Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Anti-War, or Anti-Iraqi?

In an astonishing... unbelievable... Okay, just plain stupid protest of the War in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan has camped outside President Bush's Texas ranch following the death of her son Casey in Iraq. Mrs. Sheehan has become the face of the anti-war movement in America, even though it is about to cost her her marriage, and her family has allegedly issued a statement requesting that she end her protest out of respect for her slain son's "good name and reputation."

Reports from unnamed sources claim that the Islamic militants who killed her son also appreciate her protests, which are meant to urge the President to pull American troops out of Iraq. In a statement issued by the Baathist Party of Iraq, an "insurgent" spoke these words of gratitude:

"We in the Baathist Party of Iraq would like to commend and thank Cindy Sheehan for her outstanding work behind enemy lines. Her support for our cause has been noted, and we are confident that her work has gotten us one step closer to our goal of vanquishing the freedom-mongering Americans from Iraq. Thanks to Mrs. Sheehan and her band of supporters, we in Iraq have been able to move our focus to other goals, such as re-instating the Baathist regime in Iraq and torturing all dissenters. We are grateful for Mrs. Sheehan's continued support, and we pledge to honor her cause by killing the sons of more American women. Long live Saddam Hussein!"
The Baathists' report made no direct statement regarding Mrs. Sheehan's slain son.

Sometimes I wonder about people like Cindy... Do they realize what they're doing? Is she actually in her right mind?

Sure, let's remove all American soldiers from a fledgling democracy in the Middle East. That'll bring peace! No more American troops will have to die for the cause of freedom then!

But how much is freedom worth? To bring about democracy in a place like Iraq will undoubtedly cost lives (since dictators and jihadists will not give up their power without a fight), but is that any reason to tuck our tail between our legs and run home? Our own liberty was given to us, won by the blood of men who never even saw the freedom they fought for, so can we not spill some of our own blood for another nation's freedom?

I respect our soldiers, and I pray for them. I admire their courage in serving our country in this war, and I want them to be safe. However, I believe that people like Cindy Sheehan are doing them no favors by calling for America to pull out of Iraq. If we left Iraq now, then everything that our soldiers, including her own son, have fought and died for would be in vain. The country would fall to the terrorists, and the freedom that we paid for in blood would be entirely lost.

Have people like Cindy been spoiled by their own freedom, so much that they can't fathom giving it to anyone else? Or is the problem perhaps selfishness? Or even racism?

Could it be that the real reason these people fight tooth and nail against the Iraq War is simply a kind of racism? Could the real reason for their opposition of freedom be that they simply are bigoted toward Iraqis? I mean, the anti-war folks are advocating a pullout from Iraq, because it's just not worth our effort. So are the Iraqis just not worth the effort, or is it everyone? Are these people just bigoted toward Iraqis, or are they equal-opportunity discriminators?

Whether they're racists, cowards, selfish, insane, or just short-sighted, they don't seem to understand the problems that would be caused by an American pullout from Iraq. They don't understand that the terrorists will perceive such an action as a weakness, and simply push harder. They don't understand that we'd dishonor our armed forces by abandoning all they've fought for. They probably don't even understand that we'd actually lose what gains we've made. All they see is big, ugly war, and they want the war to stop (even if that won't make the killing stop).

Let's honor our troops by distancing ourselves from voices like Cindy's. Let's support the troops, and encourage them, and pray for their safety. Let's encourage our representatives to cut pork spending and use the money to fund safety precautions for our armed forces. The anti-war crowd's motivation, whether it is cowardice, selfishness or bigotry, will fix nothing. We must carry out our plans and help build a free Iraq if we truly want to do our slain soldiers justice. That is the way to honor them.

God bless our soldiers, and keep them safe.

UPDATE: Here's what Mark Steyn has to say about Mrs. Sheehan's antics.


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At Tue Aug 16, 08:32:00 PM, Blogger mynym said...

"Is she actually in her right mind?"

At least in some sense, she isn't.

It would be interesting to have a look at the people around her or in some way find how her head came to be filled with the ideas that it is apparently filled with. (Conspiracy theories about 9/11, etc.)

