Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Would Someone Explain This To Me?

Using my hit counters, I can see the referring URL for each of my visitors. In other words, I can see the page that my visitors were last on. I have been getting repeated hits from the following URL:


I can't get in there because I am not registered, so would someone tell me why I keep getting hits from there? If you come from there, tell me why so many different people are finding me from there. Has someone mentioned my blog in the forum?

Not that I mind the visitors! I simply was curious as to why I'm getting hits from that site. I can use all the publicity I can get, after all! So anyway, let me know if you have any information.

Be blessed!

I Have Made A Discovery!

Everyone, I have found an excellent blog, and have provided a link to it on my sidebar. It's called Fixing A Hole, and when I was there, I read a great post.

In God We Trust

"It is time for the majority to rule!

Samuel Thompson wrote: I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December....

Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game....

"But what about the atheists?" is another argument. What about them?

Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer....

May 2004 be the year the silent majority is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions."

Read the whole thing!

Very well said, though author Kevin Robertson is "...a bit uncomfortable with being complimented by someone who identifies themselves as a neofascist." Don't worry though, I explained my name to him.

Anyway, get over to his blog now and check it out!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Unrepentantly Retro

I'm soooo glad there are manipulative people like this to give me an analysis of culture.

Puh-leaze! So I, a Retro American, am obviously an intolerant tyrant who is bent upon forcing my morality upon everyone else. Forget the fact that I am less judgmental and more accepting of others than Metro Americans are. According to the site I linked to,

"Metro America values inclusion, respects science and social discourse, and promotes policies designed to provide physical, economic and social security for all families..."

As though the Retros don't. The article I linked to
is obviously blatant liberal manipulation. I believe I dealt with such
manipulation in this
. An exerpt:

"Liberalism is built on denial and paradox. Liberals say 'Freedom for all--all of us Leftists,' and 'We are tolerant of everyone--but you.' They claim to be a straightforward philosophy of inclusion, but they are really a philosophy of fine print and exceptions. They are a philosophy of deception. They know that they would have no supporters if they said 'We fight for our own benefit and no one else's.' Therefore, they say 'We fight for everyone's benefit. Some restrictions apply.'"

The site I linked to is simply built on deception. Democrats are all about inclusion, so long as they can choose whom to include. The lights in which Conservatism and Liberalism are portrayed in Retro vs. Metro are not only manipulative, but deceptive. They attempt to portray Conservatives as warmongering neanderthals (see the pictures behind the title) and the Liberals as enlightened, inclusive, unifying leaders.

Those of us with common sense know the truth. So in light of that, I am RETRO AND PROUD!!! No matter how they describe me or my beliefs, I know the truth, and those who know me know the truth. Conservatism stands for family, education, unity, strength, integrity, and a hand up. The best the Liberals can do is fight for certain kinds of families (never mind two-parent heterosexual families), educators (forget the kids), unity (by eliminating those who aren't Liberal), morality (as long as it feels good), and hand outs.

So how about you: Are you Retro or Metro?

Saturday, August 21, 2004

A Movie I would Definitely Recommend...

...To fuel a fire. Fifty First Dates is at best (kind of) funny and at worst sappy and flat out nasty. The violent shifts from sexual humor to attempts at moving, touching scenes were enough to give me a headache. Often, I would see a huge potential for an innovative part of the plot to be exploited for its comedic quality, and every time I was disappointed. Ten Second Tom (I think that was his name), who could only remember things for ten seconds, had such huge potential for humor. His addition to the script was in vain.

The movie relies far too heavily on what comedians call "the cheap laugh," which is when a joke is made that causes the audience to laugh, not at the humor, but because the joke made them uncomfortable. Sexual humor with little yield as far as laughs go and even less purpose is simply nauseating to me, and my stomach churned through every minute of this painstaking movie.

The plot is too slow, the humor is often too dirty, the touching scenes come across as sappy, and the high notes fall flat. The language in the movie was noticeably clean, as cursing is *relatively* scarce. Still too much for comfort, but more absent than in other movies. The writers took great care to balance this lack of cursing with an abundance of sexual references, however, so don't worry, you'll get your fill of vice.

After the first twenty minutes of this movie, I paid little attention. It is a movie that would play better as a slide show. "Oh, and there's Henry trying to convince her that he has been dating her for several weeks!" and "Look, there she is hitting him on the head with a stick!" would have worked just as well as the atrocious writing for this pitiful excuse for a movie. Maybe I'm being too harsh on it, but then again maybe I'm not. I know that I will never watch the movie again.

On the bright side, there were definitely some funny parts to this movie. Not many, but some. And, uh, that's just about all the good stuff about the movie.

