Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I'm Back!

Well, I’m back now, and some interesting things have happened since I left. Why can’t things happen while I have internet access?

First of all, Bunnie Diehl has decided to review a mainstream song, called Slither (by Velvet Revolver, I think). I find the song, though not offensive, to be lyrically lacking (how do you like that alliteration?). Take a gander over there to see the lyrics. I find the completely non-sequitur lines of the song to be quite tiresome.

Second, I have several e-mails that I have to respond to. Lately I have been doing a poor job of keeping up with my e-mail correspondences because of my blog, and that was compounded recently by the fact that my e-mail stopped working for a while.

Thirdly, the U.S. government has handed over power in Iraq two days early! I will post on this as soon as I can. For goodness sake, didn’t the government know that they should wait to hand over power until I can write a post? ;)

This stuff is all great, except for the fact that I don’t have enough internet time to take care of all of it. My parents installed some parental controls on our computer in order to limit my internet time, since we have broadband. At press time, I had less than 5 minutes left on my clock, and I had to type the post offline (cutting and pasting to publish my post).

I will try to return to my regular posting schedule as soon as possible. To get there, I have lots of work to do.

Be blessed!

Sunday, June 27, 2004

On a Short Hiatus

My parents are going on a business trip for a few days, and I will be staying with my grandparents. A lack of internet access there means that I will not be able to post anything until late Wednesday or Thursday. I hope I don't go through blogger withdrawal... ;)

Be blessed!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

More on Terrorism

Here we go again! More hostages!

I'm really getting sick of this now. I mean it, this is becoming non-news. I'd like to see a report where there actually *aren't* any hostages or beheadings.

But what's worse than the fact that this is becoming non-news is the fact that there are three men who are about to be beheaded by terrorists. We see this so often now that it is pathetic, and my anger has turned into exasperation. How much longer will these barbaric tactics be used before we get tough on those who use them?

The terrorists claimed that "(the prisoners) will receive the just punishment of being beheaded" if Turkey doesn't give in to the terrorists. I can't help but wonder where the folks who decry the death penalty in America are right now. Shouldn't they be leading the fight to apprehend these monsters? Last time I checked, beheading wasn't generally considered a "just punishment," especially if the punishment is for something that has no connection with the person being punished.

The horror that I feel about these beheadings is becoming more widespread, however. Unfortunately, anti-Muslim sentiment (of the violent kind) is *reported* to be rising.

While I am completely against the radical Muslims who terrorize our country and our world, I am not violent about it, and I disagree with those who are. The following statement, however, just strikes me as loony:

"It's really our fear coming true," said Faiza Ali of the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "It indicates a hatred that could turn into something violent."

Hmm, I wonder if the hatred he speaks of is anything like the hatred that has been attacking the Jews and Americans for years. After all, that hatred turned violent long before 9-11.

The moderate Muslims, as they are called, need to speak out against the radicals, and they need to join the forefront of the fight against radical Islam in order to prove their goodwill. Presently, those claiming to be moderates do little to turn in the radicals or to fight the radicals, but they then whine when they are suspected of sympathizing with or being terrorists. This is typical abuse of freedom.

When Muslims behead an American, the Palestinians are filmed dancing in the streets, and the American Arabs hold memorial services-- not for the victim of Muslim agression, but for the victim of anti-Muslim violence. The least these folks could do is remember Nick Berg as well, and speak out against terrorism of all kinds.

We live in some crazy times, and we are under siege. No longer do our enemies plant themselves outside the borders of their enemies and fire inward; now they infiltrate the society and attack from the very heart of their enemy. It is now hard to distinguish between friendly civilians and enemy terrorists; the terrorists try to blend in with their civilian counterparts and the friendly Muslims aren't very helpful in finding the terrorists, or even in proving that they aren't terrorists themselves. Pre-emptive strikes on suspected terrorist strongholds both inside America and abroad are the only way to defeat our enemy. There is no standing army to confront on the battlefield; the world is their battlefield. Every nation, city and street is considered the battleground by this new enemy, and we were woefully unprepared to fight such an unscrupulous opponent.

