Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A Prayer

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule,
For this great nation under God
Finds public mention of Him odd,

Any prayer a class recites
Now violates the bill of rights;
Any time my head I bow
Becomes a federal matter now.

Teach us of stars, of pole and equator
But make no mention of their Creator;
Tell us of exports to Denmark and Sweden
But not a word of what Eve did in Eden

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise:
Praying out loud is no longer nice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
We may only pray quietly, that it may catch no one’s ear,
But we may spout out profanities for all to hear.

In silence alone can we meditate
And if God gets the credit... great!
This rule, however has a catch in it:
You must be finished in less than a minute.

So in this minute, God, I pray
That you’ll sustain me through the day;
For Lord I know that you see all
That happens in these crowded halls.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth control,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So Lord, this silent plea I make:
If knifed in school, my soul You'll take.


Monday, November 29, 2004

What Kind of Blogger Are You?

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few

Monday, November 22, 2004

Civil Rights: Protecting the Uncivilized

We're not dealing with people, here, we're dealing with animals.

Oh, how many times have I heard it said? "We shouldn't detain people if they're not sure they're actually terrorists!" Well look at what terrorists do! Now don't you even try to tell me that we shouldn't take extra caution when dealing with the group of people who turn out the VAST majority of the world's terrorists. They murder people at home, and they fly planes into buildings abroad.

For every one innocent suspect we detain and investigate, 100 innocent people have been raped, sodomized, beaten, and executed by our enemies around the world. INNOCENT PEOPLE. The rooms mentioned in the story I linked to are real. These things happen, and normal human beings don't commit these atrocities. Only a savage animal, one with no regard for law and order, could bring *it*self to act in this manner. And they're savage animals that we strive against.

No matter how hard you try, no matter what hardships you suppose these people--I mean, things--have endured, you can't justify their actions. The severity of what they have done is in no way made acceptable by the fact that America supports Israel, or that Israel wants to keep her land. You can't say that these people have a right to act as they do; they may or may not have a right to be angry, but their actions are despicable, and should be stopped and punished.

The actions of these animals make them unworthy of whatever mankind has the ability to give them; money, asylum, protection under the law: All these things are luxuries that were forfeited by the terrorists when they refused to respect the law, and the inherent rights of mankind. It is insanity to continue defending the rights of people who don't believe in rights! Pardon these criminals, see how they repay mankind! Explosions, massacres, fanaticism and bigotry, that's all these animals know, and if you protect their rights, they're going to continue in their old ways. That's all they know to do, and that's all they care to do. And that's all they will do, if they are given the rights of a normal human being.

I'm SICK AND TIRED of people who are actually so concerned about a few people's freedom being suspended during an investigation that they'd actually permit thousands of other human beings to be killed, 9/11 style. Again.

Wasn't it proven on 9/11 that if you aren't safe, you'll be sorry? And didn't everyone decide, including America's liberals, that it's generally a good idea to be safe? Then why in blue blazes don't they want us to be safe? You can't be safe by affording terrorists the same rights you give everyone else, and you certainly aren't going to be safe if you just ignore the cause of the problem!

FACT: Muslims turn out most of the world's terrorists, especially the ones who have a grudge against the USA.

FACT: Most Muslims are of Arab or North African descent.

FACT: If you don't check these individuals closely, the terrorists among them WILL ATTACK AMERICA.

So, uh, why don't the liberals want us to "profile" in order to make sure we stay safe? Do they really want the bad guys to win, in the name of those causes they claim to champion, human rights and civil rights? Call me crazy, but I think that if you are fighting for the rights of mass murderers to continue their hobbies unabated, then it means you really have no concept of right and wrong. If you're protecting the "rights" of terrorists, while leaving the innocent out in the cold, you probably need to rethink some things (or just go live with the terrorists, provided you don't mind wearing a burka and submitting to tyranny). Since this is essentially a war between the psychopaths and their targets, the fanatics and the innocent, the right and the wrong, I'd say that liberals really have no authority to speak on any subject relating to the War on Terror. They're just a little too confused to tackle such a subject.

Because I know that some poor chap will immediately accost me after I post this, attempting to enlighten me to the fact that not all Muslims are terrorsts, I will go ahead and tell you what I know. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists (specifically the ones we have to worry about) are Muslims. And, since Muslims belong mostly to a couple of specific ethnic groups, I see no problem in screening these groups more intensely than we would screen other, non-threatening groups.

