Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo's Murder is Complete

Terri Schiavo is officially dead. After 13 days of starvation at the hands of her husband, she has finally passed away. May she rest in peace.

Welcome to our society, our culture of death. We pamper our pets, and starve our wives when they become inconvenient. In sickness or in health, Mr. Schiavo; you made that vow, and you honored it only as long as it would help you win malpractice suits. You sick... Well, I don't have to call him any names; we all know full well what he is.

The frightening thing is that so many people in America support this greedy, adulterous murderer. Ladies and gentlemen, when humans attempt to decide whose life is worth living, and kill those who aren't worth keeping alive, that is playing God. We can't ascribe value to these people's lives! And yet, so many want to take the life of anyone who "isn't worth it." The sad thing is that this isn't the first time such an attitude has pervaded a culture.

Anybody remember Adolf Hitler? He did the exact same thing! He took the lives of people based on how valuable he determined their lives to be. Nazism is a horrible thing, and yet many people in America are infatuated with its tenets, fighting to end life based on how valuable we perceive it to be. This is not compassion, and it is not dignity; it is blatant, selfish stupidity, and I am ashamed for my country.

This happened in my country. Right here, in MY AMERICA, a lady was starved by Nazis, crusading under the banner of dignity and compassion. This country that I love, the Land of the Free, is being changed into its very antithesis. Freedom for all has been given some fine print: Freedom for All (unless you just ain't worth it).

And now, at the hands of the Michael Schiavo and his Nazi-esque supporters, Terri is dead. My neighbor's crippled dog is still fed adequately, but Terri just wasn't worth it. I had hoped that Hitler's ideology would have stopped killing people after WWII. Instead, it's just migrated to the United States.

Sieg Heil, baby.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Top Ten Reasons to Criminalize Homeschooling

I love Scrappleface! Hat tip to Grizzly Mama!

The Top Ten Reasons to Criminalize Homeschooling:

*Most parents were educated in the underfunded public school system, and so are not smart enough to homeschool their own children.

*Children who receive one-on-one homeschooling will learn more than others, giving them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. This is undemocratic.

*How can children learn to defend themselves unless they have to fight off bullies on a daily basis?

*Ridicule from other children is important to the socialization process.

*Children in public schools can get more practice "Just Saying No" to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

*Fluorescent lighting may have significant health benefits.

*Publicly asking permission to go to the bathroom teaches young people their place in society.

*The fashion industry depends upon the peer pressure that only public schools can generate.

*Public schools foster cultural literacy, passing on important traditions like the singing of "Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg..."

*Homeschooled children may not learn important office career skills, like how to sit still for six hours straight.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

DARE to Resist Theistic Evolution

Bible Sponge has a nice verse to demolish Theistic Evolution. Simply put, Theistic Evolution attempts to reconcile Evolution and the Bible. Sorry, but this verse leaves no room for reconciliation.

Check it out.

I Love Open Threads

WorldMagBlog is currently experimenting with "open threads," or threads with an open topic. In them, commenters can just chat, or discuss any topic they like. They're fun!

Here's the first one.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Terri Moans and Grimaces

I'm just amazed. As Terri starves, she moans and grimaces, such that even the nurses notice, and yet she is still said to be in a Persistent Vegetative State, and is still being starved.

Part of the reason they're starving her is because they believe she's in a PVS. The pain she is experiencing proves she's not in a PVS. But they're still starving her. I don't quite see the logic...

"Johnny, eat your peas. There are starving people in Florida who would love to have them."

Schiavo Moans and Grimaces

I'm just amazed. As Terri starves, she moans and grimaces, such that even the nurses notice, and yet she is still said to be in a PVS, and is still being starved.

The starvation she is experiencing because of the alleged PVS proves she's not in a PVS. But she's still being starved. I don't quite see the logic...

"Johnny, eat your peas. There are starving people in Florida who would love to have them."

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Congress and Terri Schiavo

Of all the arguments that the Terri Schiavo case has sparked, the issue of whether or not the federal government should have gotten involved appears to be the saddest.

It's like this: The Constitution provided for "checks and balances" within our government, with each of the branches helping to keep the other two in check. When one gets out of line, the other two have to put it back in place (as though you all didn't already know that).

