Monday, November 08, 2004

Okay, This is the Last Link of the Day, I Promise.

Well, welcome back, D2M!

Over on D2M's blog, there is a good post on American politics in general.

My favorite quote:

"Also, I voted for President Bush, and I think it's funny that most people water the issues down to abortion, "gay marriage", and the war on terror. While all these are very important, I didn't vote for Bush because of that."

"To me character is more important than "the issues" or whatever. Even if someone says and believes all the right things, it's practically worthless if they aren't a man of character. So to me, it was his character that I liked."

Miss Piggy, take note. Character DOES matter.

I do, however, disagree with D2M's comment about third parties; I prefer a two-party system myself. Still, good post D2M!


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At Tue Nov 09, 03:56:00 PM, Blogger D2M said...

*dances* I've been quoted! I've been quoted!

Haha, thanks~! I know I haven't posted a lot, and I'm sorry about that. I just don't talk about politics too much, and it's reflected in the blog.

However, keep an eye out for me at personal journal:

And I wouldn't mind a two party system except that Dems aren't doin' it right! Most people this last election didn't vote FOR Kerry/Dems, they voted AGAINST Bush/Reps. Dems need people to vote FOR them, for the things they believe in, not just because they "hate the other side". Ya know?

I want an opposing party with some sense, dangnabit! ~_~;

At Tue Nov 09, 11:46:00 PM, Blogger Edwin Allen Henry said...

Hey man - this is Allen - y'know? That one guy who's Joe's friend who has red hair and is his sidekick (the guy who was his best student and all that) in the latest Joe Ray action thriller "Wraith Hunters."
Check out my blog sometime, cuz, y'know Im poised to be famous!
;) God Bless, My Man!
- Allen

At Fri Nov 12, 06:26:00 PM, Blogger CFchampion said...

my comment is gonna have nothing to do w/ your post.
how do you add links to your blog???? it would be so nice of you to tell me!!!! thanks so much!

At Sat Nov 13, 02:47:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Right. So if somebody believes in rounding up and killing all Jews, blacks, and hispanics, you'll support them, as long as they have the right "character".

Character is such a nebuluous term. How do you tell how much "character" somebody has? I don't know, but being Republican sure seems to give them an edge around here.

I'll tell you the way I judge "character". I judge it on integrity. I don't care if they're decisive if they're making the wrong decisions. I don't care if they're loyal if they're loyal to the wrong things.

What I look for in a politician is a) integrity and b) a stance I agree with on a majority of issues. If they're honest, they'll act the way they say they will.

At Sun Nov 14, 06:48:00 PM, Blogger D2M said...

Joe, thank you. At least you have an idea of what character means.

At Sun Nov 14, 08:37:00 PM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Could you explain to me what "character" means, then?

And also, the two party system causes a bit of a mess in the US, where the average Arkansaw Democrat politician is more conservative than your average California Republican. Then, some of those people who support the California Republican go and vote Republican, despite the fact that the Democratic candidate might reflect their views more.

Another suggestion: Dump the electoral college and go IRV. It'll mean you can vote third party without causing someone you dislike to get into power. Than means Arkansawans can vote for their closest match, and Californians can vote for theirs.

At Tue Nov 16, 04:37:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

The electoral college does a hell of a lot more than just "protect the minorities". It puts the power into the hands of voters in a few swing states: Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania right now. The original intent was to protect the smaller states, but now it gives a few all the power.

If you're so certain that conservatives are the majority in the US, why are you afraid of getting rid of the electoral college?

I'd bet that if Kerry had won the electoral vote and not the popular vote, a bunch of conservatives would now be screaming to get rid of the electoral college.


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