And at this point somebody will try to lift me from my slough of ignorance, informing me that we tried this during WWII with the Japanese. However, I'm not advocating concentration camps! I AM advoctating, however, the use of closer screening methods. If someone has a suspicious background, we shouldn't be afraid to detain them. In fact, we'd be stupid not to. If someone is a suspected terrorist, but is allowed to romp and frolick about our country while we investigate his past and his intentions, we could very well regret it. While we're figuring out what he means to do here, he'll let us know in no uncertain terms, if he is a terrorist, and by that time, it will be too late. And the whole point of investigating this suspect is to keep him from hurting us. So really, is it so bad to detain suspects?

Everyone is so worried about the FBI detaining people who aren't actually guilty. What they must understand, however, is that being detained isn't the punishment for guilty people, and it's no crime to detain someone who's suspected of being guilty. Conviction is the punishment. How can we convict someone we can't investigate, and how can we keep them from causing trouble while we investigate them, if we aren't allowed to detain them? For goodness sake, no one's going to be detained unless there is enough evidence against them to cause concern for the safety of the public! The FBI has no reason to arrest you if you don't appear to pose a threat.

At this point, some well-meaning person will inform me of a horror story that somebody forwarded them, about the evils of our law enforcement, and how no one is safe while the law enforcement is out. Somebody needs to get the people who believe like this out of Nazi Germany; the FBI is not the Gestapo. They generally act rationally. They generally act when they have evidence to support an action. If evidence supports an action, then don't accuse them of brutality for acting. Brutality is found in Iraqi rape rooms, not American law enforcement offices.

I, for one, want to be safe. I want those around me to be safe. We are innocent. For whatever reason, though, the liberals would rather keep a few suspicious people from being inconvenienced than keep thousands of innocent people safe. If the suspicious person is innocent, well then, good for him. If he's guilty, good for us; that means we're safe... But not if we can't keep the suspect from wreaking havoc while we investigate him. I'd rather a few innocent people be inconvenienced than a thousand innocent people die. That's common sense. Unfortunately, the liberals hold somewhat different values.

Whose side are they on, anyway?

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition

Just for your information, I'm going to attempt to update some things on my blog... It could take a day or it could take several days. It all depends on how much time I have to devote to my blog.

I'm going to try to update my links list, and I'm hopefully going to be able to organize it a bit more. I've noticed that my sidebar is cluttered and needs a major renovation, so hopefully I can fix it. Also, if you link to me, you just might get a link in return...

Wow, I hope I can get rid of some of that clutter, and dang it, why is it that every time I fiddle with my template, my "I power Blogger" button goes to the wrong place? I didn't mess with anything that was even CLOSE to that button! *sigh* Oh well, I'll survive.

Stand by for some sidebar changes...


Finally! It's finished! I finally got my links back up, and I've added a description after my blogfriends' blogs, 'cause I'm a nice guy. I'm a bit annoyed, though, because some things (like the "Powered by Blogger" button) tend to drift to the bottom of the page, even though I put them on the sidebar... Oh well. I've lived with it for this long, so I figure I'll make it a little longer. Would you believe this took me more than an hour and half straight? I need some HTML classes...

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

First Thing's First...

Reliant has brought to my attention that 2nd degree murder is not pre-meditated. Therefore, I retract what I originally said about the murder of Scott Peterson's unborn child being premeditated.

Of course, the child's right to life has still been recognized by the murder ruling, but as 2nd degree murder, it's not judged to be premeditated. Thanks to Reliant for the correction.


Here's a walkthrough of how to add links to your blog. I hope it helps, Way2many...

Monday, November 15, 2004

Pro-Lifers, REJOICE!

It's official! Scott Peterson has been declared GUILTY of the murder of his wife. I knew he was guilty...

But that's not the best part.

Scott Peterson has also been declared guilty of the murder of his unborn son!


Justice has finally been served, after almost two years. I am thrilled that justice is finally being served after Laci's death. However, there is another great cause for rejoicing.

The jury in this trial has acknowledged the right to life of an unborn child. An unborn child who would have inconvenienced his father. If the father can't destroy that sacred life because it would inconvenience him, then how can the mother? Perhaps this will help out our cause a bit...

Abortion kills.

43 million babies and counting would tell you so. But they can't. Their lives have been cut short. And for many of them, it's not because of rape. It's not because of incest. It's not because the baby is deformed. It's not because the mother was in danger. The vast majority of the children killed by abortion procedures are killed simply because a mother made a stupid decision and she wants to get rid of the consequences.

