Sunday, July 25, 2004

Road Trip Update 2

Originally typed at 6:10 on Sunday, July 25.

Hello again! Time for another update!

I am presently on Highway 81 North, coming up on Harrisonburg, Virginia. We stopped in Roanoke to eat lunch, at a place called Famous Anthony‘s. I didn’t mind it too much until the waitress brought me a little kid drink, complete with a lid. Now, I don’t look that young--most people actually think I’m older than I am--but this waitress, or whatever reason, brought me a kids drink. I ordered the grilled chicken sandwich, and I could have sworn that I was eating grilled cardboard jerky. However, Famous Anthony redeemed himself with some excellent hot wings. I hate most spicy food, but these hot wings were just right.

From there we traveled to Natural Bridge, Virginia to see the--you guessed it, the natural bridge. It was very interesting to learn about it. It was originally owned by “the English crownhead, deeded to Thomas Jefferson, surveyed by George Washington, visited by John Marshall, James Monroe, Henry Clay, Samuel Houston, Daniel Boone, and others…” It was quite large, and there was more stuff there besides just the natural bridge, but we only visited the Indian village, fish pond, and natural bridge. It was a nice detour. I took a few pictures…

And now, as I type, we are on the road to our next overnight stay, Gettysburg. I am having to endure my brother’s joke reading, and it is very distracting to do so while I type. Here’s his favorite joke:

PRIZE FIGHTER’S SON: My dad is stronger than yours!

TRAFFIC COP’S SON: Oh yeah? My dad can hold up a line of cars with one hand!

So there you have it. His favorite joke. Now you can do some sort of a happy dance.

Hmm…what else do I have to talk about? We ate at Cracker Barrel for breakfast today, which means that we ate two meals in a row at the same Cracker Barrel (we ate there for supper last night). The power inverter that we had in the car gave out on us, making it to where I couldn’t type on my laptop for a while. We had to stop a K-mart and get a new converter, and we got one with two outlets so I can type and charge a digital camera at the same time.

My dad says we are now five hundred fifty-five miles from home right now. This is quite far away. I am already farther north than I have ever been, and the farthest away from home that I have ever been was Oklahoma. I am officially in unknown territory.

My laptop is about to run out of power. I can’t plug it in because we are charging two batteries, and the inverter only has two outlets. I can’t wait until I get to a hotel with broadband so I can post everything and send all of my e-mails. Anyway, that’s all I have to say for now.

Be blessed!


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