We gave every person within our borders extensive rights to privacy and freedom to assemble and voice dissent, and this is how we are repayed. The freedom that we have given, in hopes that it wouldn't be abused, and in hopes that in light of our obvious goodwill we would be viewed as benevolent and kind, has been used against us. It would be stupid to send a knight into battle without his armor. In the same way, we must make ourselves less vulnerable to these sneaky, vicious fiends who wish to use our liberty against us.

If this means a crackdown on the problem groups, so be it. We have to trust the justice system to do all within its power to find out who is guilty and who is innocent. The Muslims are proven to produce many terrorists. The Muslims who aren't terrorists and aren't connected with terrorists might still be apprehended. They could be tried. Some may even be wrongly convicted, though I hope not. They must view it as their duty to the country that, even while investigating its citizens, still allows more freedoms than most other countries would even think of. Moderate Muslims must do all in their power to distance themselves from terrorism, so that they won't have to worry if they are accused. It's a two way street; we can try to avoid unjustified arrests, but they have to make it easy to see when the arrests would be justified and when they wouldn't. The radicals try their hardest to look like moderates, and thus the moderates must try their hardest to prove their innocence.

Terrorism causes trouble all around. It hurts everyone from those killed in the terrorist action to the Muslims who claim peace but are constantly impersonated, thus making it impossible to tell the difference between the radicals and the moderates. It sets off false alarms and keeps the population jumpy and on edge, and it circumvents the alarms to strike without warning. Terrorism is without a doubt a great danger, and one that needs to be eradicated at all costs.

If a crackdown is necessary, I hope the moderates will prove their innocence and dedication to America by putting up with the necessary actions which will keep not only the non-Muslim population safe, but will also the Muslims living peacefully in America safe from terrorism.

Peace through strength is the only way. The decades-old strategies of appeasement and containment have yielded no results, but peace through strength, the only logical alternative, has proven effective in its role in the downfall of the Soviet Union and the capture of Saddam Hussein. Peace is great, but we must not shy away from it when it involves making a show of strength and using that strength to put down unruly members of society. Fear will achieve no peace.

Be blessed, y'all.

Gay What?

I'm too nauseated to speak; just read this and tell me what you think.

New entries into the Neo's Adapted Political Dictionary, 1st ed.

Pride (n., as in, gay pride)
Definition: Sense of invincibility resulting from the protection and encouragement of a politically correct culture.
Usage: Gay pride demonstrators often spew insults at those who voice disagreement.
Other forms: Prideful (adj.), pridefully (adv.).

Right [or "rights"] (n., as in, homosexual rights or right to die)
Definition: A privilege based solely on ability to commit an act, regardless of consequences; a wish for the privilege to commit immoral acts without fear of reproach by people of opposing viewpoints.
Usage: The ACLU argued that whatever two people do in the bedroom is their right and they have a right to privacy should their actions come under scrutiny.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Will the UN Condemn This Too?

U.N. Says Opium Production Is Rising.

So what are they going to do about it? Are they going to try the Canada way out and try to force the legalization of opium? Maybe the U.N. will condemn stuff. They're good at that; it makes them feel like they are doing something good without that annoying obligation to take action.

Maybe they'll blame it on America; after all, we are the ones who invaded Afghanistan, and by freeing the people, we have given them more means to make the drug. DOWN WITH AMERICA!

Really though, this is a big problem. U.N. bashing aside, somebody really needs to take some action in Afghanistan, whether that someone is the U.S., the U.N., or somebody else. Maybe they'll be able to work something out.

Finally, let's not forget what the article said about illegal drugs versus legal ones. Abuse of any substance, legal or illegal, always leads to bad consequences, sometimes for the individual (such as lung cancer) and sometimes for society (such as a drunk-driving accident).

Let's be more careful with God's temple; let's present ourselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. Once everyone starts doing that, alcoholics will want to change because they will no longer be the norm and socially acceptable. That's the only way to guard against substance abuse.

