I haven't laughed this hard in forever! Worldmagblog is having a contest on the photo to see who can come up with the best caption. Post your caption on the comments page.
This blog is dead... repeat, this blog is dead. I have since repented of the hardcore republicanism expressed through most of this blog's history. See my profile for my current blog.
I haven't laughed this hard in forever! Worldmagblog is having a contest on the photo to see who can come up with the best caption. Post your caption on the comments page.
posted by jacob.thrasher @ 7/29/2004 12:41:00 PM
It's been a long road for me... long ago, I was known on the internet as "NeoFascist?," a stereotypical republican homeschooled blogger. I have repented of my old screeds, and now try to approach matters of theology, philosophy and politics from a more free-thinking perspective. I am Neo no longer. I am jacob.thrasher.
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"Neo, you are simply the best political teen blogger out there. Keep up the awesome work man. You rock." -Agent Tim
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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
...And the King will say unto them "verily, I say unto you, as much as you've done it unto the least of my brethren, you've done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
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That is so funny.
Actually, I thought it was a bit bellow the belt. I don't even like Kerry, but I wouldn't make fun of him like that. I dunno.. just seems... unbecoming somehow...
Perhaps I'm over-reading into the meaning of this apparently *humorous* poke at John Kerry; but it seems rather cheap. Do we have nothing more solid to oppose him with than the fact that he looks ridiculous in a NASA suit? It comes across as disturbingly petty.
It seems to me, that although as conservatives our politics are more "godly", we are just as biased, fatuous, and inane as the Leftists. Our political tactics are precisely the same: sniff out any bit of scandal or nonsense in our opponents, and exploit it through the roof.
Cheap? Yes. I don't dispute that. I have laughed at jokes about Bush's "nukular" problem. I thought the picture was creative and funny. Political humor is funny when it isn't taken over the edge, and I feel that this picture was just plain creative.
Perhaps it was creative. It was even, just a tad, funny. But what annoyed me was the underlining hypocrisy of World, as they tried to play to a double standard. For the first (and probably last) time in my life, I would have to agree with Adam Beckham, when he accused Mr. Olasky of being "coy".
For a magazine that routinely blasts the absurd Liberal attempts to discredit Mr. Bush, it did seem more than a little disingenuous. It is frustrating to see a unhesitatingly Christian magazine fall short of their own high standards, but realisticly, and Biblically, we should not be surprised.
Lewis, Yay! Someone else agrees with me! I didn't much like it, and I still don't. (I quickly scroll by it whenever I'm checking out WORLDblog.)
I think it does a discredit to WORLD, but --and I hate to this-- it's typical of the type of things a conservative magazine would do. Just as much as it's typical of a liberal magazine to make fun of Bush in an unprofessional and stupid manner.
I'm not saying we shouldn't make fun of political figures. But I'm saying if a magazine is gonna do it, they could at least make it classy. This is just... dumb.
And see, it's making me side "with Kerry"! If nothing else that makes the whole thing WRONG! :P
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