The judges in Terri Schiavo's case have gotten out of line, and the action taken by Congress and the President was intended to keep judicial tyranny in check, not meddle in personal affairs. Simply because it involved a person, you can't shout "personal affairs" and pretend that the government is not allowed to get involved.

The judges issued rulings based on the testimony of a party that would receive money should
Terri die, and they even allowed hearsay, which is usually inadmissible in court. The courts ignored the logical alternative to putting an innocent to death, and decided on starvation as the method of execution. These actions needed to be checked, and the government is the only group capable of doing so (aside from impeachment by the people).

So yes, the government WAS out of line... if you're referring to the judicial branch. Congress was just doing it's job, and it just so happened that they were trying to save an innocent woman in the process.

The horror!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Just Asking...

If I saw a homeless guy on the street, and remarked in passing "I just couldn't live like that," does that mean I should starve myself if I were to lose all my money?

If I saw an amputee, and said "I'd rather just die if I were to lose a limb," does that mean that I could legitimately commit suicide, should I lose my right arm?

Beware the culture that embraces death. Our love and respect for life has dwindled so much that many Americans want to kill a brain-damaged lady. These same people would rather die themselves than be brain damaged. No love or respect for God-given life; just the search for an easy way out.

We have become so dependent upon prime living conditions that we don't know how to weather any storms. We're a country of sissies; we don't see life as something worth fighting for, so forget about fighting for freedom. If it's not handed to us, we won't try to get it, and if we don't get it, we'd rather die.

What does it say about the state of the country when everyone has the mindset of a spoiled 3-year-old?

And these people are proud of their convictions.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Terri Schiavo's Health Deteriorates

According to Yahoo, Terri's health is waning.

If your health is capable of deteriorating, doesn't that mean there's enough for it to be preserved? If you're healthy enough that your health can get worse, doesn't that mean you shouldn't be put to death?

See what Kate Adamson has to say! Starving and dehydrating can't be fun, and any callous son-of-a-gun who thinks otherwise can try it himself, and then he can kiss my pro-life butt.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More Facts About Terri Schiavo

I've been looking around for a little more information about Terri Schiavo, and I've found some interesting stuff.

In 1992, the jury in a medical malpractice suit against one of Terri's physicians awarded Michael Schiavo and Terri over one million dollars. After attorney's fees and other expenses, Michael's money from the suit totaled 300,000 dollars. Of the award, about 750,000 dollars of it was put in a trust fund specifically for Terri's medical care. Since the jury's decision, Michael has not spent the 750,000 dollars on treatment for Terri. How convenient, considering that should Terri die, Michael, as her legal guardian, would inherit this money.

During the malpractice trial where the jury awarded this money, Michael and his attorneys claimed that Terri WOULD NOT want to die in this situation. Michael also claimed he would take care of Terri and help her get better, something he has made no effort to do since the trial. He may have even claimed that Terri wanted therapy in her condition, but regardless of whether or not he said that, the fact is that he has refused to do what he said he would in the trial.

Michael is also reported to have said this on national television:

We didn’t know what Terri wanted but this (the feeding tube removal) is what we want…

That means he can now be tried for perjury. Let's get the ball rollin', people!

Terri had no living will when her heart stopped. Therefore, there is no evidence as to her wishes that would be admissible in court. The decision to remove her feeding tube was made based on what Michael reported that Terri had said. However, that is hearsay, and is inadmissible in court under most circumstances. Furthermore, Michael clearly has a stake in whether or not she dies (if she dies, he gets the money), so his testimony was unreliable.

Michael has tried to kill Terri in more than one way. In 1994, he attempted to deny her treatment for an infection. As I understand it, it was at this time that the Schindlers sought to have Michael removed as her guardian, citing abuse and other allegations.

Obviously, Michael is in this for the money. He has denied Terri the rehab that she was awarded money to pay for, he has denied her treatment for an infection, and he has not even allowed Terri's parents to see her. Furthermore, he has lied under oath. The man is a lying, cheating scumbag, and no matter what happens to Terri, he should be charged with neglect, abuse, and perjury, among other things.

Based on these facts and others, Terri's feeding tube should be put back in, and Michael should be replaced as her guardian and taken to court. It's time for this injustice to stop.


Dr. Cranford's Complete Terri Schiavo Report

The Empire Journal

Monday, March 21, 2005

Terri Schiavo

Terri Schiavo's feeding tube has once again been removed, and the fight to have it reinserted is underway.

