This is Always Refreshing...
It's good to find someone to say this stuff; take a look over at Girl Christian's blog for her views on modesty.
This blog is dead... repeat, this blog is dead. I have since repented of the hardcore republicanism expressed through most of this blog's history. See my profile for my current blog.
It's good to find someone to say this stuff; take a look over at Girl Christian's blog for her views on modesty.
posted by jacob.thrasher @ 9/29/2004 10:28:00 PM
It's been a long road for me... long ago, I was known on the internet as "NeoFascist?," a stereotypical republican homeschooled blogger. I have repented of my old screeds, and now try to approach matters of theology, philosophy and politics from a more free-thinking perspective. I am Neo no longer. I am jacob.thrasher.
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"Neo, you are simply the best political teen blogger out there. Keep up the awesome work man. You rock." -Agent Tim
"One of the best teen bloggers I've found in all my diminutive lifespan. Very intelligent in the humorous way. I'm not going to be surprised if I find he becomes a political giant...when we all grow up." -Paradoxically Correct
"...sometimes a little out there, but I keep goin back." -Reliant
"Smart kid, good blog. Go there." -Scott
"I personally agree with him in most cases..." -Giggle Fritz
"...he writes like a much older, better educated religious fanatic then he really is." -Lefty
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
...And the King will say unto them "verily, I say unto you, as much as you've done it unto the least of my brethren, you've done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
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She did have good views on modesty which is kind of rare with girls these days.
just stumbled upon this site. looks interesting! i see youre rooting for george w. bush haha... personally, i hope he loses, but please dont hate me for it. im not really a conservative christian, or a liberal one, im just a guy following Jesus. and i should probably post this on the music thread, but i LOVE radiohead! haha... i realize some of their lyrics are rather strange and odd, but the underlying message in alot of what they say has to do with fighting poverty, hate, and injustice. i saw a radiohead concert recently where the entire audience joined the band in singing the words "God loves his children" over and over and over again. incredibly beautiful.
anyhow, ill probably keep checking this place out, seems cool.
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