Bush Makes Kids Fat?
Mark Steyn has a hilarious response to the DNC's recent allegation that Bush is making America's children fat.
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Mark Steyn has a hilarious response to the DNC's recent allegation that Bush is making America's children fat.
posted by jacob.thrasher @ 8/08/2005 05:09:00 PM
It's been a long road for me... long ago, I was known on the internet as "NeoFascist?," a stereotypical republican homeschooled blogger. I have repented of my old screeds, and now try to approach matters of theology, philosophy and politics from a more free-thinking perspective. I am Neo no longer. I am jacob.thrasher.
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"Neo, you are simply the best political teen blogger out there. Keep up the awesome work man. You rock." -Agent Tim
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All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
...And the King will say unto them "verily, I say unto you, as much as you've done it unto the least of my brethren, you've done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
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This is why I don't like the DNC and RNC. Whenever they make statements like this, people associate the opinion with the people who are in that party.
Well until the federal government stops subsidizing corn, an unprofitable crop that is turned into corn syrup, I guess you could say that this is true, though it wasn't like he invented the idea of subsidizing corn.
hey Neo,
I just wanted to let you know about a blog that David MacMillan and I are working on: http://creationismunleashed.blogspot.com.
Feel free to check it out, and if you want, link to it.
Here is a working link to the site.
although i would greatly love to blame my "flab" on bush.. I know that is not the case.. no, I must blame the fast food industry in which i work...
A few examples from BK alone: Enormous Omelette, Ultimate Double Whopper, BK Chicken Fries: Add fries and a cup of carbonated syrup to these and you got a real heart-attack in a bag! King size it and you guaranteed to drop dead on the spot.
Did he go to the Georgia Worldview? If so, then I definitely saw him (yes, I went to that one). That's crazy though! Figure the odds...
Very true. I tend to lay a good deal of blame on the Food Pyramid too... Word on the street is that it's the same food pyramid they use to fatten hogs, though I've yet to research that.
And if anyone plans on going on a diet, I endorse the South Beach diet. Sorry, dad...
Agh! Not the south beach diet! Not exactly sure about the diet but I think I heard it has some nasty effects later on... I'll have my fitness mom comment on this.
I can understand Dean alright. I "sort of" looked at my wife with what was "very nearly" passion last night and we "approached desiring" sex for a moment and "could have but didn't" do anything about it and now she is "almost" pregnant.
Now am I a democrat? Or still a Republican?
This is the fitness mom. I'm sorry, I don't know much about the south beach diet. I think my daughter was thinking of the Atkins diet, which I have negative things to say about! :o)
Give me a break, DNC goons!! It's too bad that no one knows that Bush has actually stepped UP the fitness programs!!!
*deep sigh*
Well, those left-wing media-owners HAVE to make stuff up, anyway, so don't blame them! It's just their 'evolutionary instincts'.
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