Why Read the Headlines?
Really folks, what's the point of even reading the headlines on Yahoo! News anymore? Is it just so we can say "Hey look honey, Muslim radicals killed fifteen more people today?"
So maybe this murderous lot isn't the majority of Muslims. Maybe they are; the fact is, I don't really care. Until the moderate Muslims start speaking up and take the lead in finding and eliminating the radicals, I refuse to refer to Islam as the "Religion of Peace." As long as violent individuals keep blowing things up in the name of Allah, undeterred by the peaceful segment of the population I can find no reason to be nice about the whole thing.
I mean, come on... Somebody drew a blasphemous picture of Allah, and the WHOLE MUSLIM WORLD is in a state of turmoil! Like little children or wild monkeys (the more appropriate comparison), these people simply don't operate like normal human beings! There have been caricatures of Jesus and Buddha, Darwin and Freud, but never did the followers of these individuals take offense and begin to blow things up! Only when Muhammad is the subject of ridicule do the massacres start.
Christians and Muslims alike have been killed in the name of Allah. Westerners and Arabs, young and old have been tortured and decapitated at the hands of Islamic baboons, and still, there are no riots in the street. No angry mobs protest Muslim-on-Muslim violence, and certainly they do not grow outraged over Muslim-on-Westerner violence. Then, when someone makes a cartoon of Muhammad, the weeks and months following its publication lead to worldwide violence and massacres of innocent victims, many of whom have never even seen the offending cartoon. How's that for reasoning?
From the Left, I've heard about how the problem isn't really Islam... No, they say, the real issue here is fundamentalism. Fundamentalism is a stripped-down version of a religion... one that relies only on the "fundamentals," so to speak, to determine its doctrine. Of course, no person would adhere to Islamic Fundamentalism of their own volition... Usually, a fundamentalist is an otherwise reasonable person who finds himself in unfamiliar, unfriendly, and unstable conditions (such as are present across the entire Muslim World), and must rely on this stripped-down version of his faith to give him stability and purpose.
So you see? These violent people aren't really that bad... They're just victims of poverty and the despotic regimes that lord over them. And besides, they're basically the same as the fundamentalist Christians in this country, like Pat Robertson! Fundamentalism is always bad, and Christian fundamentalism is our responsibility. That's the way the argument was put to me by my Comparative Politics professor.
Nevermind the fact that Christian "fundamentalists" have nothing in common with Muslim fundies... economically, behaviorally, rhetorically, or socially! Nevermind the fact that you're free to wear your "Jesus is my Homeboy" shirt to the local mall without someone hacking your head off with a machete. Fundamentalism is bad, and some Christians have been called "Fundamentalists." Therefore, Christian "Fundamentalists" are like radical Muslims!
I love the smell of an association fallacy in the morning.
The truth is, the problem IS Islam; or rather, the problem is what seems to be the predominant type of Islam. Whether this radical sect really is more common, or simply more vocal, I do not care. Poverty or no poverty, fundamentalism or no fundamentalism, religion or no religion, INSULT or NO INSULT, no group of people has the right to riot and massacre innocents because somebody offended them by putting a bomb on the head of their favorite prophet.
Nothing can excuse the actions of these Muslims. Nothing can change the fact that they commit their atrocities in the name of Allah. All that can now justify any form of Islam is for the moderates to stand up and stop their violent brothers. If they fail to do so, they make themselves as bad as those who murder innocents, and give credence to the cartoon that sparked the Muslim World's latest outburst.
So here's an idea... Muslim violence is likely to continue for years to come, as will the War on Terror. So, by January 1st, 2007, if there is still no significant and vocal Moderate Muslim resistance, the West can make the justified generalization that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, and is free to conquer and subjugate the Muslim World as they see fit. If the moderates do not organize and speak up by the beginning of next year, then we can reasonably assume that they do not exist in any significant numbers, and can then crush the violent movement unencumbered.
Sound rough? Consider it, for the countless innocent victims of Islamic Extremism.
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Yeah exactly!
How come They can make fun of Christ all over the world. but when some denmark people make fun of Mohammed....the entire world is amyss?
something is seriously wrong there....
I whole heartedly agree, Neo. I like that 'Jesus is my Homeboy' t-shirt point. Man those shirts drive me up the wall.
But God says we should have self-control over our anger...and 'vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay' etc etc.
Which is what I like about Christianity...it's civil.