Be blessed!

So THAT'S Why Soldiers Have Guns

Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian in West Bank.

So? The soldiers were in danger, and they were trying to defend themselves.

I guarantee you that there will be renewed suicide bombings in retaliation of the Israeli "brutality." I bet the U.N. will condemn Israel for this action, too. Every nation in the world has a right to defend itself (and even use such means as terrorism) except America and Israel (and we wouldn't even think of terrorism).

The world shall despise us...

What Is the World Coming To?

I can't believe it! A rapper has been accused of a crime! I am shocked!

Come on, did anyone really think this wouldn't happen? Practically every rapper out there has been arrested for drug related crimes, or at least has been involved in drug related crimes, and other crimes among rappers are not exactly a rarity. Why do we let these creeps continue to influence the youth of America? Let's just send our kids to visit a maximum-security prison and have them buddy up with some of the prisoners; then at least the rest of us wouldn't have to listen to their profane music.

These rappers steal, do drugs, murder, and delight in fornication, all the while they are singing about it and telling America's kids how great sin is. What are the kids doing listening to that crap? To borrow from Bunnie Diehl, I believe that rap (of the variety that I have just menioned) would definately qualify as "craptacular." Actually, that's an understatement, considering that the term "craptacular" does not even take the sin or the glorification of sin into account.

The kids of America are horribly irresponsible. That really gets on my nerves. Unfortunately, the reason they are irresponsible is because their PARENTS are irresponsible. Parents let their kids listen to such blatantly evil "music," watch horrible movies, and then put their kids on Prozac because they can't figure out what the problem is. And don't even get me started on ADD...

When a Christian society and heritage collide with such anti-Christian values found in rap and many other areas of our culture, something's got to give.

To paraphrase: "All that is required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing."

Be blessed, everyone.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

A Kerrydox

Hmm, so Kerry Blames Bush for Partisanship in D.C. I often wonder if Kerry actually knows what's going on. Maybe he should campaign as the "ignorance is bliss" candidate, because that certainly seems to be his policy.

Let me give you some things he said about the senate:

" this Senate... it's my way or the highway, shut the door, lock the people out, don't let them take part in the democracy, don't respect the institution. Don't show the common courtesies that actually bring people together to find the common ground."

Hey, it sounds like he's talking about the constitutionally abusive filibusters! Maybe he's actually in touch with the real world for once! Oh wait, he continued by saying this:

"So they found a way all day to twiddle their thumbs, do very little, attend a reception at the White House, but not let John Kerry vote."

(Sigh) Well, I'd say he's completely right; the senate does have a problem with locking people out and not letting them take part in democracy. One of those people is Miguel Estrada.

"(The Republicans) Don't show the common courtesies that actually bring people together to find common ground."

Hey, at least the Repubs let the Democrats talk. One can't even find that much courtesy in the Democrats' record.

In Kerry's world, the earth is still flat, the sun revolves around the earth, and everything revolves around Kerry. In Kerry's world, we are in a worse situation economically than theSoviet Union, but instead of having a great humanitarian like Stalin as leader, we get stuck with a warmongering cowboy who is a complete wimp. Again, that's in Kerry's world.

In the real world things are different. If anyone wants to know what things are like in the real world, he must simply listen to what Kerry says... and then not believe a word of it.

The new JFK's view of the world is a paradox, an obvious contradiction to reality. Therefore, when referring to something paradoxical or outright stupid that John Kerry says, it shall be called a Kerrydox. It could also be called a Kerrymoron, but we will reserve that for references to Kerry himself.

Maybe if we all vote for Kerry, he can take us all to his alternate reality, where everything is wrong and he can fix it all. That way, he would be a hero, at least in his own little world.

UPDATE: I (yet again) posted the wrong link. Now you should be able to visit the site that has the story I mentioned.

How To Win an Election

Oh, this will definately take the votes away from Bush. If Springsteen opposes Bush, that just spells doom for the President in the upcoming elections.

