Monday, April 03, 2006

No... Freakin'... Duh...

Sexually Charged Media Encourages Teenage Sexuality (from Y!News)

When I read the headline, I was struck speechless; not because I disagreed with it, mind you, but simply because I wondered what poor sap was so undecided on the issue of the media and teenage sex that he needed someone to study it. We can be reasonably certain, though, that this guy doesn't have kids.

Or a frightful overabundance of common sense.


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At Mon Apr 03, 07:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, it is good that they have finally realized it...I guess...It's weird that they made an article about it, because if you think about it, anyone could have figured that out, including me.

At Mon Apr 03, 07:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, so pretty much I'm the misfit amongst my friends for being a virgin. I mean, Grey's Anatomy is my favorite show and all, and I can't get enough of it. It's an hour long show. If you took out all the sex, you could probably get it down to about 45 minutes, depending on the episode. But if you took out all the sex, then it would take the fun double meaning out of the title.

(And speaking of sexually charged media) Narnia isn't the only movie coming out tommorow hahahahahaha. Brokeback Mountain comes out tommorow too. Wooow. Irony is like the greatest drug. Gah, movie night is going to be diverse this week.

At Mon Apr 03, 10:15:00 PM, Blogger Alexander Blair said...

And the sad thing is...our taxpayer dollars probably helped fund it. :P

At Tue Apr 04, 08:56:00 AM, Blogger RobertDWood said...



At Tue Apr 04, 10:51:00 AM, Blogger paradoxically correct said...

'"It took many studies over a number of years to establish that violence in the media increased children's violent behavior and to begin initiatives to reduce harmful effects," the study said.

"Given the consistent findings regarding media violence, it may be prudent not to wait decades to conclude that the media are also important sources of sexual norms for youth," it added.'

[insert blank stare at the author of the article]

Right on the money, Neo. No freakin' duh.

At Tue Apr 04, 05:53:00 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

You know what else encourages sexual activity in teens? Puberty.

At Tue Apr 04, 08:43:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

Haha thanks for reminding us...

At Wed Apr 05, 12:22:00 AM, Blogger Kierstyn Paulino said...

Oh wow.....thats...sad....

well ya know, there's a good reason I'm homeschooled and a good reason I don't watch much TV :)

At Tue Apr 11, 08:10:00 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

With total self control the human race would have died out a long time ago.

The Judeo-Christian philosophy also emphasizes a lot of things that most Christians today have decided to ignore.

In no way am I advocating 15 year olds go out and screw each other but it is only natural that some would given their physical and mental states. Kids have been having sex since the beginning of time; this is nothing new. Its more open and even more accepted today and sure there are more girls out there giving teenage boys BJs and not thinking its a big deal and if I had a daughter I wouldn’t like that one bit. But to outright blame it on Brittney Spears videos is a bit of a stretch. Actually, Ill bet teenagers in the late 60s were much more sexually active and open than today. They didn't have Mtv or the internet. You can look back to the 20s and see the same thing. This open attitude towards sexuality comes in waves and trends, just like the religious fundamentalist movements; In fact, one usually incites the other.

You could compare it to alcohol and teens. In a place like Germany teens are allowed to drink yet they rarely abuse it like we do here. The taboo that is placed on these activities activate teenagers curiosity more that it stifles it.

At Wed Apr 12, 08:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow....been some few days since I heard that fallacious libertine argument....
the hole in it are larger than the argument.
You yourself said "puberty" incites teens towards sexual activity. Now you say "the taboo actually causes more activity".
In the words of a character from "O Brother, Where Art Thous";

That don't make no sense. Given hormonal proclivity towards an action (i.e.: an innate drive, or urge), your contention that to allow, even condone, indulgence is specious. Totally without merit. It is simply a tired libertine argument that has been used since, probably, the days of Abraham in one guise or another.
I've never been impressed with your "arguments", but this one is more tired than the rest.

"Them Sireens done loved him up, and now they've turned him into a Toad!"

At Wed Apr 12, 04:32:00 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

So what are you saying, puberty doesn't make kids horny, that when someone tells you something is bad and not to do it that you don't become more curious about it?

Why do you think Eve ate the apple?

At Wed Apr 12, 04:42:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

"The Judeo-Christian philosophy also emphasizes a lot of things that most Christians today have decided to ignore."

That talking point is getting old... but alas, I won't address it here, we can deal with that another time.

I'd just like to thank you, Toad, for your restraint in this discussion. You've been downright agreeable lately, even if I don't agree with what you have to say.

Carry on! :-)

At Thu Apr 13, 09:23:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although the truth is obvous to all but the intentionally obtuse, for the sake of argument, I'll elaborate.
"Given hormonal proclivity towards an action (i.e.: an innate drive, or urge), "
What part of that statement can you possibly mis-construe to think that I was denying that the onset of puberty awakens sexual desires?
As far as societal prohibitions causing more "curiosity", actual observation of children during the different phases of life shows that the curiosity is there, even before the ability to recognize any societal prohibitions. The libertine philosophy that the best way to deal with sexual activity among teens is to "educate" them and arm them with prophylactics is patently absurd. It is rooted in the flawed, hedonistic idea that sexual activity is fine, as long as pregnancy does not occur. It does not take into account the underlying emotional and spiritual damage that comes with unrestrained indulgence of physical urges.
As far as teen sexual activity in the 60s being more common than it is today, just read any reputable study of societal trends, and lay that one quickly to rest.
Why did Eve eat the apple? Because Mankind is given freewill and a choice to make. Without it, our primary cosmic purpose (worship and fellowship with the Creator) would be as meaningless as love notes written to oneself.
We can choose to live righteously, (oftimes against our fleshly desires), or choose to walk according to our desires.
To contend that the behavioural standards of society have not been driven downward as a result of the last 40 years or so of media onslaught is another indication of the ostrich syndrome.
I guess all those advertising people need to pack up their stuff and quit selling airtime, if media cannot influence behaviour. I find it hard to believe that anyone with any kind of observational skills could possibly try to make the case that media has not contributed to lesser moral standards of society as a whole, much less the most vulnerable demographic.

At Thu May 11, 03:47:00 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

You should see this study regarding internet "sex" searches. It seems the most sexually repressive areas of the world end up with the most searches for sex. Like I was saying, when you forbid somoeone to do something it makes them want to do it more; the more taboo the greater the attraction, especially in teenagers.


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