Great thoughts.
Although there are muslims that are pretty derned angry at the violent muslims, and in the local circles, they speak out against them. Just not the prominent ones.
yeah. like i said in my most recent post:
Christianity is the only religion that actually makes sense.
"Which is what I like about Christianity...it's civil."
It's only civil if you want it to be. I'd say that's the problem with humanity as a whole. Things like the Crusades and the Inquisition, and their equivalents in other religions. People taking an idea and applying it to their situation, taking it completely out of context. To avoid being called a hypocrite, I will admit that I myself haven't read the Bible as a whole, so everytime I quote it I run the risk of taking it out of context. What makes me different than people like these rioters is the fact that I've never killed anyone over the fact that I don't find something like premarital sex offensive, or that I didn't try and kill Mel Gibson after that snuff film he made about Jesus.
Don't assume that every action taken by a Christian is Christ led or that they are even in relationship w/Christ. There will be those who say "Lord, didn't I cast out demons in your name?" and Christ will reply, "Depart from me, I never knew you."
Very True
Great point Mrs. K.....total agreement.
Great post Neo. I'm in total agreement. I find that Islam has two faces: one is the peaceful one, one is the violent one. THe peaceful side with deny the violent one, and sometimes condone it. But the violent is Islam. Mohammed the prophet (may his bones be found) wrote what he wanted in the Suras, often contradicting himself. His Islam was a violent Islam. His Islam is the Islam that's being accepted and promoted all over the world. And our peaceful Christianity - civil, mind you - is being kicked out on its ear. Any discrepancies? ^_^
Open Mouth, why on EARTH don't you have a blog? And... do I know you from anywhere?
The character of Islam is laid out for us in Genesis 16:10-12. As to the persecution of Christians, it's been prophesied. The unregenerate will always prefer the darkness to the light. No surprises.
The Bible has various parts in the old testament about stoning people to death for various things, yet most Christians (And Jews, for that matter) are considered peaceful.
Considered peaceful, because most of us ARE peaceful. The sad, deluded few who would bomb abortion clinics or otherwise use tactics of the enemy (such as the authors of "GodHatesFags.com)to accomplish their version of "Kingdom" work are recognized as delusional by the vast majority of Christians, and denounced as fringe and not representative of Christianity. The majority of influencial Islamic spokesmen, on the other hand, are largely silent on the subject of the cowardly barbarians in their midst, offering only the occasional weak "Islam is a religion of peace" statement.
On the subject of Old Testament declarations;
Studious Christians soon recognize that there is a theme of progressive revelation that runs through the Bible, in that the implacable, omniscient, all consuming Nature of God is revealed (inasmuch as it can be comprehended) in stages, progessively, from Genesis through Revelations. The awful, stark, harsh cost of sin and the horrible price of the wrath of Jehovah can only be paid by the price of a blood sacrifice.
This awful, inexorable drive toward ultimate justice in the Nature of God, is only exceeded by his Love for us, his creation. Because of his Love for us, he sent his only Son to first exhibit to us the grace and mercy side of His nature by his ministry, (thereby superceding all of the harsh edicts concerning judgement and atonement prior to His sacrifice) and then, to willingly die and provide the only true atonement to cover the errors of humanity, if only that atonement is aknowledged and accepted. Then, the ultimate victory over sin and death is exhibited (and confirmation of the Devine nature of Christ), by his resurrection from the grave. Wow, it seems I've rambled.
At any rate, the need for Old Testament punishments was done away with by the New Covenant.
Good call, Mrs. K. I'm really surprised more people don't note that point about the Ishmaelite prophecy.
wow, this was a great read, the post and the comments!
this is the fact. if you're religion is not from God it's from the Devil and Satan only wants more people in hell. he'll do anything, right now islam works really good for him, when it doesn't anymore he'll find something else.
Great blog, neo! You are right. They are overreacting just a little bit... to draw a picture of Mohammed is considered blasphmey, (did I spell that right?) AND, they think it is okay to persecute people of other religion if they don't believe in Allah. Not God, Allah. Also, they think they will encounter food, wine, and virgins, and lots of them, oops, no wait, each man gets seven each.
wow. Also, mohammed wasn't the greatest guy in the world. During his life, lots os people wanted him dead, and he led lots of battles against towns who didn't agree with what he wanted. It's not the greatest religion in the world. Believe me, I'm not rooting for them, they're crazy...