I give it a 2 out of 10.

I Think I've Forgotten How to Post

Okay, not really. I just have been SOOO pressed for time. So many things to do in the real world that my cyber-life is being ignored. I have a lot of things to post on, I just have to take the initiative to post them. Don't worry, I'll get around to it.

You may notice some changes I've made to my blog. I've added Amber Alert at the request of a friend, and I've put some of my links back on the sidebar. No major changes though. I'm looking into getting a free Movable Type blog, but I'm not sure about how that will work out yet. In the meantime, I'll continue to post here. Would you guys still come to my blog if it was Movable type?

Also, I am going to see The Village with a couple of my friends tonight. I will hopefully have a review of it for you. I'm expecting it to be good, but I also expected Fifty First Dates to be somewhat good. I was disappointed, and I'll post about it soon.

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that I am still alive.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Quote of the Day

"I hate conspiracy theories. I hear they're all started by aliens who are secretly working for the government in an attempt to steal the elections in Florida."


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh!!!

Oh. My. Gosh. It finally works again! Everything is back to normal! HOORAY!!!! NEO IS IN THE HOUSE!

My PC is finally showing my formatting buttons, the bottom of my blog is back to normal, and I've got a searchbar to boot! LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Can you tell I'm excited? Seriously, my blogging style is officially un-cramped! Has everything on my page gone back to normal for you too? If not, try deleting your cookies and try again, then tell me how it looks.

One last thing...

Do a Google and/or Yahoo search of Strangely Normal. Then do a search of Neofascist (no need to add the question mark). I show up on top! Does anyone know how that happened?

Friday, August 13, 2004

Can We Sing With One Voice?

Ah, smart music. For everyone who likes their music to actually have something to say, I have found the band for you. Sure, the trumpet and trombone are a little hard to get used to, but the message in the O. C. Supertones’ music is just awesome! For me, Supertones music is an acquired taste. I had to listen to it for a while before I really began to appreciate it.

I have recently decided that I like the Supertones, and I came across their album Chase the Sun in our van. Since their music is so original, I have decided to go over some of their songs from Chase the Sun. First up is the first song on the cd, One Voice. The song is from 1999, so don’t worry about the reference to the year in the first line.

O. C. Supertones: One Voice
From the album Chase the Sun

1999 and the stakes is high.
Our options have come down
To either we do or we die.
We need You now more than ever.
Pull out all of the strife in the church,
Get us together.

Is time running out?
I can’t say. I do know
We have one day less
Than we did yesterday.So it’s up to us to unite;
You wanna fight the power?
You need the power to fight.

And can we sing with one voice,
If we all love the same God?
Can we agree to disagree?
And so we cry with one voice
To the only God in all the universe
Who holds us in His hands.

No more time
For us to bicker and complain.
If we’re called by the same name.
There’s nowhere for us to lay the blame
Except for ourselves,
And if we died of our old selves
To come alive as God’s flesh,
That makes us family.

Deeper than death,
But we don’t act so tight
When there’s a back to bite.
Are we less like a family, and
More like a fistfight?
Are we there, but not quite?
Are hypocrites children if light?

(repeat chorus)

Man, I even liked typing it. Of course, it helps to listen to the song, but the words alone can put forth the case for unity in the church quite well, and they do so in a short amount of time.
Seriously, we’ve got bigger things to worry about than whether or not those folks over there pray in tongues. We’ve got a unified enemy and we’re on his turf, and all we can think about is how we can’t stand those “flaky televangelists.” We’re too busy attacking other Christians over how they were baptized to even defend ourselves against attacks from the devil, much less mount a believable attack on the kingdom of darkness. “Are we less like a family and more like a fistfight?” Unfortunately (and irresponsibly), yes.

At what point did we stop thinking about winning souls? We are in a war with the kingdom of darkness, and the souls of billions of people are at stake. Instead of concentrating our collective efforts in a unified front against our common enemy, we waste our energy on petty, factious infighting. Imagine our enemy’s joy when he marches into battle only to find that those that he would strive against have turned on each other! Through our prideful negligence, we abandon our first priority in favor of pursuing a carnal, man-made goal (denominationalism), and in the process we end up slaughtering the cause we claim to champion (love).

With all the conflict in the body of Christ, it’s no wonder we are called hypocrites. We preach a message of love, but our message falls flat in the wake of our infighting. If we preach love, but we can’t even love each other, why should anyone listen to us? We, in all our pompous spirituality, say “love thy neighbor” while neglecting to love even our own brothers in Christ. We are supposed to have died of our old selves and come alive as God’s flesh, thus becoming family, but when it comes right down to it, we refuse to even love our brothers. As Christians, our relation is supposed go deeper than death, so surely it goes deeper than our carnal sectarianism.

