Top Ten Reasons to Criminalize Homeschooling
I love Scrappleface! Hat tip to Grizzly Mama!
The Top Ten Reasons to Criminalize Homeschooling:
*Most parents were educated in the underfunded public school system, and so are not smart enough to homeschool their own children.
*Children who receive one-on-one homeschooling will learn more than others, giving them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. This is undemocratic.
*How can children learn to defend themselves unless they have to fight off bullies on a daily basis?
*Ridicule from other children is important to the socialization process.
*Children in public schools can get more practice "Just Saying No" to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.
*Fluorescent lighting may have significant health benefits.
*Publicly asking permission to go to the bathroom teaches young people their place in society.
*The fashion industry depends upon the peer pressure that only public schools can generate.
*Public schools foster cultural literacy, passing on important traditions like the singing of "Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg..."
*Homeschooled children may not learn important office career skills, like how to sit still for six hours straight.
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Well hello and thank you for visiting my little blog, and thank you for the comment and thank you once again for linking to me!
We love doing school at home. My daughters are 4 and 8 so we are just beginning.
Good luck to you young man - I am linking to you and I will be back to visit again soon.
Ha! So good.
Funny. It's so true! :-) Thanks for the laugh...I needed it!
That's great
-- A homeschooler
GOOD one..I liked the top 10 reasons to criminalize H.S.....I am also posting comments to you on the Terri S. case on the Calhoun Times message Blog.....I find you strangely funny.....
:o) PS: I am just starting to homeschool an obnoxiouis 4 year old little girl.....any ideas on how she can be so politically wise when the time comes? What do your parents do for a living? They must be pretty smart?!?!?
Would you mind if I e-mailed the answers to your questions? I think it might be easier that way. You can find my e-mail address on my profile and send me a message that way, if you don't want to give out your e-mail address on my blog.
You forgot that If the Parents wanted to teach them 5 hours of Bible a day, there's no way to stop them
They could be taught any crazy ideas with no proof or scientific backing, such as the creation theory, and the kids would learn them as fact.
They leave out and add any part of history they choose
They could be taught that the earth is flat and that there were no Dinosaurs
The kids wouldn't get a date until college, and then that would be a miracle
Parents aren't even required to have a college degree, most public school teachers have a masters degree
It would be really easy to brainwash the kids
Etc Etc
My my... Let's get this over with.
"You forgot that If the Parents wanted to teach them 5 hours of Bible a day, there's no way to stop them"
Provided the kids are educated in all the required subjects, they can learn all they want about other subjects. So yeah, I guess that's a possibility. Good luck finding an example of it.
"They could be taught any crazy ideas with no proof or scientific backing, such as the creation theory, and the kids would learn them as fact."
Any theory that cannot be tested with the scientific method has no scientific backing. Therefore, your beloved Evolution theory is no more credible than the Creation theory. Your own blind faith is the only basis for your belief in Evolution, and your bigotry against anything resembling Christianity. Creationism has as much of a right to be taught as Evolutionism, and in the context of a homeschool or private school, you can't require either one to be taught. If a homeschooling family wishes to teach their child from a Creationist perspective, that is their prerogative.
"They could be taught that the earth is flat and that there were no Dinosaurs"
Don't make me laugh, Toad!
"The kids wouldn't get a date until college, and then that would be a miracle"
Beautiful! If a kid can't get a date, then the method of education is obviously flawed! Let me go count the gov-schooled kids who can't get dates... Besides, your statement displays a sheltered view of homeschoolers.
"Parents aren't even required to have a college degree, most public school teachers have a masters degree"
That's nice, but the fact is that kids learn from books, not teachers. The teachers are generally not needed (if the child has been taught to think independently) until the child reaches a part he doesn't understand. Usually, a parent only needs to consult the curriculum to help the child get past the problem. Furthermore, you exhibit an even more sheltered view of homeschooling by suggesting that the parents are the only ones capable of teaching a child when homeschooling. There are video schools, internet schools, correspondence courses, and the like for parents who are not able to teach their children well enough.
"It would be really easy to brainwash the kids"
Anyone that the kids spend hours around can brainwash them. Currently, kids are being brainwashed by their peers in public schools. Is this any better?
Come on, Toad. Academically, homeschooling blows gov-schooling away. Socially, homeschoolers turn out more capable of interacting as adults, are more polite, and do not have to rely on tearing down their peers to find their self-worth. Homeschoolers even have better work ethics and study habits in college. You have no basis for your bigotry against homeschooling.
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