Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Not-So-New Year!

Please tell me, someone: is there a deadline for "happy new year" posts? Do they have to be submitted by January 1st, or do we get a week to post them? I don't really care. I'll say "Happy New Year" whenever I darn well please. So HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

In honor of the new year, which is completely inanimate and neither honorable nor dishonorable, I have made up my mind to NOT post New Years Resolutions.

Why? Because no one keeps them anyway. And if you do happen to keep your resolutions... Please don't tell me, I'm trying to live out the rest of my denial here! It makes me feel better.

So today, instead of posting a list of goals that I will forget about before Valentine's day, I'll post something else: A list of things I have learned through the past year. That's right, just because I'm a teenager, it doesn't mean I can't learn a lesson or two. Or twenty. So without further ado, I give you Neo's Lessons for the New Year!

  1. Guests, like fish, begin to stink after three days. After something like thirty days, it's just ridiculous.

  2. If the guests are old people who bathed once during their stay, the word "stink" is meant to be taken literally.

  3. If the guests slept in your room with their dogs... buy new sheets. And pillows. And lots of Febreze.

  4. A new mattress wouldn't hurt either.

  5. Xbox is better than Playstation 2. I'm sorry, I didn't believe it either...

  6. Nobody listens to the best bands or musicians.

  7. In order to be a successful music artist, one no longer needs to be a talented lyricist. Or musician. A loud bass guitar and some non-sensical/profane lyrics will suffice for most purposes.

  8. God is not "scientific" because He cannot be observed or experimented with; however, "dark matter" is an acceptable explanation for most inexplicable galactic phenomena.

  9. There is a reason that Latin is a dead language.

  10. The Iron Law of Blogging is as follows: The number of visitors a blog receives is directly proportional to the frequency of with which the administrator posts.

  11. Worldview Academy is the greatest place on earth, and every teenager who reads this should look into going.

  12. The Christian Faith, when examined, is more reasonable than any philosophy borne in the Age of Reason.

  13. Fedoras are the most wicked-awesome hats on the face of the earth. I want one.

  14. Simply taking Driver's Ed, passing the driving test and getting one's driver's license does not mean that one will be allowed to drive alone.

  15. Smart people who know that smart people do really dumb things still do really dumb things.

  16. Having one friend you can talk to is worth more than having ten friends who won't listen. To those friends: Thank you.

  17. Adults really need to stop lying to us teenagers: These are not the best years of our lives.

  18. A split-second decision in 2003 can lead to years of treatment and massive dental and orthodontic bills. Take it from someone who knows, people: When in doubt, just duck!

  19. Ignorance isn't really bliss... if it were, then most of the world would be unreasonably happy.

  20. The final lesson I learned this year: In blog awards, I'm still a third party candidate. And a darn good one at that!

So there you have it. Say, this might just become a Strangely Normal tradition, seeing as I've written a post like this two years in a row. Does that sound like a good idea... or at least, a little more entertaining than reading a list of things that I don't plan on doing for the next year?


Please refrain from the use of foul language. Any failure to comply will result in comment deletion.


At Fri Jan 06, 05:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I agree with the fedora thing! :-)

At Fri Jan 06, 08:20:00 PM, Blogger RobertDWood said...

"Xbox is better than Playstation 2. I'm sorry, I didn't believe it either... "

Der, it has KOTOR.

"The Iron Law of Blogging is as follows: The number of visitors a blog receives is directly proportional to the frequency of with which the administrator posts."

I must strongly disagree. Pushing Back posts just about every day, and our daily hit count is 10-15. I dunno what you get, but I'll bet it's higher.

At Sat Jan 07, 01:34:00 AM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

"These are not the best years of our lives."

I have to agree with YOU Neo. I would never go back. In fact - the years get better as I go along.

At Sat Jan 07, 11:01:00 AM, Blogger Deeapaulitan said...

*speaking as an adult on her way to being an elderly guest, I will promise to shower every day and even change the sheets if I stay longer than a week.
*I own 2 fedoras.
*The best years of your life are when the kids are all out of the house and you still have some $$ after paying for college and the house all to yourselves! Teen age years are nice, but being your own person without too much concern over bills & someone to share it with are the shizzang! kind of years ...

At Sat Jan 07, 11:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say it looks as if you learned a lot this year! I totally agree with the best years of our lives thing. I wonder if teenagers had it easier in the 60's and 70's?
Don't to NARNIA! lol

At Sat Jan 07, 07:12:00 PM, Blogger Kaitlin said...

I couldn't agree with Lesson 9 more! Happy New Year Neo! :-)

At Sun Jan 08, 07:52:00 PM, Blogger IchobanaRose said...

friends are worth their weight and more in gold. You're a great one.

as to the xbox vs playstation: at least you are allowed a game system.

At Mon Jan 09, 01:02:00 AM, Blogger Matt said...

I'll grant you that an Xbox is bett than a PS2 but a decent comp will kick the crud out of both up the street and around the block.

At Tue Jan 10, 10:50:00 AM, Blogger Matt Ahearn said...

LOL!!!! Thanks for visiting my blog!

At Sun Jan 15, 12:39:00 PM, Blogger Sean said...

8. God is not "scientific" because He cannot be observed or experimented with; however, "dark matter" is an acceptable explanation for most inexplicable galactic phenomena.

True on the God front. God/religion is not scientific because it fails most criteria for something being science. I don't suppose that means there is no God, by any stretch, just that there is no scientific evidence for it. Dark matter, however, is a much grayer area. You described it in such a way that suggested scientists treat the stuff as if it were the final answer. Really, dark matter is just an idea based on observed phenomenon that hasn't effectively been explained yet. Sort of like gravity, or the way astronomers deduce that there's probably a tenth planet zipping around the outer reaches of our solar system: We can't see it, but we've measured many of its effects. No doubt, as science advances in the realm of astrophysics and the like, "dark matter" will be modified or replaced with a more appropriate theory. Until then, it's the best we've got.


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