Sunday, September 12, 2004

Vote 4 Kerry?

How on earth do the RNC protesters have so much time on their hands? Do they have jobs? Or even lives? It's insane, and what's worse is that they can't even be civil enough to stay out of jail!
Though they can sometimes be annoying, peaceful protests and civil disobedience are fine. However, when it reaches this point, it qualifies as anarchy. It seems they forgot about the "peaceful" part of peaceful protest! And the worst part is that I'm not surprised in the least. Remember what I said in my post Liberal Paradox: A Violent Peace Protest? They claim to want peace, but only on their own terms.

What kind of people attack a cop, a person who has pledged to risk his life in order to protect everyone? The radical Liberals, that's who! Through the whole DNC, I heard nothing of Republican protesters being arrested, vandalizing property, or assaulting cops. The reason for that is simply that Republicans respect law enforcement. In the Vietnam war, who protested not the war, but our very own service men? None other than Kerry & Company! Who supported the Commies and booed those who were defending the freedom of South Vietnam? The Moore-like masses who call themselves Liberals! Who wants us to "fight the war with spitballs"? The short-sighted Liberals!!!

What kind of leadership can they give us? Let's check out our last president. Militarily, he was the crappiest thing that has never been flushed down a toilet. I tend to wonder why no one demanded an exit strategy when we went into Bosnia. Mogadishu was quite a debacle as well. And that's not to mention what Mr. Clinton did in his spare time... And how the heck did we elect a president who didn't even know what "is" means? Don't forget the condition of the economy when Clinton got done with it. When he was seeking re-election, the economy was worse than it is now, and there were no Democrats whining then. Therefore, I don't understand the outrage about the economy's current state. We recently had growth in the economy that we had not experienced in decades!

Let's go back a little farther to Jimmy Carter. If there has ever been a liberal president that I can respect, it would be Carter. And yet, he was unfortunately weak-kneed. Remember the Iran hostage Crisis?

How about Kennedy? Boy, the Kennedy family is a family of winners! Good ol' Jack and his Bay of Pigs disappointment! That was the most cowardly, ill-conceived action I've ever heard of! If Jack had simply followed through, we would have a stable democracy off our coast instead of a dictatorship with many people attempting to escape into our borders. How about Teddy Kennedy for further proof of the greatness of the Kennedy family? Boy, is he a respectable guy!

Let's move back to FDR. For all the hype surrounding this guy, one would think he had actually done something great. Come on, if you're in a depression, what could possess you to use SOCIALIST ECONOMIC POLICIES TO PULL YOU OUT OF THE DEPRESSION?! Seriously, the New Deal is Socialist, and definitely not conducive to economic growth or recovery, and because of FDR, we're still having to live with the after-effects of the Great Depression, not to mention all the organizations that are no longer useful, but still in existence and operation.

I mention all of these past liberal presidents simply to show the track record that the Democrats have in leading our country. And now, when New York's Finest are beaten for enforcing the law, it shows the pure and immature disdain that liberalism has for the law. In its hatred of the law, it still seeks to control the law. Though they will invariably handle control of the highest post in the country irresponsibly, they still seek it. And nearly half the population of America is blind enough to be oblivious to Liberalism's incompetence in leadership!

Liberals can't lead a country justly if they can't be just toward those who protect them. The ingratitude and immaturity with which Liberals act toward those who are given the responsibility to lead and protect them makes them unsuitable for office. John Kerry has shown his disdain for America's servicemen and women after his tour of duty in Nam. He spread lies about those whom he served with, and now he seeks to be leader of them. He abhors them, and now he wants to be in a position of authority over them. Where's the logic in electing him?

If I were a democrat, I would be ashamed to vote for Kerry after the things he has done, as well as the things his supporters stand for. Killing unborn infants, perverting God's laws, and assaulting cops is a poor set of standards, and if those who stand for those standards also stand behind Kerry with gusto, maybe Kerry's more intelligent supporters *pokes Laura* should rethink their support for Kerry. There is a reason he appeals to anarchists...

Peace (through strength), Y'all,


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At Sun Sep 12, 07:46:00 PM, Blogger LAURA A. WARMAN said...

Thanks for calling me intellegent. Haha!

At this point, I don't support either canidate...

At Mon Sep 13, 10:12:00 PM, Blogger D2M said...

Be careful! I doubt Republican Presidents have a perfect record either. And while I can't think of any right now (I forgot most of my "President" history), someone definately will.

It seems unfortunate to me that protesting has been boiled down to a "WE HATE YOU!" type thing. Most of the protesters I see with signs now, that's all they seem to be saying...

At Tue Sep 14, 09:06:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

You're right, D2M. We don't have a perfect history. But Nixon is the biggest mar on our record and he did a crappy job of representing anyone who holds conservative beliefs. The things he stood for had nothing to do with the Republican party.

Abortion clinic bombers also mar our records. However, at least they were fighting for something (and they are justly punished as well). It's not like they were senselessly beating the keepers of the peace.

At Thu Sep 16, 01:29:00 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

What the bombers did were wrong, but did they save lives? Isn't there a verse that says that God uses evil for good.

At Thu Sep 16, 01:44:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

David, I would be reluctant to use that example. It sort of gives a "the end justifies the means" impression.


"...they were bombing clinics where trained doctors gave their time for free."

Yeah, kind of like a "buy-one-get-one-free" day with your friendly neighborhood hit man. Giving his time and services at no cost to you...

"the bombers are killing people who are already alive, and not just 5 inch fetuses"

Oh, so there's a difference? I'm glad no one judged my worth because of my size. That's kind of like saying it's better to kill a mentally challenged person instead of a burly football player. A person is a person is a person.

"Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the Nations- that's what I had in mind for you....I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." Jeremiah 1:5,29:11 (The Message)


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