We as Christians must realize that we are in a war, a struggle, between light and darkness. Because of that, we cannot live and function as though we have the luxury of being able to nit-pick and fight with other Christians like angry siblings. We cannot pretend that we have nothing better or more important to do than to bicker with Christians whose minor points of doctrine offend us. In WWII, many nations with disagreements came together to fight an impending evil, forgetting their differences and swallowing their arrogance and pride in order to defend the values that they all held dear.

That is how we must be. We are Christians, and as such, our first priority is to spreading the Gospel. Our call is not to get up in arms against our brothers because they like to swing a little incense; we should instead pick up our swords in defense of the fundamental parts of Christianity. We should stand up next to each other and fight for the basic tenets of our faith which we all hold dear, fighting against the enemy that threatens us all, rather than attacking our allies over small doctrinal disagreements.

We are the body of Christ, and as I have said before, all the parts of the Body should work together. If a house divided against itself cannot stand, then the church in danger of losing what influence it still has. Despite our disagreements, we are all in the same boat. It’s stupid to turn our cannons on each other when we are in a life and death struggle with the prince of the power of the air! Divided, we are a bickering bunch of impotent hypocrites, but united, we are unstoppable. If Christ is at our head, and we are all obedient to Him, there is nothing in this world that can stop us from winning the world to Christ.

Be blessed!

The Weblog Review

Well, I've submitted my blog for review on The Weblog Review. So am I a glutton for punishment or what? Meanwhile, my HTML continues to go whacky on me.

I am seriously considering switching to another blog hosting site, but Blogger is the best free one I can find. It's just so flaky. I could upgrade to the paid version of Blogger, but that costs money (obviously). The only thing I can see working out is upgrading the the paid version, and then placing just enough paid ads to pay for my blog.

What do you guys think? Do you know anything about placing ads on your site, and if so, would it be a good idea for me to switch?

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Random Thought...

One day I am going to organize a "Straight Pride" march and see how long it takes for someone to call me a bigot.

San Fran Gay Marraiges Nullified!

In a 5-2 decision, the California Supreme Court nullified the same-sex marriages performed in San Francisco. Though the ruling didn't address the issue of the constitutionality of same-sex marriages, it did set a good precedent. Skipping the legislative process, the mayor of San Francisco had begun allowing same-sex marriages, but the courts struck back in favor of democracy.

Since the FMA is for the moment incapacitated, a ruling like this is great for the pro-straight crowd. Now if only someone would do something about Massachusetts...

First the Super Bowl, and Now This!

When will we learn what happens when we let MTV produce our events? According to Bunnie Diehl, Kid Rock and Britney Spears will be performing at the Republican National Convention!


For goodness sake, what will Kid Rock sing that will be suitable for Republicans? Is Britney actually going to get dressed for this performance? Dear Lord, what were the Convention planners thinking?

Okay, so MTV isn't really producing the Convention, but one would think so. I just pray that there will be no "wardrobe malfunctions." We had better look out though, because comedian Margaret Cho has said that she is going to try to get arrested at the Convention. This sounds like it will be quite an interesting time for the Republican Party.

Other stars who will be appearing at the RNC will be Dennis Miller, Lee Ann Womack, Brooks and Dunn, and Kelsey Grammar.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

David's Rant

You may have noticed that I have not written anything about Fahrenheit 9/11 on my blog. The reason for that is that I am just weary of it; it's nothing but lies and distorted truths, and there are so many of them that I really don't want to take the time to refute Mr. Moore.

David Sessions, however, has seen the movie and written an exceptional article about it. Here's the good part: his article as included on the front page of The Rant! The article is called Propaganda Comes To Town, and I recommend that everyone read it.

Great job, David! Keep up the good work!

Bland Aid

Bland Aid
Originally uploaded by NeoFascist?.


Congress considers new military medal to recognize John Kerry's war wounds.

The new medal will be called the "Purple Owie".

It will be authorized for wear directly over the wound, and after use, will be rolled up and thrown over the nearest fence.......

Bland Aid 2

Bland Aid 2
Originally uploaded by NeoFascist?.

"Who looks like a sissy over 3 little scratches?"

Hint: has 3 purple hearts in 4 months but never spent a day in the hospital.

John Kerry, War Hero?

Thanks to Sara for e-mailing me those pics. If you liked the pictures, you'll really like this.