And now, that has finally been recognized for what it is. It has finally been called "murder." No, the actual abortion procedures have not yet been defined for legal purposes as murder, but the inciting force behind the snuffing out of a young life has been deemed illegal.

And it's about time.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Okay, This is the Last Link of the Day, I Promise.

Well, welcome back, D2M!

Over on D2M's blog, there is a good post on American politics in general.

My favorite quote:

"Also, I voted for President Bush, and I think it's funny that most people water the issues down to abortion, "gay marriage", and the war on terror. While all these are very important, I didn't vote for Bush because of that."

"To me character is more important than "the issues" or whatever. Even if someone says and believes all the right things, it's practically worthless if they aren't a man of character. So to me, it was his character that I liked."

Miss Piggy, take note. Character DOES matter.

I do, however, disagree with D2M's comment about third parties; I prefer a two-party system myself. Still, good post D2M!

I'm in a Linking Mood Today, Aren't I?

Whoops! Lots of good posts around the blogosphere! This next one comes from Seth's blog, Standing Up for Nothing. Here's the link!

Let this be a lesson to you, my young padawans... good posts deserve links. That's the currency of the blogosphere.

Back to Seth's post, though... I always said that liberals were whiny, and now they go and prove me right. Boycotting half a country is simply juvenile! Maybe that's why some liberals are doing it? The discussion in the comments section of the post is also very interesting.

You rock, Seth!

Let's Turn the Tables a Bit, Shall We?

I love this Scrappleface article!

Please remember that Scrappleface is a News Satire site...

Really though... it's okay to do this stuff to little kids, but it would never be allowed to happen to a half-dead murderous pig of a terrorist. What a world we live in.

We are all endowed with the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... unless our existence would be inconvenient to someone. They say to the unborn "Your right to life and liberty is messing up my pursuit of happiness!" You know, there's a reason that pursuit of happiness is listed last...

If you take away others' lives, don't worry, your right to life will be protected; it's your pastime, have at it... it's if you haven't yet come out of the womb that you forfeit your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Innocent? That doesn't matter if you inconvenience someone; you'll still be killed.

Just so long as the murderous and malevolent terrorists can still pursue happiness...

Sunday, November 07, 2004

A Scary Movie... Or Something

Yup yup yup. I just watched The Grudge last night with Miss Piggy and Duke...


Okay, maybe that's not quite the right thing to say. The movie actually succeeded in what it was intended to do, which was scare the socks off the audience, but it didn't seem to do much else.

Here's the lowdown...

At the beginning of the movie, you are told that "when someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage, a curse is born..." That curse continues in the form of people it has killed, and once someone has seen "The Curse," they will be haunted by it until it finally catches and kills them. And that's if they aren't killed at their first meeting...

So basically, The Grudge follows several people who are unfortunate enough to enter, for one reason or another, the house which "The Curse" inhabits. It continues to follow them from then on, in their various (futile) attempts to flee from "The Curse."

Unfortunately, the movie's story and plot left a lot to be desired. At the beginning of the movie I was completely sure that the storyline would captivate me, but about halfway through, I was wondering what went wrong. The storyline seems to jump back and forth between past and present, but it never differentiates between the two, until the very end of the movie. This makes for a somewhat frustrating experience, though when everything is finally tied together, it starts to make more sense. It's not enough, however, to make up for my confusion throughout the rest of the movie.

As for scares, this movie seems to deliver, though not in the way I would have chosen. I prefer suspense a la Shyamalan rather than the scares this movie gives me. Suspense, with several "releases" in it to make you jump, seems to appeal to me a great deal, and I came into this movie expecting that. I was, however, disappointed in that area. Rather, this movie seemed to be almost all "release" and very little suspense; so many people running into the Curse and getting killed gets kind of mundane after an hour and a half.

This movie's scares rely far less on suspense and release, and more on visuals of the Curse, which are plenteous. Rather than the suspense created in Signs, where you catch nothing but an occasional glimpse of an alien until the very end, The Grudge tries to scare you by putting the strange, hideous Curse right in front of your face and daring you not to scream. This kind of scare is simply not as engaging for me, since it tends to take the focus off of the already confusing plot, and place focus on the brief but constant images of the Curse.

