Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo's Murder is Complete

Terri Schiavo is officially dead. After 13 days of starvation at the hands of her husband, she has finally passed away. May she rest in peace.

Welcome to our society, our culture of death. We pamper our pets, and starve our wives when they become inconvenient. In sickness or in health, Mr. Schiavo; you made that vow, and you honored it only as long as it would help you win malpractice suits. You sick... Well, I don't have to call him any names; we all know full well what he is.

The frightening thing is that so many people in America support this greedy, adulterous murderer. Ladies and gentlemen, when humans attempt to decide whose life is worth living, and kill those who aren't worth keeping alive, that is playing God. We can't ascribe value to these people's lives! And yet, so many want to take the life of anyone who "isn't worth it." The sad thing is that this isn't the first time such an attitude has pervaded a culture.

Anybody remember Adolf Hitler? He did the exact same thing! He took the lives of people based on how valuable he determined their lives to be. Nazism is a horrible thing, and yet many people in America are infatuated with its tenets, fighting to end life based on how valuable we perceive it to be. This is not compassion, and it is not dignity; it is blatant, selfish stupidity, and I am ashamed for my country.

This happened in my country. Right here, in MY AMERICA, a lady was starved by Nazis, crusading under the banner of dignity and compassion. This country that I love, the Land of the Free, is being changed into its very antithesis. Freedom for all has been given some fine print: Freedom for All (unless you just ain't worth it).

And now, at the hands of the Michael Schiavo and his Nazi-esque supporters, Terri is dead. My neighbor's crippled dog is still fed adequately, but Terri just wasn't worth it. I had hoped that Hitler's ideology would have stopped killing people after WWII. Instead, it's just migrated to the United States.

Sieg Heil, baby.


Please refrain from the use of foul language. Any failure to comply will result in comment deletion.


At Thu Mar 31, 11:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neo, I think you may have the wrong impression. It was not that Terri wasn't worth it. But it's that what she had wasn't life. It is a known fact that her cerebral cortex was damaged. that is the part of your brain that gives you consciousness, which is what many define as being human. I know that I for one would not want to be kept alive in a state where I didn't know what/who/where I was. I wouldn't want to be starved and I agree that that was absolutely AWFULL. I also think that this shouldn't have been as public as it was. And I don't know what Micheal's "motives" were, all I know is that Terri is definitely in a better place than where she was. Someone as religous (and logical) as you should have noticed that.

At Fri Apr 01, 04:38:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

But anonymous... not everyone agrees with you. Actually, I agree with you (from my limited knowledge) that Terri was unlikely to recover, baring a medical miracle breakthrough in the near future. The thing that I disagree with is that her parents didn't want the feeding tube removed. If they still have hope, let them have hope. Michael Schavio wasn't the only one with a stake in the matter. He didn't have the right to decide. Yet he did.

And thanks to the overwhelming liberal/conservative pressure in the US, their is only perceived as being two sides in the matter... liberals who wanted her dead and conservatives who didn't. What may be true is that many left-leaning people were manipulated by the mean to believing that supporting Micheal Schavio was "the liberal thing to do". People who without the pressure of a biased media wouldn't.

At Fri Apr 01, 10:24:00 AM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

And Anonymous - isn't just a bit too easy to take it one step further and say - 'Yes, starvation is awful let's just give her a shot it's the merciful thing to do.' Then isn't it just easy to say, 'People who are brain damaged in any way have no quality of life - let's just give them that merciful shot. I certainly wouldn't want to live like that.' You answer me - where does that leave us?!

The facts are (despite what Judge Greer found to be the 'facts') it was very unclear what Terri's wishes were. It was very unclear and in fact disputed by several Neurologists that Terri was in a persistent vegetative state. There was cerebral cortex present although thinned. She had consciousness and was not just a 'bag of water' as reporters said.

It's a sad day in America when a husband can legally kill a wife.

Terri IS in a better place and my prayers are for her family who loved her and wanted no harm to her.

At Sat Apr 02, 02:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascism is a right-wing ideology, you idiot. Looking for a nazi? Look in the mirror.

At Sat Apr 02, 10:50:00 AM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

I'm not the one fighting to kill people based on how much I've determined their life to be worth.

Are you sure Fascism is even a right-wing system? Last time I checked, it was a socialistic system with a small amount of restricted capitalism. So in that area, I can't be considered a Fascist. Maybe you're referring to social practices...

In that case, dimwit, the Fascists would be the people who kill those they consider to be inferior. In case you haven't noticed, I've supported the *antithesis* of that ideology. While many were fighting to kill Terri Schiavo based on how much value they placed on her life, I supported respecting her right to life.

Even the process of starvation is a rather Nazi-esque system, if you remember the concentration camps.

Calling me a Nazi doesn't make you any less of one. Now run and get your Fuhrer.

At Sat Apr 02, 04:06:00 PM, Blogger mynym said...

