After spending a week among my peers at Worldview Academy, I seem to be experiencing a letdown of sorts.
Let me explain: While at Worldview, I met eighty (or so) teenagers who were, in a sense, like me. Yes, we all had our different styles, interests, ideas, and senses of humor; in that regard, Worldview seemed to be more diverse than your average gathering of teens. However, on a basic level, we all had one thing in common: We had all come to a camp where the motto is "Think Hard, Think Well," and we didn't view this as a hardship or a punishment.
Being around this group that still regards thinking as "cool" was quite refreshing, but it set me up for a rather discouraging crash once I returned home. For a week, I had a peer group that was respectful, polite, and unafraid of deep thought, but back in my hometown such people are few and far-between. For many of my fellow teens, "Think hard, think well" is more of a torture tactic than a motto. The very thought of an apologetics and leadership camp sends them into convulsions, followed by the ridicule of the very idea of such a camp. "What's the point? Why bother?" They say.
The sad part is that these are often Christian teens. Since when was it acceptable to not understand your own worldview? Since when was it cool to follow as a dumb sheep, rather than lead as a shepherd? When did these kids stop caring? What happened?
The kids at Worldview were polite, and yet, in their consideration for others, they sacrificed none of their personality. In some art that is apparently unknown in my neck of the woods, these kids were able to be funny as all get out WITHOUT having to cut someone else down. Imagine that! Eighty teenagers who can feel good about themselves without having to make someone else feel bad! And you know what's sad? That kind of consideration is not a hard concept to grasp. It's really not too difficult to be kind every once in a while... So why can't more people do it?
The way teenagers treat each other is appalling, and I'm discouraged to see Christians falling perfectly in line with everyone else, mocking whomever and whatever seems uncool. I've watched smart kids dumb themselves down, polite kids become unruly, and kind ones become cold and withdrawn, all because they were outnumbered by peers who consider intelligence, politeness and kindness to be "stupid." I've watched it happen from the first snide remarks to the time when such rudeness is no longer necessary to keep the victim beaten down, and I've seen Christians participating all the way.
This is not acceptable, and yet my comrades can't seem to understand that. Everything that Christianity is-- compassion, servant leadership, love-- these things are all lost on so many Christian teens, to the point that they seem to be Christians on only a nominal level. They take the name of Christ, and they accept their own salvation, and then they continue to torment everyone around them who dares to exhibit kindness, compassion, or intelligence.
These Christians ridicule anyone who stands up for his own beliefs (even if they share his beliefs) simply because he chose to stand up. They themselves are convinced that there is nothing worth standing up for-- for even what should be most near and dear to their hearts can't motivate them to step out of their unconcerned stupor in its defense-- and they are quick to ensure that no one else stands up for their beliefs either.
And so, it has been quite depressing to leave the environment of Worldview and re-enter everyday life. No longer do all the Christians around me act like what they are. No longer can I speak of a subject that requires more than a 5th grade education to comprehend. No longer can I take a stand for what I believe without fear of reproach.
But stand I will, by the grace of God. When opposition comes at me even from those who are on my side, it is my job to stand for what is right, and I pray that I will not be swayed. It is a hard challenge before me (and truly, before us all), for I must stand, but stand in compassion. As resentful as I may feel toward those who I believe are betraying Christianity, I must show them the exact same love I would show anyone, lest I become exactly what I decry. I must fight against cynicism and bitterness, and lead by example, rather than by arguments, for an argument will never change the mind of someone who won't stand for anything to begin with. I must first show love and compassion toward those who won't show love and compassion, if I wish them to change.
And so I ask that you would all pray for me. Pray that I will stand strong in faith, hope and love. Pray that I would practice what I preach, and show compassion toward those who have no concept of it. This is my goal, to effect change in the hearts and minds of my peers, to make them more effective Christians, and to do it all in love. Please pray that I would succeed, and that I would find others who are like-minded and will help me reach that goal. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.
Be blessed!