Another problem with the movie's scares is that they sneak up on you like a marching band. I could nearly do a countdown... "5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and SCARE!" Since the scares were so lacking in subtlety, I simply was not scared by this movie. I was repulsed by the Curse, but I wasn't scared. As a matter of fact, throughout this entire movie, which involved quite a few shocking images which jumped out at me (after ample obvious warnings), I never jumped once. I'm serious, Miss Piggy and Duke can attest to that; I never jumped and I never closed my eyes. I simply didn't find this movie to be amazingly scary. In-your-face shocking, but not scary.

My experience with this movie didn't seem to be the same as many other people's. The rest of the theatre was filled with shrieks; every time something scary happened, I could feel the theatre jumping around me. Much to my comrades' disdain (and mine as well), I simply wasn't affected by the movie's horror. And, since the movie didn't scare me sufficiently, but it did manage to take my attention off of the plot, I simply didn't find this movie to be of very high quality.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I feel compelled to give The Grudge a 6. Though I wasn't particularly impressed by it, everyone else seemed to be. Though the scares didn't particularly appeal to me, most of the other people in the theatre seemed to find them to be sufficient (and beyond). Therefore, I can't rate the movie too low.

Also, kudos to The Grudge for almost completely staying away from sex and foul language. That alone is worth a couple of points.

So in summary, the movie didn't scare me, but it scared many other people. The scares were of the in-your-face shocking type, but not too startling or surprising type. I didn't like the plot, and not many other people seem to. This may be due to the fact that the scares keep you from paying attention to the plot, or it may also be due to the fact that the movie skips around from past to present without telling you which is which. It's a good plot tool, but it shouldn't be used in conjunction with the constant shocking images.

Regardless, the movie doesn't (to my knowledge) make any claims to being some work of genius in regards to the storyline. It instead simply seems to claim to be scary, and depending on the kind of "scary" that you like. So, if you think you can deal with the disturbing images that gave this movie a PG-13 rating, then by all means, give it a try. It deals with a curse from Japanese folklore, so if that is off-putting to you, be sure to take that into consideration.

With a 6 out of 10, this is a movie to see, if you are in the mood. But it's not a movie to buy. My guess is that it will be quickly forgotten.

Friday, November 05, 2004

I Smell Desperation

Hmm... I don't think I've ever seen anyone simultaneously grasp at straws and shoot themselves in foot before...

But that seems to be what the Left is doing. You know, did it ever occur to them that their ad hominem, ad infinitum, ad nauseum cries of "Voter fraud/disenfranchisement/intimidation/confusion/stupidity" might be the reason they keep losing ground? Just forget it guys, it was a fair election! Although, Bunnie may disagree...

Seriously, just because the Democrats lost doesn't mean that somebody cheated. They lost because the majority of Americans disagree with them and are annoyed by them. No matter how many times they call themselves mainstream, they'll never make themselves such.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Quote of the Day

"Bush cheated!"

A democrat that I play tennis with.

Wow, deja vu!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


It's official! Kerry has conceded the election to Bush!!!

Finally, it's all over. This has been a HUGE victory for Republicans! Eleven states passed bans on same-sex marriage [link], we've enlarged our majority in the Senate, gotten rid of Senate minority leader Tom Daschle [link], and enlarged our majority the House [link]. And to top it off, we have won the Presidency! HUZZAH!!!

I absolutely must remember to commend Kerry. He could have dragged this whole election out simply from sheer spite, but he didn't. Thank you, Mr. Kerry.

This election has been a hard-fought one, and now it's finally over.

God bless America.

UPDATE: I hope you're happy, Giggles... :)


Well, it looks like we're not going to get much farther tonight. I'm Bushed (pun intended), so I think I'll turn in. I can't wait to see what happens...

Be blessed!


Bush needs 21 more Electoral votes.
Kerry needs 28 more Electoral votes.

OHIO (worth 20 votes)
Bush 51%
Kerry 49%
97% Precincts reporting

WISCONSIN (worth 10 votes)
Bush 49%
Kerry 50%
86% Precincts reporting

NEW MEXICO (worth 5 votes)
Bush 52%
Kerry 47%
98% Precincts reporting

IOWA (worth 7 votes)
Bush 50%
Kerry 49%
96% Precincts reporting
Votes not being counted in come precincts because of computer errors according to CBS News

NEVADA (worth 5 votes)
Bush 50%
Kerry 48%
65% Precincts reporting

From Yahoo.com.

*Waits Anxiously*

Ohio's coming down to the wire... We need Ohio to win.