Please, anything but Bruce!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Only In France

According to Reuters, a black housecat ran around impersonating a panther and scaring people in Marseille, France. They actually had to call out the police force.

Do you mean to tell me that they couldn't even tell that the feline was just a little too small to be a panther? I mean, sure, the cat was big, but to mistake it for a panther? I'm glad we've got such smart folks like that in NATO to cover our backs.

They'll send out the police force to apprehend something that they *think* might be dangerous, but they won't send troops to apprehend someone they *know* is a brutal dictator.

(Gasp!) Kerry Was Wrong?

Lookee here! Kerry thinks the middle class is miserable. Tell that the the growing economy.

I hope this story gets out; it would be huge for Bush and horrible for Kerry. I think Kerry needs to run for president in a third world country, because he's campaigning like we are doing horrible and everyone is in poverty. I don't think so.

Then again, I don't think I'd wish Kerry on anyone.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Welcome to the Zoo

In my last post, I said "don't feed the animals." In case there was any doubt in your mind, these are the animals I was referring to, and they are truly animals.

I am enraged! Another beheading! It's time to hunt these troglodytes down and shoot them on sight! They have been on an unchecked rampage for too long, and it's time to bring them down!

Maybe it seems a little harsh to shoot them on sight. You must remember, though, that we are in a war, and in war, you don't ask your enemy kindly for permission to shoot him. If we capture these neanderthals, they will just be put on trial, and they almost certainly won't get the death penalty. Leniency won't win the hearts and minds of a people who view leniency as a weakness.

It has been said that we should follow the rules of war even when fighting against an enemy with no regard for such rules. While there is a lot to be said for that, I say we shoot the pigs who behead civilians. No trial, nothing. After all, they have fought for their whole lives against the system that would put them on trial, and since they don't want to be under that system, let's let them have their wish. No need for them to be under our laws, since they don't like our laws anyway. Let's just get rid of them.

That may seem harsh. It probably is. However, I am fed up with the beheadings and terrorism. I have had enough. These evil dogs don't deserve to live or be given a fair trial.

In my angry screed, let's not forget that Jesus loves even these individuals. They need to be saved. Truth is, though, that God meant for people to be punished when they kill their fellow man. Of the seven things God hates, one of them is hands that shed innocent blood. These men have done that, and they deserve to pay for that.

I am not God. I cannot and will not exact punishment on the radical Muslims who behead people. The government can, and should exact that punishment. Unruly members of society, those who pose a great an imminent danger to their peers, must be removed from society through either incarceration or execution.

If these men are found, I imagine they will be captured (assuming they don't fight to the death). In that case, they will probably receive a proper trial and be put in jail. I guess that works, so long as they are never released.

In my opinion, if we are going to punish our soldiers for humiliating (and allegedly murdering, though I haven't heard of that being conclusively proven) detainees, we should also punish our enemies, the terrorists, for beheading our citizens.

Law must prevail. The sexual immorality of our guards at Abu Ghraib was disgusting. Punish them for it. The terrorists have beheaded our civilians. Punish them for it. Our guards are under our laws, and they should be punished accordingly. The terrorists hate our law and don't want to be under it. They must be punished, but the question is how? I imagine the best way would be to try them under our law anyway.

Shooting the terrorists on sight may not be the best policy. Then again, it may be. I spoke hastily and I honestly don't know what the best punishment is in this situation. That's not for me to decide. God put the burden of punishment on the government, not me. The best thing I can do is pray that God will guide those in authority and help them know what to do.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Don't Feed the Animals!

I'm about to make a statement that may shock and outrage some people. It could be interpreted as bigoted, hateful, and uncaring. It might even be considered (shudder) politically incorrect.


Ahh, that feels better.

Here's the truth: The liberals in America got wind of the "torture" (read: embarrassment) of some prisoners in Iraq and decided that Rumsfeld should resign. After all, he was the one who was torturing those poor men, right?