"Jesus Christ was walking down a San Francisco street one day and he saw two homosexuals kissing.
Naturally, he became enraged and killed the two instantly with his Super Jesus Powars!"
And you're not going to kill me for saying that. Yay for freedom of speech!
Most liberals, I would guess, support freedom of speech and are outraged at the whole Cartoon Fiasco. There are some somewhat worrying people who seem to think that The Oppressed Brown Peoples can Do No Wrong, For They Are Oppressed By Western Imperialism... but they're in the minority.
I don't even feel the cartoons were in particularly bad taste, though I wouldn't have published cartoons like that if I knew it was going to cause people to get hurt. I'll make fun of whoever's religon I please, even if they do happen to be Oppressed Brown People. Or Good Southern Christians like y'self.
God bless y'all! God bless America! And God bless the Oppressed Brown Peoples of this Earth!
Nice to hear from the underside of the globe.....been a while, Locos Amigo.
Nice analogy. The main thing that sticks out about the perceived liberal response to this latest Muslim inanity is the deafening silence from those who typically shriek most shrilly about any petty (by comparison) Christian faux pas.
I wonder what the allahheads would do if someone pointed out in public print the purported pedophiliac tendencies of their grand poohbah?
Maybe they would have reached critical mass and simply imploded, leaving the world a safer and better place.
LOL Locos Amigo? I don't think I'll touch that...
Glad to hear from you, LoneAmigo! You're spot-on with your comment. Interestingly, my Comparative Politics professor last semester was one of those who speaks on behalf of those Brown People Oppressed by Western Imperialism... that made for an interesting class, I must say.
Nice job! I enjoyed reading a good breakdown of one of the many fallacies I read every day in the news. Thanks for taking the initiative, and keep articles like this one coming!!!!
In concern to Clive Dangerously.
"It's only civil if you want it to be. I'd say that's the problem with humanity as a whole. Things like the Crusades and the Inquisition, and their equivalents in other religions. People taking an idea and applying it to their situation, taking it completely out of context."
I'm not sure what your ideas of the Crusades and Inquisition are. I have studdied the Crusades a bit and have found the ideas people have of them are many times wrong. Many modern misconceptions are things such as the Crusades were for money, furthering Christianity by the sword, or just plain profit of land and goods. In fact the Crusaders were very poor and the empire didn't pay their depts for a very long time. Crusaders didn't get even enough money to pay ther depts (considering they put their own money into going) from the little booty they received. Islam was expanding into Europe and something had to be done or the Muslims would take the world! First Crusade: save brothers from the Turks and Muslims which were invading. Second Crusade: defend Europe from total conquer! Many don't know but the Muslim expantion didn't end untill between the 1600's and 1800's. An really, the expansion is still happening. The Muslim Jihad was the reason for expanding into Europe. Muslims didn't send missionaries, they sent warriors! For 1000 year Muslims have been trying to take the world for Allah and won't stop for anything. In truth, the Crusades were defencive on the Crusaders part! The Muslims thought (and still think) they were doing Gods will and veiwed the Crusaders as offinsive. They were not. Now, for the Inquisition. I have not studied this much at all so I won't say much. I do know that it was a large amout of the state using the church, but not all Christians were part of it. To say all Christians were part of something like this and that is how they are is a hasty generalisation and I can't stand it! Now you said you are not offended by unmerital sex? The body is not ment for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 1 Corinthians 6:13, Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take take the memmbers of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? never! 1 Corinthians 6:15, Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside the body, but he who sins sexualy sins against his own body. Do you not know the your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therfore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Of course, the whole freedom of speech thing doesn't just apply to my criticisms of Christianity. In order to be fully supportive of freedom of speech:
-People get to swear in music, movies, games, whatever. Sure, slap a ratings system on it. Whatever.
-People get to read Harry Potter.
-People get to play D&D.
I'm confused. Call me behind on world politics. Call me what you will. Why do we pretend to understand a world we clearly know little about? So many assessments of what's going on with the Muslim people overseas from us nice North American folk.
Can we really make a fair assessment of why some divisions of the Muslim community have chosen to keep quiet about the riots? Can we really characterise them as evil invading forces and play up the Crusades as white Europe just doing its civic duty to protect itself? There are so many more angles to consider.