Some veterans who served with Kerry in the Vietnam war are coming out and claiming that he lied in order to receive medals and that he lied about the conduct of American soldiers in Vietnam. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (Swift Boat Vets FAQs here) is a multi-partisan effort to get Kerry to release his military records and thus show his justification for obtaining a bronze star, silver star, and three purple hearts in a four month period.

The accusations they level at Kerry are fairly serious. For instance, they claim that Kerry lied to receive a bronze star. Kerry claims that he saved a fellow serviceman while under heavy enemy fire from both sides. Other veterans who were at the scene, however, say that there was no enemy fire directed at the boats. SBVT also claims that "It is clear that at least one of Kerry's
Purple Heart awards was the result of his own negligence, not enemy fire, and that Kerry went to unusual lengths to obtain the award after being turned down by his own commanding officer."
I hope this stuff gets out. I don't think a four-month tenure which caused Kerry's fellow servicemen turn against him constitutes heroics, despite what Kerry would have you believe. I encourage you to read the Swift Boat Veterans' site; post a link to them. They have lots of interesting information.

Be blessed!

Monday, August 09, 2004

Deja Vu

Bunnie Diehl is back, and she has tossed up for discussion the song "Here With Me" by MercyMe. You can mosey on over there if you want to see my opinion of the song and keep up with the discussion. And of course, you are welcome to help me out as well (though I know some of you *pokes D2M* would prefer to stay far far away).

Well, I've got lots of grass to cut.

Be blessed!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

TTLB Ecosystem

I'm sure that by now you have seen the link on my page pronouncing that I am a slimy mollusc. If you're the curious type, you have probably clicked on it to see what the heck it was about. If you haven't, or if you just didn't get it, I thought I'd take a little time to explain it.

The "The Truth Laid Bear Ecosystem" is a directory of blogs that ranks blogs by inbound links. Your ranking improves by the number of other blogs that link to you, provided the other blogs are in the Ecosystem. That means that if someone links to you, but they aren't in the Ecosystem, that link won't be counted toward your ranking. I noticed that Laura has already joined the Ecosystem.

Anyway, I just thought it would be a neat way to see how I rank in the blogosphere. If you want to add your blog to the Ecosystem, just click here, and remember that the more inbound links you get, the higher your ranking will be.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Home Sweet Home!

Wow, a lot has happened since the last time I updated my blog! Let’s see if I can fill you in…

I believe the last time I left you I was leaving Rockaway, NJ for the Big Apple. That’s right, I visited NYC! It was amazing! First we went on a boat to see the Liberty Enlightening the World, better known as the Statue of Liberty, and of course it was magnificent. But that was just the beginning…

When we got off the boat, there was a man who was trying to get us to take a tour of the city in his limo. He was charging 120 dollars for two hours. While he was talking to us, there was a guy standing behind him motioning to my dad to not take the limo. When Mr. Limo had finished talking to us and left, the guy behind him introduced himself. He and his family live in NYC and they couldn’t bear for someone to pay 120 dollars to see the city in a car when it is better seen on foot. They had simply planned on walking around the city that day, so they invited us along and gave us a tour of the city! We saw so much that it is hard to list it all! We saw Rockefeller Plaza, Fifth Avenue, Trump Tower, the Empire State Building (we didn’t go to the top), and St. Patrick’s Cathedral with a wedding in progress. We also saw THE Toys R Us, their three-story flagship store. We saw Radio City Music Hall, the Wall Street Building, a five star hotel called The Plaza which we briefly went into (so amazingly ornate that it bordered on gaudy), Central Park, and more. We took loads of pictures too!

On the subject of pictures, I’m sorry I haven’t posted many. I’ve been quite busy, but I will get around to posting them. Unfortunately, I have to cut grass during this coming week, so blogging may be scarce.

Anyway, for supper we ate with our tour-guide family at a club called Jekyll and Hyde’s. It was definitely interesting, and hard to describe as well. It was sort of themed around old horror movies…

We had a great time in New York City. After dinner, we had to leave and our friends had to go home. To top off our trip, we got to ride a taxi back to the ferry docks. The trip was probably one of the best experiences I have ever had.

After that, we headed to Hershey, PA for a couple of days at Hershey Park. I had fun there too, though not as much fun as I had in New York. I finished overcoming my fear of roller coasters there, simply by riding them. I ended up riding almost all of the coasters they have by the time we left.

Now I’m back home, and things are fine, though I have a lot to do. I need to start cutting the grass, since I cut it before I left and in a week and a half it has grown back up. Anyway, I should be kept busy for a while with some catching up on stuff. Anyway, I’ve got to go now.

Be blessed!

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