Just Asking...
If I saw a homeless guy on the street, and remarked in passing "I just couldn't live like that," does that mean I should starve myself if I were to lose all my money?
If I saw an amputee, and said "I'd rather just die if I were to lose a limb," does that mean that I could legitimately commit suicide, should I lose my right arm?
Beware the culture that embraces death. Our love and respect for life has dwindled so much that many Americans want to kill a brain-damaged lady. These same people would rather die themselves than be brain damaged. No love or respect for God-given life; just the search for an easy way out.
We have become so dependent upon prime living conditions that we don't know how to weather any storms. We're a country of sissies; we don't see life as something worth fighting for, so forget about fighting for freedom. If it's not handed to us, we won't try to get it, and if we don't get it, we'd rather die.
What does it say about the state of the country when everyone has the mindset of a spoiled 3-year-old?
And these people are proud of their convictions.
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Terri is being kept alive by machines. She isn't being kept alive by natural means!
Then I suppose the Bubble Boy should have been killed too, right?
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Terri is not, nor was she ever being kept alive through artificial means. She is... excuse me, was being fed through a feeding tube, and only needed it inserted for meal times. That is why she hasn't died yet over these past ten days. She's being "starved to death!"
She is literally being killed!
From terrisfight.net:
Is Terri unresponsive and hooked to life support machines?
Absolutely not! Terri is purposefully interactive, alert, curious, lovely young woman who lives with a very serious disability. She lives free of any life support machines and receives nutrition through a tube that is present only at meal times.
Other myths about Terri Schiavo
Hey Neo, I appreciate your last few posts on Terri. I am very upset with what has gone on, that a greedy idiot would have his wife starved to death, and that our government would enforce this! It is sickening. I agree with you that our culture has small if any respect for life, and i also believe that this disrespect for life started mainly when our country legalized abortions... Neways, good post. Rock on.
Neo. You're right that Terri Schavio's tube shouldn't have been pulled out. You're not right in demonizing Micheal Schavio. I can see both sides of this story. He's just a guy making the wrong choice, as everyone does.
I don't think that Terri Schavio has any real chance of recovery beyond a major scientific breakthrough. However, if her parents believe she could, she should be kept alive. I personally would want to be kept alive in the same circumstances.
And I would consider myself a liberal, so let's have none of this "if you're a lefty you hate Terri" stuff. Politics has more than two viewpoints.
If Christians or the "life" people are so into heaven and god, why are you so afraid of meeting him?
Shouldn't you be happy for people who die? After all, they will be in heaven with god right? So what’s the problem?
Perhaps you aren't entirely sure about what happens when you die.
After all, there is no proof of either god or heaven.
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