Sunday, September 19, 2004

You Know You're Sunk...

...When John "Flipflop" Kerry is the best you got. He's airing a new, deception-filled television ad in 13 states, and it continues to prove his inability to engage in rational thought.

Kerry said:

"200 billion dollars. That's what we are spending in Iraq because George Bush
chose to go it alone..."

Insanity. Whether the UN went with us or we simply went with a coalition of the willing, America would invariably be carrying most of the financial weight. The UN is like a spineless parasite that has latched on to the US! It takes our money, but it's too STUPID to actually fulfill its stated purpose! Since we didn't go in with the UN, we don't have Communist and Islamofascist dictators deciding the fate of the newly freed country! How scandalous...

It would have been irresponsible to go with the UN, which is arrogant enough to pass "sanctions," find "solutions" (remember "oil for palaces?") and "condemn" illegal acts, but when it comes time to enforce international law, the UN delegates choose to tuck their collective tail betwen their legs and blame it all on America! We actually went in with a coalition of with willing; how that qualifies as "alone" in Kerry's dreamworld, we'll probably never know. And this dude wants to lead our country...

Kerry said:

"Now the president tells us we don't have the resources to take care of health
care and education here at home. That's wrong."

Oh sure, Kerry'll fix our problems! First, he'll pull us out of Iraq so we won't be "wasting" our resources, and then he'll throw money at the rare pygmy sand gnat of Alaska so as to avoid an ecological "catastrophe!" Meanwhile, we'll still be dependent on the hostile Arabs' oil. Or maybe he'll give more money to the UN so they can pass more unenforced resolutions. Why is it that the UN only gave suggestions to Saddam (in the form of ir-resolutions) and it kept its mouth shut when Saddam was defiant, but it whines loudly when the US takes any action to keep the peace (something we are funding the UN to do)?

Something you have to understand about JOhn KErry is that when he says "health care" he means "people whose health is cared for" and when he says "education" he means "educators." He wants to take care of health care, but he forgets that there have to be doctors to give the health care. Frivolous lawsuits are not encouraging for doctors.

He wants to improve the education system, but he believes he'll do it by simply tossing money at it. If a system doesn't use money right, it doesn't matter how much money you throw at it!!! Give money to vouchers and homeschooling! Give money to good schools and allow parents to send their kids to schools that know how to teach! Competition, not nurturing something that is inherently flawed, is the key to improvement.

JOhn KErry, however, can't do that. Can you say "special interests?" Hey, where have I heard those words before? Oh yeah, I heard them from Kerry when he said he'd end the era of... uh, special interests. Huh... seems a little inconsistent to me...

Kerry (and democrats in general) watches out for educators, but he will fail the students! Encourage mediocrity, and you get (gasp) MEDIOCRITY!!! And Democrats are the only people in the world who can't understand that basic concept! You don't pay crappy educators the same as you pay exceptional educators, and you don't pay failing schools as much as you pay quality schools. Liberals often subscribe to the theory of Evolution, and weeding out of the weak, but they continue to encourage the harmfully incapable schools and educators, while such incompetence is failing the children of America. America's kids are the most stupid kids in the civilized world because Progressive Education is irrational in ineffective. PERIOD!!!

Finally, Kerry said:

"As president, I'll stop at nothing to get the terrorists before they get us.
But I'll also fight to build a stronger middle class."

First he condemns Bush for pre-emptive action, then he says it's his policy. As for building a stronger middle class, that's disguised Communist speech. He means he'll bring more people into the middle class, a message prominent in the Communist Manifesto. However, Kerry's definition of "middle class" appears to be people on welfare. His definition of "rich" is property owners. Therefore, "tax cuts for the rich" could be interpreted "tax cuts for the taxpayers." How can you cut taxes for people who don't pay taxes? Sure, let's all be equally miserable and destitute...

Ya know, it's really sad when a 15 year old can see right through a presidential candidate. Kerry is the candidate for the "Delusion" party, preferring to look at everything with his eyes closed, allowing Michael Moore to whisper descriptions of what he is observing in his ear. This creates a nice little alternate reality for Kerry where he thinks he has the answers for everything. And, if we all lived inside Kerry's head, we'd probably want him to be our president. However, when Kerry's views are translated into reality, they just don't cut it.

Peace (through strength),


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At Mon Sep 20, 12:57:00 PM, Blogger David Pulliam said...

I don't think Kerry will pull us out of Iraq because then what would happen to that country?

At Tue Sep 21, 01:26:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

That's just it, David. Kerry doesn't care, because "the war is costing too much."

How much is freedom worth?

At Tue Oct 05, 10:43:00 PM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

The Coaliton of the Willing? Excuse me while I cough heartily. Including such large and important nations as Tuvalu and Albania?

good grief, even Australia's only there to show "Look, Australia! There's a real country!".'

The UN should be in Iraq. The US is not a world government. The US is not GloboCop. The US does not choose what happens to other people. If you want this, give everyone a vote in the US elections.

The American health care system is a mess. Kerry's not even proposing something on the level of Australia or Canada's health system, and we still have plenty of doctors. $10,000 dollars for orthodontics that would cost $1000 dollars over here is not right.

Education: well, I can kind of agree with you here. Homeschooling is a good idea. But not everyone can do it. And your family would probably put you back in school if they made it into Bible School.

Tax cuts for the taxpayers?
Fact one: More than 20% of Bush's tax cuts have gone to the top 1% of American earners.
Fact two: There's only so much tax you can cut before the government becomes ineffective.

Bringing more people into the middle class? That's not putting more people on welfare... or is it? Everyone is on welfare. You are living in a welfare state. Subsidies to corporations and farming, Social Security, etc... it all adds up. You don't see the government support that allows the economy to function, but it's there. Without it, you get an economy like Chile: a small wealthly elite lording it over a mass of poor. Is that the future you want for America?

I think that your post is filled with more deception than the ad.

At Fri Oct 15, 08:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the fact that the Vietnam veterans are so against Kerry, is reason enough to step back and take an honest look at if he really can make America stronger. As a lifetime Democrat, I am too scared of his lies to vote for him this election. Any politician can stand at a podium and say things that people like to hear, but his life and record prove otherwise. I, for one, am not fooled by him.


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