At Wed Aug 17, 09:00:00 AM, Blogger DetroitPatriotette said...

Very good post! (came over here from the comment you kindly left for me...)

Can I quote you?

At Wed Aug 17, 10:41:00 AM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...


I think her head came to be filled with such ideas because, quite simply, there was so much space that needed to be filled. The vacuum of her head sucked in these conspiracy theories and such without considering their veracity.


Thank you! You certainly may quote me, if you wish; I'm not stingy about that sort of thing. :)

At Wed Aug 17, 01:28:00 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Most of what she is saying about meeting with George W. Bush is lies. Shortly after meeting with him a couple years ago she said, "I now know that he is sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis and that he feels some pain for our loss."

Now she is saying that he was irreverant and rude, mocking their loss and treating the memorial like a party.

Cindy is being used by the leftist political machine. Her desire for publicity has overcome her integrity.

At Wed Aug 17, 05:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was an excellant post! It is simply appalling that an american would stoop that low. It is people like these that make the war harder than it is already.

At Wed Aug 17, 06:14:00 PM, Blogger Lewis said...

Despite the annoyance of Mrs. Sheehan’s protest (what does she seriously expect to accomplish, anyway? My sympathies go to the dude with the shotgun…), I’ll have to ‘fess up and say that the situation seems to genuflect some genuine “concerns” Americans have with the war.

Unless all of the press she’s getting is merely liberal politickal-mongering.

For instance, I’d really like to see some sober qualification for all the passionate rhetoric that is spilling all over the place… “freedom”, “democracy”, “liberty”, etc.

Seems to me that we’re spending countless billions of coerced taxpayer’s funds and running up massive tabs in foreign debt for some purely idealistic motive, without any dollars and cents justification of the… dare I say… waste.

Seriously, the war would make more sense if it really was for oil. At least we’d be getting a return on our investment, right?

At Wed Aug 17, 06:16:00 PM, Blogger Lewis said...

Oh, wow, Rabenstrange...

It's good to see a fellow Lewis Carrollian...

(read your profile)

At Thu Aug 18, 01:54:00 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

The question you should be asking is do people like Bush know what they are doing? Those are the people who actually matter.

At Sun Aug 21, 01:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make a possibly good argument. We shouldn't withdraw, because that would dishonor those who have already died.

But not withdrawing betrays those who are to die because they are ordered to stay.

At Sun Aug 21, 03:49:00 PM, Blogger The Patriot said...

I love this post. Thanks for taking the time to type it all out. :)

God bless our troops!

Oh, and anonymous; our soldiers knew full well what they were getting into by the time they graduated from boot camp... any life lost in Iraq will be deeply mourned, and yet we all know from our history lessons that freedom's never free.

At Mon Aug 22, 09:37:00 AM, Blogger Eric said...

I feel sorry for the poor woman. I'm not sure what her motives are, but I'm pretty sure that "lack of insight" plays into it somewhat. I'm sure she wants to save other women from the loss she has had, but her lack of discernment is disgracing her dead son, who gave his life for the freedom that she is indirectly trying to take from Iraq.

Great post!

At Mon Aug 22, 08:29:00 PM, Blogger Clive Dangerously said...

This is one of the most insensitive things I have ever read. Calling that woman stupid? She lost her child. That is one of the worst things that could ever happen to someone. Maybe she's distraught, not thinking in her right mind, whatever. But to go as far as to say that her head was like a vacuum? Who's bigoted now?

At Mon Aug 22, 08:43:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

Yes, she lost her child. And I am sorry for her loss. Are you saying, though, that simply by losing a child, she gains some inalienable right to the moral high ground? What about all the other parents who have lost children in the war, and continue to respect the rest of our armed forces?

And please remember, Clive, there is a difference between grieving and politicking. You know... since this comment borrowed so heavily from him, I guess I should leave a link to Mark Steyn's article that refutes you better than I can.

Check the post for an update...

At Mon Aug 22, 08:59:00 PM, Blogger Clive Dangerously said...

I should have clarified; I was saying not that she is automatically right because her child died. I was saying you were in the wrong for essentially saying she's stupid. People aren't stupid for disagreeing.