51% Bush vs. 49% Kerry

94% of precincts reporting


We Like Things Natural

In 11 states (including my state, Georgia), bans on gay marriage have been passed, according to Yahoo News.

So homosexuality isn't as mainstream as the Liberals would have you think... I think this is another case of the average American seeing through the lies that they have been told. Huge margins speak for themselves.

So they're going to challenge the constitutionality of something that has been added to the Constitution? That seems kinda... illogical. Let's just wait and see what happens.

And now, here's a completely unrelated story from Bunnie Diehl's blog, detailing her struggles to get to vote. It's sort of surprising, and sort of not.

I'm too tired to rant right now...

Why Does This Happen Every Time?

I had a nice post all worked out, and right before I clicked "Post," I got kicked off the internet by Netnanny, and I lost the whole thing. DANG IT!!!

Oh well, I'm okay. I'm all set, actually! My computer has several browser windows open which are monitoring the exit polls, my e-mail box, and a conversation about the election in my school's chat room. Also, I'm tuned into See-BS News.

Man, Dan Rather seems so sad... he's holding on to ever little glimmer of hope. He keeps on talking about "If Kerry can carry Ohio" Blah blah blah. Stop pretending to not be biased! Dan's a leftist, but yet he still tries to hide it! It's his prerogative to be a liberal, but dang, does he have to pretend that I'm stupid and try to conceal his beliefs?

And yes, FOX News has a right-wing bias; no one has to point that out to me.

I'm so excited! This is better than New Years!!! I get to stay up late and talk about politics!

*GASP* Tom Daschle (the Senate minority leader) is presently being being beaten by a Republican! Oh, I hope we get rid of Daschle...

It can't be good for me to be up at 1:15 watching the news, but hey, Election Day comes but once every four years, so why not make the most of it? I'm loving this!

Well, at present, it looks like Kerry would need a miracle to win. According to Yahoo, Bush presently has 249 electoral votes and Kerry has 220. Also, if Kerry does get more than Bush, he won't get 270, which means that the House of Representatives gets to pick the President, and the House is Republican! I've said from the beginning that Bush would win...

Obviously, the nation is closely divided, but the deck presently appears stacked against Kerry. This is such a fun night!


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

There's Tension in the Air

It's late on election day, and the atmosphere is killing me! The apprehension is practically smothering me! My dad went to vote today, and he said everyone was tense, even to the point of mutual wishes of detriment. It seems to me that there is less of a focus on winning and more of a focus making the opponent lose in this election. The entire campaign which has consisted of dwelling on the military service of two men in a war long ago and somehow relating it to a war today has culminated in this day, this moment of truth.

And I, for one, am happy that it's almost over.

Sure, I love politics! It's so fun to argue, and to try to get someone to see your side of things. However, repeating oneself ad infinitum can only be fun for so long. I've repeated myself so many times over the course of this election season that I have little will to sling any more mud on Kerry's grimy name. I only can say that I'm glad it's nearly over. I'm ready to get back to debating other topics, as they occur in American discussion, which have been edged out by the monolith that is the election.

It will do me little good to expound upon Kerry's faults or Bush's virtues now. The election is at hand, and it's time for the American people to do their duty. I hope and pray that Bush will be re-elected, because I can see through the lies that have assaulted him throughout this campaign, but I know that no matter who occupies the White House come January, I'll be praying for him.

I don't like Kerry. His values are offensive to my worldview, as mine are to his. That's why I wouldn't vote for Kerry. I would vote for someone who believes more like I do. That's called democracy. And that's what we are seeing in action as America chooses who will be her leader for the next four years. However, Zaque would not want me to let you forget that I can't vote for three more years...

God is good. He's also bigger than whoever is in the White House. If this nation is going to return to God, the Commander-in-Chief is nearly irrelevant. Affect the hearts and minds of the voters, and the people they vote for will change accordingly. God can change America; not lower taxes, not higher taxes, not gay marriage or none. It's time that the Christians start fulfilling their role as God's hands and feet, and allow God to change America.

As I have said before, let us not be remembered as the generation of good men who did nothing. If evil is to be stopped, the good men have to be moved to action. If we instead remain apathetic, America's ruin can't be far away.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Pray for our nation, our elections, and our president.

Be blessed!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Just a Friendly Reminder...

...Set your clocks back one hour for Daylight Savings Time. If you don't, I will come for you...

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA (/maniacal laughing)

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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