We're very ready to say "You don't catch Christians forming violent riots when someone makes fun of them." We're really referring to ourselves, however, in our relatively peaceful, stable, cultural majority. Not that I'm condoning violence for any reason, but I haven't heard anyone theorize as to why these particular Muslims in Denmark were so high strung as to explode into violence when faced with the mocking of their prophet. Or rather, the closest thing to a theory I've heard seems to sum up Islam as either a tool of Satan to tempt the faithful away from Christianity, or as simple purveyors of insanity. No one has considered social conditions, geographic conditions, historical background. What is it like to be a Muslim in Denmark, or even Western Europe, in the first decade of the 21st century? Why do they live in Denmark/Western Europe in the first place? What does Europe think of this? My theory goes something like this: The Muslim presence in Europe is a relatively new one. The migration of Muslim people to tradition-heavy countries around Europe has made many Europeans uncomfortable. It has made the Muslims themselves uncomfortable. They are in their infancy in these countries. The Danes, or the French, or whoever, have hundreds or thousands of years of history in these places. They have deep-rooted culture. They resent newcomers to their country. This is nothing new, not even to us North Americans. Our history is full of intolerance towards immigrants and newcomers (the Irish, African-Americans, Latin-Americans, and more). In an environment of this kind of insecurity, the Danish have performed a lousy, immature act. They published a crappy little cartoon mocking a Muslim prophet. It was perfectly within their rights to do it, even if it wasn't particularly sensitive to the issues... but then, in a situation where racism towards the Muslim people abounds, why would they be sensitive? Some of the Muslim people there, going along with the infancy theme, threw a tantrum. And what is a tantrum? I'd say a violent cry for attention. Uncalled for, unproductive, over the top, noisy... but in reaction to something, too. There's no question: they overreacted. But what are they overreacting to? The freedom of speech of the Danish? I doubt it.
A true anecdote (you'll have to take my word on it) that hints at the general feeling towards Muslim people in Western Europe:
A friend of mine travelled through Europe on an orchestra tour, playing violin. One morning, at the home of one of the orchestra members, one of the guests at the house cracked open a raw egg and ate it whole (a family breakfast tradition of his). His girlfriend, a local girl, protested this act vocally, indicating "les Arabs" as a reason to abstain from eating any further raw eggs. The implication was that, because the eggs came from chicken farms run by Muslim families, the eggs would be soiled and unhealthy. This is a common point of view stemming from considerable strain between the white French community and the Muslim community living in many regions of France. The situation in France is not much different from that in Denmark, and likely many other European countries.
This, from my limited experience, is what I suspect some of this might be based on. I'd be interested to hear reaction to it.
Well, I have to say that in no means was I saying ANYONE is infallible. I'm sure there were those in the Crusades on both sides which had veiws differant then thought. And there are still people today who say things that are wrong. But it is true that in those times people thought about things differantly. But off of that now. It is partly true that the Muslim presence in Europe is new. But as I said earlier, their expansion into Europe from the Crusades didn't really end untill 16-1800's with them starting nearly hundreds to even a thousand years ago. It started by them taking land in their local areas. Now, I'm not saying they are the only ones who have taken other people's land or tried too. Many have. And I'm not saying the Crusasders were totaly inosent. But the Muslim preasence in Europe is not that new.
Not that new, but the presence of large communities of muslim people in cities like Paris and Arhus is definitely new. It's a similar situation to that of the large wave of Irish immigrants coming to New York City when previously there had been only a trickle. All of a sudden, entire communities of people with a foreign culture are right there, in your backyard, and they need work and food and shelter. These sorts of situations have historically bred unrest between those that were there before the immigrants in question came and the immigrants themselves.
I couln't agree more.
I find it rather dicusting that we are expected to remain civil and behave inteligently when these Islamic throwbacks to primates are acting like damned bloody ignorant apes and we are suposed to be ok with it.
You cant tell me the so called Islamic moderates have no idea who in their communities the extreamists are.
If they wont handle the problem and it continues to spread I guess that justifies our using the steam roller
option to solve it.
I couln't agree more.
I find it rather dicusting that we are expected to remain civil and behave inteligently when these Islamic throwbacks to primates are acting like damned bloody ignorant apes and we are suposed to be ok with it.
You cant tell me the so called Islamic moderates have no idea who in their communities the extreamists are.
If they wont handle the problem and it continues to spread I guess that justifies our using the steam roller
option to solve it.
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