For those of you who don't know, Mrs. Schiavo is a brain damaged lady in Florida. Her husband, Michael, is fighting to have her starved to death, rather than rehabilitated. Keep in mind that it's illegal to starve a horse, my friends... Somehow a disabled human does not deserve such protection.

According to the article:
Terri Schiavo suffered brain damage in 1990 when her heart stopped briefly because of a possible potassium imbalance brought on by an eating disorder. She can breathe on her own, but has relied on the feeding tube to keep her alive.
Michael Schiavo insists that she is in a persistent vegetative state, and is attempting to have her starved. However, a persistent vegetative state (PVS) is defined this way:
A persistent vegetative state, which sometimes follows a coma, refers to a condition in which individuals have lost cognitive neurological function and awareness of the environment but retain noncognitive function and a perserved sleep-wake cycle. records many instances in which Terri has shown a definite awareness of her environment; she has been shown responding to music, tracking a balloon with her eyes, interacting with her mother, and has even been reported to use words. Despite the diagnoses by the court-ordered doctors, Terri Schiavo is certainly not in a PVS.

So why have her starved (or murdered in any way)? She obviously is aware of her environment, and others in her position have fully recovered with therapy. Take, for instance, Kate Adamson. She was once in a worse condition than Terri, being unable to even *blink her eyes*. Doctors tried to starve her too, but her husband who loves her (unlike Michael Schiavo) fought to have her treated. Today, Mrs. Adamson is fully recovered, and fighting for Terri.

So, with all the evidence that Terri is NOT in a persistent vegetative state and that she CAN recover, why does Michael continue to fight for the murder of his wife? What could cause him to be so heartless?

Obviously, the physical therapy would be costly, and emotionally draining. Mr. Schiavo, however, could easily sign over custody of Terri to her parents; he won't consider that option, however. The schmuck insists that Terri would want to die, despite the fact that she could recover.

But why? Why, why, why, why, WHY?! I'll tell you why: He's a greedy, contemptible dirtbag with no respect for anyone's life but his own. He wants the insurance money from her death. He wants to be free to marry his mistress (who he has lived with for ten years and fathered two children by), but he doesn't want to do that until he has Terri's insurance money. If he divorced her and signed custody over to her parents, he'd never get the money. This unfaithful neanderthal can't even respect his own wife's right to life.

This case has been called a "Right-To-Die" case. That's a complete lie. This is a "right-to-murder" case, and until now, the courts have been ruling in favor of the aspiring murderer. Does a man have the right to deny his wife treatment and have her killed, despite the fact that she has a good chance of recovering? Can a doctor procure the murder by starvation (or any other means) of a woman, if a doctor's duty is to TREAT the sick, not kill them?

This is a clear-cut case, and only the most despicable among us could deny Terri Schiavo's right to life, nutrition, and treatment. Michael does not have to remain married to her, but he could at least try to do one unselfish thing with his pitiful life. He could at least sign custody of his wife over to her parents. Then he'd be free to do as he wishes.

Please Mr. Schiavo. Just one thing. Just do one respectable thing, after 15 years.

I won't hold my breath though; old habits die hard, and selfish ones die hardest. We may need to find another way to help Terri.

God save Terri Schiavo.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Presidential March Madness

Surfing the blogosphere, I came across a link to an interesting website, via Bunnie Diehl's blog.

Please, go here and vote for J. C. Watts! And anybody else you like... :-D

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Time For a Little Feedback

'Ello everyone!

I've been thinking about a few things, and I thought I'd ask you, my faithful readers, what you think.

First of all, how do you like having the comments in popup windows? Seems to me that it takes too long to load, so I'm changing the comments back to the old way. Which way do you like more?

Wow, looking at my average daily hits, they've actually been cut in half! Ever since my long hiatus, I haven't been getting nearly as many unique visitors as I used to. I'm going to try to post more frequently (though you know how that goes), so that maybe people will actually bother to come back. :-P

As for the content of my posts, I haven't forgotten your request, S. Lewis. I'm presently not reading anything because I had to take the book back to the library, but as soon as I get started back on a book I'll try to post about it.

Any other requests, questions, or comments? Post 'em, I tell ya!