At Mon Aug 22, 09:07:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

You're right people aren't stupid for disagreeing; therefore, I will never call anyone stupid for disagreeing with me. However, the kind of attention-seeking and politicking she has done, at the expense of her son's good name, is reprehensible, and --dare I say it-- stupid?

At Mon Aug 22, 09:37:00 PM, Blogger Clive Dangerously said...

I wouldn't say it's at the expense of her son's name unless she started saying 'It's what he would have wanted.' She may have, though, but it didn't say in that article and that's the only one I've read about her.

At Mon Aug 22, 10:18:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

I don't believe she has said that it is what he would have wanted, but she is using his death as leverage to get the troops out of Iraq (which is most likely not what Casey would have wanted, seeing as he re-enlisted). Again, she is using his death for her own gain, and using it to further a cause that he probably didn't support.

At Wed Aug 24, 05:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points, Neo. Although I think that America is sort of in a pickle here, because not withdrawing would cause all those left-wingers to go off their rockers in rage, yet withdrawing would just put the Iraqi's into a bit of a jam. The good guys (Iraqi's who support America being there) would be outnumbered by the bad guys (Muslim fundamentalists just like Saddam Hussein) if America withdrew.

Clive, I would say that Casey Sheehan, in all probability, supported being in Iraq. In my humble opinion, the 'piece-of-my-mind' Mom is going against all Casey stood for, seeing as he re-enlisted. A close friend of mine is going into the Air Force because she wants to protect America, and to serve for it. Would you maybe look into the possibility that Casey might have actually agreed with President Bush??

And Cindy is now being praised by the BAD GUYS in Iraq?!?! (sort of like John Kerry actually being in the Viet Cong Hall of Fame!!) I would say, to agree full-heartedly with Neo, that the action that Cindy is taking is completely stupid.

Great post, as always, Neo!

At Wed Aug 24, 10:01:00 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Open Foot,

The "good" Iraqis would not be outnumbered at all. The problem doesn't come from numbers but rather that they don't have the experience, knowledge and determination to create a viable, stable state. Not only that they wouldn't have the support of local extremist regimes such as Syria, Iran and to a certain extent, Saudi Arabia. Anyhow, just my two cents.

At Thu Aug 25, 03:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In a statement issued by the Baathist Party of Iraq, an 'insurgent' spoke these words of gratitude..."

What follows sounds like it was made up. What's the source for the "statement"? Be careful about what you publish as fact, when it may, in fact, be a joke or an urban legend.

At Thu Aug 25, 03:44:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

It was VERY made up. If it were true, I would have definitely linked to the source. I apologize for any confusion the "statement" caused.

At Fri Aug 26, 11:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rabenstrange: What I meant was that no matter how little amount of terrorists you MIGHT have, most of the proverbial 'good guys' aren't armed with carbombs and other things. So the bad guys, however diminutive you might think them to be, are still going to be able to terrorize the Iraqis. The 'bad guys' just want to bring the country back to Saddam Hussein's reign, or their equivalent of such a malevolent dictator.

America sort of needs to be there, because this is such a newly-freed country that it will collapse if a strong, stable outside source is there to train, protect, and defend these people.

Clive, Cindy Sheehan met with the President BEFORE, and after the meeting, she said she understood that the President cared about each one of the soldiers who died defending our country's liberty. Now she's picketing G.W.'s ranch in Crawford...what happened?

Neo, maybe cindy just sat down in fron tof a television as soon as she got home...propaganda has a way of doing that to people.

At Sat Aug 27, 10:09:00 PM, Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

Hi Neo ~

You seem like an exceptionally bright young man!

It must be because you are homeschooled! The public school can barely produce literate adults, let alone someone who can think critically and who believes in Truth. Nice work with your blog!

I am sure your parents are so pleased to see the fruit of their labors. (Prov. 22:6)

I am adding you to my blogroll.

At Sun Aug 28, 10:46:00 AM, Blogger Ca... said...

"You're right people aren't stupid for disagreeing; therefore, I will never call anyone stupid for disagreeing with me."

Sorry, I disagree. When a person says and believes something stupid, that makes them stupid. Otherwise there can never be a blame for anything. You know, like democrats. (Clinton comes to mind)


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