Good grief! We embarrassed some enemies while they were our POWs, and it's being treated like we beheaded every last one of them. Why? The Dems say it's because "we aren't winning their hearts and minds with this kind of behavior." For Pete's sake, there is *no way* to win their hearts and minds. They have been taught from childhood that America is the "Great Satan" because it supports Israel, and that America must be defeated. Each time we try to be nice to them, each time we go out of our way to make sure they understand our goodwill, they only repay us with terrorism. They won't understand kindness, because they view that as weakness.

I feel that the liberals in America tend to hold a double standard in war. They want to put our soldiers on trial for embarrassing a few prisoners, while they are saying nothing about the Iraqi guards who repeatedly raped and beat their prisoners. The liberals call it bigotry when someone refers to the Muslim world as "backward" and "uncivilized," claiming that we should treat them like a highly civilized people capable of democracy even though the Muslims have never experienced democracy and haven't the slightest clue of how it works. Amid their exaltations of the obviously morally superior radical Muslims (they never invaded another country unilaterally, right?), they call on the U.S. to treat the prisoners like dignitaries, complete with banquets and caviar.

That's stupid. First they argue that the Muslims are just as advanced in their knowledge as we are, and then they tell us that the Muslims should be allowed using barbaric means such as terrorism (i.e., in Israel) because they are backward and that is the only means available to them. Then they argue that we should treat the barbarian radicals even more kindly than we treat prisoners from our own country.

I know that seems like horrible logic, and that's because it is. Lest you think that I'm living in a dream world and that even the liberals wouldn't use such faulty arguments, I must tell you that I have been in arguments where those arguments were all used. Liberals generally have somewhat differing opinions, just as conservatives do, and therefore the arguments I have mentioned don't apply to all liberals, but I have seen that they do use such erroneous reasoning.

Allow me to say that I am not actually bigoted. Not all Muslims are "barbarians." However, the Wahabi and Shiite sects are both radical and militant, and they, along with other militant sects, make up a large part of the Muslim population. Militant and radical Muslims are barbarians; I stand by that and I won't recant. Remember the people who danced in the streets in Palestine on 9/11? They were barbarians. Remember the guerillas who try to blow up our soldiers? They are barbarians. If we capture them, we should not interrogate them over crumpets and tea. We should intimidate them and scare the crap out of them until they talk. Pump some Truth Serum into them, for goodness' sake. If our enemies won't abide by the rules of war, we shouldn't feel obligated to abide by them either when dealing with such animals.

I won't condone the sexual perversion of the Abu Ghraib incident. It was sinful. However, the outrage over the whole thing is completely overblown. Nick Berg was beheaded, not embarrassed, and none of his captors were worried about winning the hearts and minds of Americans. I have seen much more coverage of Abu Ghraib than of Nick Berg, and personally, I would rather the media not try to mislead me into thinking that we are the bad guys by covering our mistakes more than our enemy's intentional and planned atrocities.

We are fighting a new kind of enemy in this war; the kind that has no conscience and will do anything for the sake of Allah (and perhaps the 70 virgins he thinks he will get upon death). These animals (people, whatever) cannot be won to our side because they have already made up their minds for Allah.

The Radical Muslims will only understand a show of force, just like disobedient little kids. Children will not stop disobedient activity if they are offered candy. They will only intensify their disobedience because they see the result of their actions is something good. Humans tend to associate actions with their consequences. If an action brings about something good, we consider the action good. This goes back to the "sowing and reaping" principle; we know that we reap things of the same character of that which we sowed. The radicals see themselves blowing up and beheading Americans, and then they see their prisoners being released. Since they want more prisoners released, can you guess what they are going to do? As the saying goes, "Don't feed the animals."

We must wake up and take a good whiff of reality. Our enemies must be defeated, and the only way to achieve that is through force. It's pretty sad when a country like America's bark is worse than its bite, but when we can't even bark like we're tough, it spells doom.

Peace (through strength), Y'all.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

I Hate Yahoo Mail

Yahoo! stinks.

I've been trying to send some e-mails, but for some reason they keep on getting returned. If you have been expecting an e-mail from me, I haven't been able to get anything through for a while. I will keep trying.