Peace (through strength),

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

To End All Wars

D2M has just watched To End All Wars, and she wrote her thoughts on it here:

For Everyone Else: TO END ALL WARS

I watched it too, and I consider it to be one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's some tough stuff to watch, but it has a wonderful message. As D2M said, this movie's not for children, and it definitely deserved its R-rating. It is a very touching movie, however, and worth seeing.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Mighty Hateful, For a Burglary

Well, I'm glad to have this cleared up... It's Not a Hate Crime If It's Committed Against Christians.

This isn't exactly an open-and-shut case, but I really doubt that this was a killing motivated by money. Maybe McDonald and Sanchez are really guilty, and they're just smarter than I give them credit for. Then again, maybe they're not.

Parts of the murder are consistent with a hate killing. For instance, Coptic Christians have crosses tattooed onto their arms when they're little (a way to distinguish them from the Muslims in Egypt), and these tattoos fade as time goes by. The victims' tattoos, however, were found slashed, in the manner of a hate killing. Your average thug won't know about the tattoos, and thus wouldn't know enough to make this look like a hate crime.

Furthermore, the victims' family issued this statement:

"The Armaniouses were not rich. Hossam and his wife, Amal, lived modestly with their two young girls in Jersey City. Despite speculation regarding a possibly robbery, the facts before us today appear to contradict such a supposition. The jewelry in the home, including Amal's ring, worth approximately $3,500, was left intact. As far as knowledge of our own family, the family did not keep large amounts of cash in their home so as to invite such a crime."

This does not appear to be a robbery. Yes, Armanious's ATM card was used, but it just doesn't make sense. If this is a robbery after all, then we're dealing with some *really stupid crooks*. After all, they took the ATM card (easily traced) but left the $3500 ring which could have been sold? It seems that a profit was merely an afterthought, a little "perk" to these killings.

Here is an older, but more informative article on the murders.

From what I've seen, this was an anti-Christian killing. IF the motive was robbery, then why the slashed crosses? If they were simply thieves who were covering their tracks, they did so in such an intelligent way that it contradicts their sloppy manner of robbing the place, taking ATM cards instead of valuable rings (from a family that lived rather modestly anyway). The theory that this was motivated by greed just doesn't add up.

However, IF this is motivated by hate, it makes sense. It has the markings of a hate killing, as the victims were activists, had little worth stealing, and had the crosses on their wrists slashed by someone who knew where to look for the tattoos. The robbery looks more like it was an afterthought... "Hey, this guy's dead, he won't be needing this anymore!"

I just don't buy it; robbery was not the motive for these murders. Now, I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but it looks like someone's trying to cover this up.

How can any investigator just write off all the evidence that tells us this was a hate killing? If it were a gay activist who had been killed (or even just a random homosexual), I guarantee you there would be an ongoing investigation, because any time a homosexual is murdered, and someone uses his credit card, it *must be* hate crime. However, if a middle Christian family is killed and mutilated and their ATM card stolen, the motive is *obviously* robbery.

My guess is that someone doesn't want to make waves, so they are writing this incident off. Again, I don't like conspiracy theories, but the facts of the murders point to:

A.) thieves who are not only intelligent enough to make it look like a hate killing, but also too stupid to take the valuables they just killed for;


B.) hateful zealots who took advantage of the opportunity they had after the murder.

Which sounds more reasonable?

Monday, March 07, 2005

This One Will Be Quick..

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday (Dawn, Annette, AJN, Ser, and anyone else I happen to be missing). And yes, yesterday was my birthday.

I'm officially sixteen now! So uh, yeah... Sweet 16? Only time will tell...

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Ex-Korn Guitarist Baptized

Who's the fisher of men that caught this whopper?

My my, it's very interesting. What do you think about this unlikely conversion?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Lessons from the Orthodontist's Chair

It’s a little-known fact: There is a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to be obtained from orthodontia. It’s amazing what can be gained from a year or so of having a truckload of metal in your mouth, although the discomfort it causes often eclipses these advantages. So, if you have or have had braces, don’t despair: you’re better for it (beyond having straight teeth), even though you may not feel like it.

Perhaps the most notable thing that one takes away from his orthodontic experiences is the vague but firm conviction that at one point in his life, he was abducted by aliens. It seems that the sum total of one’s experiences in that reclining chair are enough to compose a recovered memory of being probed by extra-terrestrials. In fact, I’ve known people who are firmly convinced that orthodontists are not of this world. Instead, they believe, orthodontists are aliens sent to study our fair planet in an attempt to gather information that can be used in a future invasion.

