Friday, May 12, 2006

Top Baby Names

Jacob and Emily Still Top the U. S. Baby Name List.

This is because all the "Jacobs" out there are named after me. That's right, I'm famous.

And you're not.

Unless your name is Emily.

So uh... you want me to post something meaningful? Not right now...

I'm too busy being famous.


Please refrain from the use of foul language. Any failure to comply will result in comment deletion.


At Fri May 12, 06:28:00 PM, Blogger paradoxically correct said...

^_^ I feel snubbed.

So what if the highest popularity my real name (and the Spanish variation of it) has received is 142 on the 'most popular name' list?

I should be quiet before people find out my real name.

By the way, you've posted the URL to my blog incorrectly. It's Yes, I changed the blog name, but... hey. That's life. And hurrah, my paper was published there. *is busy being famous there*

At Fri May 12, 06:38:00 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

Aww man...that really stinks. My parents were so close to naming me Emily (I ended up with the name "Kristin" though). My brother was almost named Jacob too.

Anyways...have fun being "famous"!

At Fri May 12, 11:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah, I knew I was special(lol) Aye, I was eight years ahead of being famous and Neo, seeing as ye are "slightly" older than I am, I guess we are even more special because we weren't following the grove in the early nineties and late eighties. So yes, rising stars like us should find someone named Emily, in fact, I 'aven't come across anyone named Emily in years. Maybe I should get out more.


At Sat May 13, 01:11:00 AM, Blogger Kierstyn Paulino said...

LOL, well congrats....I guess. ;)

I like my name though, just because almost no one has it.


At Sat May 13, 02:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care if I have a famous name. If I were to have to choose my name I would try and pick one that not many people have... It would make me feel special and it would make me feel better. I hate for some one to call my name and suddenly 20 people turn around. lol

At Sun May 14, 03:59:00 AM, Blogger Emily said...

*does a dance*

I feel so honored everyone is naming their kids after me. =P

At Sun May 14, 08:22:00 AM, Blogger Lewis said...

My brother's name is Jacob...

'Course, my first name has been on a steady decline for about 30 years.

Oh well.

At Thu May 18, 12:50:00 PM, Blogger JAM said...

Listen Bucko! My name is John, and it has been for going on 44 years now. We once ruled the name world (at least in the English speaking world). And we will again some day soon. So enjoy your time at the top, what little of it there is. John will rule again! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!


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