"Fascism is a right-wing ideology, you idiot. Looking for a nazi? Look in the mirror."

American "liberals" are those who support an oligarchy of experts and elitist judicial diktats, a sort of technocratic barbarianism. That is proto-Nazism. That is how they come into disagreement with Scripturalists, conservatives and classical liberals.

Note the Nazi attitude towards Scripturalists:
"The National Church demands immediate cessation of the publishing and dissemination of the Bible in Germany."
(The Rise and Fall of the
Third Reich: A History
of Nazi Germany
By William L. Shirer
(Simon and Schuster) 1990 :238-40)

Religion and Fascism:
(The Nordic Pagan Chant Grows Louder
By Albion Rossberlin
The New York Times, Aug 4, 1935; pg. 3-4)

Evolutionism, a fetish for American "liberals" was the foundation of Nazism,
"Our whole cultural life for decades has been more or less under the influence of biological thinking, as it was begun particularly around the middle of the last century, by the teachings of Darwin....
Though it took decades before the courage was found, on the basis of the initial findings ofthe natural sciences, to carry on a systematic study of heredity, the progress of the teaching and its application to man could not be delayed any more."
(Hitler's Professors: The Part of Scholarship in
Germany's Crimes Against the Jewish People
By Max Weinreich
(New York:The Yiddish Scientific Institute, 1946) :33)

American "liberals" also agree with Nazis in their form of separation of Church and State. They separate for the sake of marginalization, not out of sort of respect that the American Founders had for keeping the Conscience of the body politic free.

(Nazis and Church Groping for Issue
The New York Times, Feb. 14, 1934, pg. 4
By Otto D. Tolischus)

There are more similarities between Nazism and modern American "liberalism." Fascism is the heretical branch of socialism, and unlike abroad, most American "liberals" are actually socialists.

At Sat Apr 02, 04:10:00 PM, Blogger mynym said...

"Last time I checked, it was a socialistic system with a small amount of restricted capitalism."

The socialism of National Socialism,
"The system of myriad business and trade associations organized during the Republic was maintained by the Nazis, though under the basic law of February 27, 1934, they were reorganized onthe streamlined leadership principle and put under the control of the State. All businesses were forced to become members. At the head of an incredibly complex structure was the Reich Economic chamber, whose leader was appointed by the State, and which controlled seven national economic groups, twenty-three economic chambers, one hundred chambers of industry andcommerce and the seventy chambers of handicrafts. Amidst this labyrinthine organization and all the multitude of offices and agencies of the Ministry of Economics and the Four-Year Plan and the Niagara of thousands of special decrees and laws even the most astute businessman was often lost, and special lawyers had to be employed to enable a firm to function. The graft involved in finding one’s way to key officials who could make decisions on which orders depended or in circumventing the endless rules and regulations of the government and the trade associations became in the late Thirties astronomical."
(The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany
By William L. Shirer. (Simon and Schuster) 1990 :262)

At Sat Apr 02, 04:14:00 PM, Blogger mynym said...

What happens to life unworthy of life:
"Their skin cracks, their tongue cracks, their lips crack. They may have nosebleeds because of the dryness of the mucus membranes and heaving and vomiting might ensue because of the drying out of the stomach lining."
(Culture of Death: The Assault on
Medical Ethics in America
By Wesley J. Smith :77)

At Sat Apr 02, 07:41:00 PM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Anonymous: Neo isn't a Nazi or a fascist. Not one of these consevatives posting on this blog is a fascist (you could argue they're theocrats, but they're democratic-theocrats). If you want to stop conservatives acting like all liberals are commie terrorist loving traitors to America (note to others: they aren't), then perhaps stopping calling them fascists might help?

And I'm not saying that liberals are more likely to throw labels like "fascist" around. They aren't, and a quick comparison of liberal political commentators and conservative political commmentators will show this.

But I'd also like to repeat the same message to the conservatives on this blog: cease the name calling. It won't get you anywhere, it only widens the gap.

We all need to learn to have greater respect those who disagree with us. Their opinions are as valid as our own, because we live in democracies.

At Sun Apr 03, 01:33:00 AM, Blogger mynym said...

"Their opinions are as valid as our own, because we live in democracies."

Then you ought to treat the opinion that given their support of oligarchy and their technocratic tendencies many American "liberals" are proto-Nazis. There is more to be compared with respect to the American Republic and the Weimar.

Yet, regardless, you ought to treat that opinion about American "liberals" as valid, since it is an opinion.

At Sun Apr 03, 04:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your ignorance of Fascism is profound. Modern day Fascists are absolutely Bush supporters. Don't believe me? Pay a visit to Yasukuni Shrine on August 15th. That is if you ever crawl out of the basement in your shack.

At Sun Apr 03, 05:31:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...


I'm sorry, I think I'll retract my comments about you (in particular, not all conservatives) not being a fascist now.

Are you saying that you, because you are a conservative, should have more votes and more of a voice than a liberal because you think you are correct.

