Monday, November 15, 2004

Pro-Lifers, REJOICE!

It's official! Scott Peterson has been declared GUILTY of the murder of his wife. I knew he was guilty...

But that's not the best part.

Scott Peterson has also been declared guilty of the murder of his unborn son!


Justice has finally been served, after almost two years. I am thrilled that justice is finally being served after Laci's death. However, there is another great cause for rejoicing.

The jury in this trial has acknowledged the right to life of an unborn child. An unborn child who would have inconvenienced his father. If the father can't destroy that sacred life because it would inconvenience him, then how can the mother? Perhaps this will help out our cause a bit...

Abortion kills.

43 million babies and counting would tell you so. But they can't. Their lives have been cut short. And for many of them, it's not because of rape. It's not because of incest. It's not because the baby is deformed. It's not because the mother was in danger. The vast majority of the children killed by abortion procedures are killed simply because a mother made a stupid decision and she wants to get rid of the consequences.

And now, that has finally been recognized for what it is. It has finally been called "murder." No, the actual abortion procedures have not yet been defined for legal purposes as murder, but the inciting force behind the snuffing out of a young life has been deemed illegal.

And it's about time.


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