There is a disturbing amount of evidence to support them. For instance, when I walked into the orthodontist’s office today, it struck me that I had never seen any of the assistants, or the orthodontist, outside of the office. In fact, I’ve rarely seen even the head orthodontist without one of those masks over his face. Could they be hiding their identity?

As you sit in those chairs where the blood rushes to your head, you get the distinct feeling that something more than orthodontia is going on. They turn you upside down, shine a bright light in your eyes, poke and prod you with various sharp metallic instruments, and I’m POSITIVE that that was a raygun they stuck into my mouth. Now, the raygun comes right after they apply what they call “brackets” to your teeth. Any logical person can see that these “brackets” have a more sophisticated purpose than aligning your teeth, however. Did you ever notice how important it is that you get a bracket reattached when it pops off? Seems sorta fishy to me… And how about the way they seem to react with aluminum foil? It’s obvious that these “brackets” are really homing beacons, or probes that analyze our dietary information and send it back to the mothership. With the kind of information they’re gathering, our planetary security is at stake!

Conspiracy theories aside, there are many practical things that one can take away from a year or two of orthodontia (I’ve had 4+ years, myself). For instance, did you realize that if you close your eyes and tug hard enough on your *right* cheek, it opens your *left* eye? Or did you know that if you pull your lips to the side for an extended period of time, your nose will rotate 90 degrees and go numb? Yes, orthodontia teaches you many wonderful things about human facial anatomy, and the more time you have braces, the more you learn.

If you listen carefully, you can even learn how to call your individual teeth by their correct names. I’m not just talking about that silly little “incisor-bicuspid-molar” stuff; I'm talking about the number-names! For example, I had root canals on teeth 7, 8, and 9 after they got knocked out. This knowledge of teeth, when put into practice, is a real crowd-pleaser. You can dazzle your friends with your ability to name your teeth, and soon you will have everyone in the party climbing over each other, just to point to one of their teeth and ask you “What’s this one’s number?” However, this is quite a responsibility, and I don’t recommend you flaunt this skill if you don’t feel you can handle the pressure.

Also with braces, you gain an appreciation for the simple things in life. You begin to appreciate things like corn-on-the-cob, eating an apple whole, and chomping down on those un-popped popcorn kernels. Things like chewing gum, jawbreakers, and Tootsie Rolls all take on a new significance, as you begin to long for what you cannot have (regardless of whether or not you actually like it). Yes, you learn to appreciate the little things. Suddenly, something like sleeping without a retainer or those creepy rubber bands becomes a prospect which, in and of itself, is sufficient reason to work towards getting your braces off.

You even learn to appreciate such a simple thing as eating in public without being worried about whatever remnants of that pizza may be stuck in your braces. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think that’s a fear that torments all orthodontic patients. As a matter of fact, the only advantage of eating with braces is that you can be assured that you have saved some food for later (probably a less than convenient time).

Having braces, you also learn to appreciate your personal space. That’s right, no more random strangers sticking their hands into your mouth every month or two; no more parents opening your mouth and tilting your head at an awkward angle to show off your orthodontic work. All you have to worry about are those dentists, who won't be leaving any of their metal in your mouth when they get done. Believe me, that feeling is much more wonderful to those of us who have had braces, and the longer you’ve had them the more you appreciate it when you get them off.

Some other things you learn with braces:

The value of a good toothbrush.

The value of Tylenol when you’ve just had your braces tightened.

Your lips will stretch farther than you ever imagined.

Even though it feels like chomping down on something will help… it won’t.

Super glue isn’t good for reattaching brackets that pop off.

Hot glue isn’t either.

It’s never a good idea to sleep with your cheek or lip mashed up against something.

Wax is your best friend.

When your hands aren’t free, your braces can be used to scratch that itch on your arm.

You can actually make music by plucking the rubber bands they make you wear between meals.

Your friends aren’t impressed by this.

Braces serve as a good defense; no one will ever punch you in the mouth twice…

Never smile in a thunderstorm.

Never smile when someone’s taking flash pictures.

Never smile while you’re lying face-down on the couch or something that was knitted.

If you do, then don’t try to yank the fabric off.

Never ever EVER use a fork as a toothpick.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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