Well, I think I'm right, but you don't see me telling you that you're a Nazi. (of course, now I'm not actually saying you're not a fascist, but I'm not saying you are.)

At Sun Apr 03, 05:32:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

And look up the definition of oligarchy and technocracy while you're so hot on all the definitions.

At Sun Apr 03, 06:22:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

And Anonymous? Shut up. You're not getting anywhere.

Now, if any conservatives would care to condemn mynym's words, I'd be pleased. In return, I'll condemn Michael Moore's words that "conservatives are only out for money". That ain't true, man.

At Sun Apr 03, 05:36:00 PM, Blogger mynym said...

"...should have more votes and more of a voice than a liberal because you think you are correct."

I didn't say anything about voting. I am correct because what I am writing is historically accurate.

" Pay a visit to Yasukuni Shrine on August 15th."

Is stooopid....Shinto lends itself to the physical, tribalistic focus typical to Fascism, in stark contrast to the metaphysical focus of philosophers and Scripturalists. Example of Scripturalists, the Confessional church in Nazi Germany, etc.

As to correct and incorrect,
You are incorrect because if you try to treat all opinions as equally valid then you will be saying that ignorant and stupid opinions are valid. If you are ignorant and stupid, then you may want to somehow argue that ignorant and stupid opinions are equal to knowledgable and intelligent opinions.

"Well, I think I'm right..."

No you don't, not if you are trying to treat all opinions as equally valid. Are you trying to say that you should have more votes because you are "right"? Maybe the reason you focus on the equality of invalid opinions and the supposed virtues of not being right, is because you are not. Instead, you are wrong. So if you think that you are wrong, that may be one thing you can be right about.

At Sun Apr 03, 05:42:00 PM, Blogger mynym said...

"Now, if any conservatives would care to condemn mynym's words..."

Then they'd be wrong, just like you are. If something someone is writing is historically and philosophically accurate then it is correct.

Your condemnations or attempts to treat invalid views the same as valid views are themselves, quite invalid, if not self-refuting.

"...I'd be pleased."

That has nothing to do with anyting. If a conservative wanted to be pals with an American liberal by denying the historically accurate record in the same way that American liberals seem to, then they'd be wrong too. You could probably be great pals, yet you'd both wrong.

Relativism never really works out with people being great pals, anyway...

At Mon Apr 04, 01:09:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

No, mynym, you're wrong. You're not stating the truth, and you are excluding certain facts, like the fact that the Nazis didn't like homosexuality, or the fact that the Nazis, and the Communists, also used "history" to prove their accuracy.

I could pull out historical records and attempt to use them to compare conservatism to communism, and indeed I have. And it works about as well as your comparison, I realize now. So, let's cease the name calling and argue in a civilized fashion, with knives behind our backs rather than swords in front.

At Tue Apr 05, 01:13:00 PM, Blogger Ali said...

What's ironic is that just yesterday the Pope was put on the same type of feeding tube, unable to eat or drink any longer. No high court is going to step in and insist that it be removed? What if one of the Pope's relatives decides (since he's unable to speak for himself any longer) that he probably wouldn't want to live like this any longer? Think anyone will be pulling that tube out any time soon? I don't think so. I certainly don't think they should. But it does sadden me that since he is a religious leader, he will be spared because his life has more perceived value than Terry Schiavo's.

At Thu Apr 07, 05:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so neo, am i a fascist if i support my wife's living will, which specifically says to remove a feeding tube, even if her parents don't approve?

should the government get involved in my private affairs with my wife?

if you think so, then you're a little stalin, wanting the gov't involved in all aspects of its citizens lives. go to siberia...

At Fri Apr 08, 11:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the comment. I also have a couple more posts along this same line.

Nazis Used Starvation To Kill.


Hitler Targeted The Handicapped First.

At Mon Apr 11, 07:32:00 PM, Blogger mynym said...

" the fact that the Nazis didn't like homosexuality..."

"...not ten percent of those men who, in 1933, took the fate of Germany into their hands, were sexually normal...."

(The Memoirs of a Sexologist
(New York: 1954) pp. 429 ff)


"...or the fact that the Nazis, and the Communists, also used "history" to prove their accuracy."

So, we should not look to history because the Nazis and Communists claimed to?

I'm looking to history anyway.

"I could pull out historical records and attempt to use them to compare conservatism to communism, and indeed I have. And it works about as well as your comparison, I realize now."

The failures of your comparisons has nothing to do with the validity of pointing to proto-Nazi tendencies among American "liberals." As I said before, if you want to be wrong then be wrong. If you admit to being wrong, then that will be one thing you can be right about.

"So, let's cease the name calling and argue in a civilized fashion, with knives behind our backs rather than swords in front."

I prefer swords. I have long debated with people who use the sword. As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another...

More and more people will pick up on the proto-Nazi tendencies of American "liberals," the more they support cases like this instance of starving and dehydrating someone to death.


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