?

Who's calling for this man's resignation?

No one. The Left is ignoring his antics, because he is a Leftist too. And that's what matters; it's not class, or age, or income, or race. To the Left, a person's politics are what determine the validity of his words and actions. Anything else is just a checkmark on a census sheet.

I'll be listening though... I would love a pleasant surprise from the Left. Maybe, for a change, they'll hold a member of their own ranks to the same standard they hold everyone else. I won't hold my breath, but I will be listening, and listening hard for any signs of consistency on the Left. It would be music to my ears.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Bunch of Silly Topics, Mostly Pertaining to My Blog

Yeah. That's the best title I could come up with for this post. I spent about 7 seconds thinking it up. Please don't hate me.

Topic #1: I am writing this post to you all, my faithful readers, because I have been very bad about not posting for quite a long time. I'm sorry about that... I've just had very little time, and little attention to devote to blogging. I also seem to be having trouble motivating myself to write the stuff that started me blogging in the first place: Politics. I still have all the opinions I used to have, but getting them out of my head and onto paper (or this glowing screen in front of me) has proven to be more difficult than in days past. It honestly feels like I'm thinking more, but simply writing less. What's wrong with me?!

Topic #2: My 250th post was published on January 6th... Yay me! I just pray I can make it to 500.

Topic #3: I have so many ideas for my blog! And for pretty much everything else... I have too many ideas, and too little time to turn any of them into reality. One such idea is to get a Movable Type blog... I've wanted one since I started blogging, and I'm considering asking for one on my birthday. Would you all continue to read if I moved? Also... I would love to start a podcast, because I think it might help me get out some of the opinions that I can't seem to get motivated to write about. Only problem is that I don't know where to start... or how to find the time. I guess that's just one more thing to consider doing, but never find time for. Maybe it should be my New Year's Resolution!

Topic #4: Check out my Stickam! It's the newest addition to my sidebar... you can use it to listen to music that I can't put on the player at the top of the screen! I'll change out the music every so often (it only plays 3 songs) so you can continually check out the songs in my music library! Also, you can use the Stickam to chat with me if I'm online! Give it a try, and if you like it, get one for yourself!

Topic #5: Tomorrow, on January 12, I'll be getting some of my braces off. My braces, which I've had for five or more years. And that's still not the end of my dental woes which I outlined in Lessons from the Orthodontist's Chair. It seems that my front three teeth are going to come out sometime before the end of January. Long story... I'll try to post it some time.

Topic #6: Mock Trial is awesome.

Topic #7: I don't have much more to write. I'm currently IMing two of my favorite people in the world, and we've a lot to talk about. Bye guys! I'll try to post something worth reading soon!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Not-So-New Year!

Please tell me, someone: is there a deadline for "happy new year" posts? Do they have to be submitted by January 1st, or do we get a week to post them? I don't really care. I'll say "Happy New Year" whenever I darn well please. So HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

In honor of the new year, which is completely inanimate and neither honorable nor dishonorable, I have made up my mind to NOT post New Years Resolutions.

Why? Because no one keeps them anyway. And if you do happen to keep your resolutions... Please don't tell me, I'm trying to live out the rest of my denial here! It makes me feel better.

So today, instead of posting a list of goals that I will forget about before Valentine's day, I'll post something else: A list of things I have learned through the past year. That's right, just because I'm a teenager, it doesn't mean I can't learn a lesson or two. Or twenty. So without further ado, I give you Neo's Lessons for the New Year!

  1. Guests, like fish, begin to stink after three days. After something like thirty days, it's just ridiculous.

  2. If the guests are old people who bathed once during their stay, the word "stink" is meant to be taken literally.

  3. If the guests slept in your room with their dogs... buy new sheets. And pillows. And lots of Febreze.

  4. A new mattress wouldn't hurt either.

  5. Xbox is better than Playstation 2. I'm sorry, I didn't believe it either...

  6. Nobody listens to the best bands or musicians.

  7. In order to be a successful music artist, one no longer needs to be a talented lyricist. Or musician. A loud bass guitar and some non-sensical/profane lyrics will suffice for most purposes.

  8. God is not "scientific" because He cannot be observed or experimented with; however, "dark matter" is an acceptable explanation for most inexplicable galactic phenomena.

  9. There is a reason that Latin is a dead language.

  10. The Iron Law of Blogging is as follows: The number of visitors a blog receives is directly proportional to the frequency of with which the administrator posts.

  11. Worldview Academy is the greatest place on earth, and every teenager who reads this should look into going.

  12. The Christian Faith, when examined, is more reasonable than any philosophy borne in the Age of Reason.

  13. Fedoras are the most wicked-awesome hats on the face of the earth. I want one.

  14. Simply taking Driver's Ed, passing the driving test and getting one's driver's license does not mean that one will be allowed to drive alone.

  15. Smart people who know that smart people do really dumb things still do really dumb things.

  16. Having one friend you can talk to is worth more than having ten friends who won't listen. To those friends: Thank you.

  17. Adults really need to stop lying to us teenagers: These are not the best years of our lives.

  18. A split-second decision in 2003 can lead to years of treatment and massive dental and orthodontic bills. Take it from someone who knows, people: When in doubt, just duck!

  19. Ignorance isn't really bliss... if it were, then most of the world would be unreasonably happy.

  20. The final lesson I learned this year: In blog awards, I'm still a third party candidate. And a darn good one at that!

So there you have it. Say, this might just become a Strangely Normal tradition, seeing as I've written a post like this two years in a row. Does that sound like a good idea... or at least, a little more entertaining than reading a list of things that I don't plan on doing for the next year?

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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