Just wondering, are any of you Yahoo! mail users? If so, have you been experiencing difficulties?

Eat Your Heart Out, Bunnie!

Over on Bunnie Diehl's blog there is a perpetual argument about CCM, Praise and Worship music, and other such points. Every week, Bunnie "reviews" one of the top 20 CCM songs, and proceeds to bash it indiscriminately. She has thus far bashed More (Matthew West), Glory Defined (Building 429), Dare You To Move (Switchfoot), Who Am I (Casting Crowns), Instead (Stacie Orrico), Grace Like Rain (Todd Agnew), and Ready to Fly (FFH). The only song that Bunnie gave a passing grade to was Sea of Faces, by Kutless. You see, that song mentions the sacraments, and therefore it is Christian. Who Am I, however, had too many cliches for Bunnie. Sheesh.

Bunnie has also posted screeds against P&W, or Praise and Worship music. Apparently she believes it to be uncreative, and finds the old hymns to be far more worshipful. For some reason, she seems to believe that God does not deserve even the amount of praise that we give our favorite football player when he scores a touchdown. Bunnie believes that we must be solemn (she must have missed the story in the Bible about David's dancing before God).

Maybe Bunnie needs to read this article. Julie Anne Fidler shares her views on the Praise and Worship movement, and is nice about it. She also challenges those of us who bear grudges against old hymns to "reevaluate your stance on what is worship..." After all, worship is not in the music, but in the heart of the worshipper.

Thanks to Sara for the heads up on CMCentral.

Happy Father's Day!


Saturday, June 19, 2004


It's quite late right now, and I have nothing to do. Therefore, I am simply going to post something. I suppose I will just talk about what I'm doing and thinking.

I'm listening to Matthew West's More on the radio. I just LOVE this song. The chorus goes:

I love you more than the sun
and the stars
that I taught how to shine
you are mine
and you shine for me too
I love you
yesterday and today and tomorrow
I'll sing it again and again
I love you more

For some reason, that song just seems so wonderful to me. God's love is so great, even though we have done nothing to deserve it. He made so many immense and powerful objects in His creation, such as the sun and the stars, yet, out of all of Creation, we are the only things to which He gave souls. He wants to spend eternity with us, and I, not being able to completely grasp the concept of His love, can't possibly figure out why.

Now FFH's One of These Days is on the radio. I haven't listened to this song in a while, but man, I love the lyrics. It talks about when we get to heaven, and all the things we will do there. Here's the chorus:

One of these days
I'm gonna see the hand that took the nails for me
One of these days
I'm gonna hold the key to the mansion built for me
One of these days
I'm gonna walk the streets of gold that were paved for me
One of these days
I'm gonna see my Savior face to face
One of these days

I really like this song. Its content reminds me somewhat of the newer song I Can Only Imagine. Heaven's gonna be awesome, I can't wait until I get there. Until then, I guess I will just focus on getting to know God and trying to make the world a better place. I don't mind having to make the best of the little time I have on earth, considering that I have an eternity to spend in heaven.

God is good...

Stupidity Watch

Today's Darwin Award focus is on a 1994 Darwin Award nominee who came up with a novel way to steal the engine from a Bedford tip-truck--he decided to unscrew it from underneath.

I'm Back!

Hey everybody! It's me, Neo.

Okay, so now that I'm back, I am going to be doing something a little differently on my blog. It has occurred to me that as the administrator of this blog, I really shouldn't be posting so many comments. The posts are my voice; I should leave the comments to be yours.

This applies mainly to the political posts. As more people visit this blog, there are bound to be disagreements, and I should not hijack the comments threads. Instead, I want you guys to duke it out. If you disagree with someone, tell them so on the comments page, and tell them why. Please be respectful, of course, so as to foster a good debate, but don't be afraid to disagree.

Just wondering, do you guys have any suggestions for my blog? I'm still working to improve it however I can, and your input would be quite welcome.

Be blessed!

