Tuesday, November 02, 2004

There's Tension in the Air

It's late on election day, and the atmosphere is killing me! The apprehension is practically smothering me! My dad went to vote today, and he said everyone was tense, even to the point of mutual wishes of detriment. It seems to me that there is less of a focus on winning and more of a focus making the opponent lose in this election. The entire campaign which has consisted of dwelling on the military service of two men in a war long ago and somehow relating it to a war today has culminated in this day, this moment of truth.

And I, for one, am happy that it's almost over.

Sure, I love politics! It's so fun to argue, and to try to get someone to see your side of things. However, repeating oneself ad infinitum can only be fun for so long. I've repeated myself so many times over the course of this election season that I have little will to sling any more mud on Kerry's grimy name. I only can say that I'm glad it's nearly over. I'm ready to get back to debating other topics, as they occur in American discussion, which have been edged out by the monolith that is the election.

It will do me little good to expound upon Kerry's faults or Bush's virtues now. The election is at hand, and it's time for the American people to do their duty. I hope and pray that Bush will be re-elected, because I can see through the lies that have assaulted him throughout this campaign, but I know that no matter who occupies the White House come January, I'll be praying for him.

I don't like Kerry. His values are offensive to my worldview, as mine are to his. That's why I wouldn't vote for Kerry. I would vote for someone who believes more like I do. That's called democracy. And that's what we are seeing in action as America chooses who will be her leader for the next four years. However, Zaque would not want me to let you forget that I can't vote for three more years...

God is good. He's also bigger than whoever is in the White House. If this nation is going to return to God, the Commander-in-Chief is nearly irrelevant. Affect the hearts and minds of the voters, and the people they vote for will change accordingly. God can change America; not lower taxes, not higher taxes, not gay marriage or none. It's time that the Christians start fulfilling their role as God's hands and feet, and allow God to change America.

As I have said before, let us not be remembered as the generation of good men who did nothing. If evil is to be stopped, the good men have to be moved to action. If we instead remain apathetic, America's ruin can't be far away.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Pray for our nation, our elections, and our president.

Be blessed!


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