Friday, June 18, 2004

Presidents 40 and 43

I just got this week's issue of WORLD Magazine, and the front page as well as two articles are devoted to Ronald Reagan. And rightly so. I'm one of those people who is all for putting Reagan's likeness on Mount Rushmore. The way I see it, Reagan has done more for our country than any other president in history. Washington did a great job leading our fledgling nation, Lincoln held us together during a civil war, and Eisenhower was just great all around, but besides them, none of our other presidents can hold a candle to Reagan.

Reagan dared to challenge the Soviet Union and he won. Because of Reagan, millions of people can live free, without the fear of Communism always in the back of their minds. Because of Reagan, the Berlin Wall, the symbol of the Iron Curtain, fell and thus became a symbol of capitalism and democracy. Because of Reagan, I don't have to fear Soviet missiles being aimed at my country.

I very much regret not having been alive during Reagan's presidency. It must have been so exciting to be an American during that time!

Now, however, I have a new conservative president to watch. President George W. Bush faces a threat that is comparable to that of the Soviet Union; the threat of radical Islam. The radical Muslims are every bit as bent on the destruction of America as the Soviets were, and the Muslims have religion to fuel them. I pray that President Bush will have the courage to stand alone in the international community and say "Enough! No more suicide bombings! No more genocide! No more oppression of other religions!" Peace through strength is a trademark of great leaders, and I pray that President Bush will not bow to pressure from arrogant France, or from other nations that, because they are so mired in pluralism, can't even see the danger that is right in front of their face. These nations have kept their mind so open that it fell out, and idiots in high places can have disastrous consequences.

The jury is still out on George W. Bush. He hopefully has four more years in which he can either live up to Reagan's standard, or fail to do so. May God grant him the courage and strength to lead with excellence.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

To My Visitors

Tomorrow I will be going to my friend's house to spend the night, and I won't be able to post anything until Saturday afternoon or Sunday. I may be able to get one post in tomorrow before I leave, but I can't promise anything. Oh well, I think you can survive. :)

Be blessed!

How to Make a List of Links

Here's a walkthrough of how to add links to your blog. I hope it helps...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Which looks better?

I'm trying to decide if I want my list of links to go on the sidebar or at the bottom of my blog. I'm leaning toward putting them on the bottom. What do you think?


Debate is currently underway on Bunnie's blog about the Barlowgirl song "Never Alone," as well as the larger issue of CCM in general. Sub-issues in this argument include Carlos's abrasiveness and the usage of the word "crap."

UPDATE: Blogger D2M has written an excellent post on Bunnie Diehl and CCM. Check it out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

A Recession? Really??

Reuters reports that hiring plans near boom levels.

HAH! Recession, my foot! Take that, you liberals! Wave bye-bye to your "Bush's Crappy Economy" lie. Heck, with the economy on Bush's side, there's no way he can lose to that smug, schizo democrat named Kerry.

Making Darwin Proud

The Darwin Awards are annual awards which are bestowed posthumously on people who improve human evolution by removing themselves from our gene pool. From time to time I will post a Darwin Award winner or nominee that particularly stood out to me. Today's focus is on a Darwin Award nominee from 1994. He believed he was a "psychic" and he decided to stop a train with his mind powers. Click here for the story.

UPDATE: I just realized that I posted the wrong link to the story. It should be fixed now.

The Paradox of the French Fries

The Associated Press reports on Yahoo News that french fries, obviously a cooked food, are now classified as "fresh vegetables." This does not mean, however, that you now need 3-5 servings of french fries as the food pyramid would suggest. Rather, the classification is actually for commercial reasons only. So why would I even post this mundane story? Because the Agriculture Department said that it does not consider an order of french fries the same as an apple in school lunches.

Okay, so my only reason for posting this story is this: Does the Agriculture Department actually think that an apple is a fresh vegetable?

Monday, June 14, 2004

Anticipated Return

I have a friend who left to go on a two-week long mission trip to Costa Rica today. Actually, I have several friends who are going on this mission trip, but one is, shall we say, more notable than the others. When she gets back, I will try to post some information about her experiences on the trip, and possibly some info from my other friends who went on said trip.

Until then, I will be praying for their safe trip and return. More later...

Supreme Court Upholds Constitution

OH MY GOSH! I didn't think the Supreme Legislature (formerly known as the Supreme Court) would ever again render a constitutional decision. It appears, however, that law and order have for once prevailed.

The Supreme Court today ruled that the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance are constitutional--well, sort of. The man who started this case, Michael Newdow, claimed that his daughter (a Christian, no less) should not have to say the Pledge of Allegiance since he perceived the words "under God" to be a government endorsement of religion (Oh, the horror!). Anyway, Mr. Newdow only has partial custody of his daughter, and the girl and her mother like the pledge the way it is. Because of Mr. Newdow's lack of custody (he only sees his daughter 10 days a month), the Supreme Court ruled that he has no standing to speak for his daughter.

Said Michael Newdow:
"I may be the best father in the world," adding "She spends 10 days a month with me. The suggestion that I don't have sufficient custody is just incredible. This is such a blow for parental rights."

No, actually it's a blow to the rights of people who try to change the meaning of the Constitution without using the voting process. Mr. Newdow, if we wanted you to make our laws for us, we would have elected you to public office. This is a democracy, my friend, and in a democracy, all the people make the laws, not just one insane athiest who thinks he is infallible. If you want that, you can move to Cuba.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Oh, Well if It's Sanitized...

Yahoo! News reports that the perverted HBO series "Sex and the City" will be released to basic cable this summer. Fear not, however, for it will be sanitized, or so they say.

From the Yahoo! report:

"TBS is promoting 'five nights of great sex,' and will air two of the series' best episodes each evening through Saturday, starting at 10 p.m. EDT. The network will begin showing all 94 episodes this summer, in order from the first to the last."

Is it really possible to sanitize something that is utter filth? For example, have you ever heard of anyone who said "I'm going to clean my dirt now." Of course not! If someone sanitizes "Sex And the City" correctly, there will be nothing left.

That would be a good thing, but the very fact that the series is going to air is proof that it hasn't been sanitized enough.

Good thing it's going on TBS; I imagine its moral depravity won't be too big of a stretch for that station. Rather, it should be almost par for the course.

About Those Comments...

I have been testing my blog out lately and I just realized that if someone wants to comment on my blog but they aren't registered with Blogger, they have to use the name "Anonymous." I don't like this, and I am looking into changing it. I can't wait til I have all this junk sorted out and can actually start posting interesting stuff.

Huh? What Happened?

For goodness' sake! I hate computers! I've been trying to add some things to my blog using the template, and the thing got to where I couldn't publish the page! I deleted the blog and started over with the same name and URL, but now I have to remake the links I had earlier. A blogger's job is never done.

My First Post!

Ahh, don't you just love the smell of a fresh blog? It's quite invigorating. Or, maybe I just need to get some sleep.

Hi, I'm NeoFascist?, and this is my own personal blog. I plan to bring you news, viewpoints, and the occasional random thought to get you thinking as well.

For my first post, I figure I had better explain my name. Many people understand it, but a few tend to mistake satire for being literal. My name, NeoFascist? (with a question mark), is intended to save the breath of the liberals who use the term carelessly and endlessly. If any person who holds conservative beliefs is to be labeled a fascist by the liberals (a sign that they have never read a history book), then why don't we just call ourselves that in order to save the liberals the trouble? I am not, repeat, AM NOT, a fascist, but rather a conservative teenager who is sick of the idiocy which surrounds him.

In my blog I will try to document news for group discussions on the comments page. I will also add my personal viewpoints on and critiques of our broken society. Please be patient as I learn the finer points of blogging, and by all means, leave a comment; let me know you were here. Vulgar or obscene comments, however, will be edited and the right to post comments can be taken away at my discretion. Debate is healthy and fun, but obscene language is counter-productive to healthy debate.

I will try to post my first news item shortly.

Be blessed!


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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