Friday, October 22, 2004

I Never Liked Nickelodeon Anyway

According to this website, the Kids of America choose George W. Bush to be President of the United States for the next four years.

Three polls, conducted by three different organizations, asked kids who they would elect in November. The first poll, conducted by Channel One, gave Bush 55 percent of the popular vote, and gave Kerry 40 percent.

The second poll was conducted by Scholastic, and it gave Bush the election 52% to 47%.

The only poll of the three that didn't show Bush as the winner was the Nickelodeon poll, which Kerry won 57% to 43%.

So, the school polls show Bush winning, and a television poll shows John Kerry winning. I wonder which has a more true-to-life polling base? *snicker*

Okay, so American kids want to stay safe. They don't like Osama bin Laden, and they see the problem with trying to keep terrorists away by tossing them cookies and money. They see that if you don't reform Social Security, then the Social Security abusers will remain. They see that a man who has voted many times against our troops can't be trusted with them. They see John Kerry's lies.

Isn't it interesting that the only one of these polls that I heard about on Yahoo! News stated that "Kids Pick John Kerry to be the Next President?" Unbiased media, my pronated foot.

Of course, kids don't really pick the president (Zaque seemed very aware of this fact when he reviewed my blog), but maybe this is a sign of things to come. Kids are living with the consequences of their parents liberalism. The relativism that pervaded their parents' generation has dropped a few "gifts" on children today, and now the kids have had enough. Broken homes aren't desireable, our kids are finding. Progressive education is failing them, they now see. How many kids today WOULD have siblings with whom they could share the thrill of growing up, were it not for abortion? How many of our teens could have been saved from STDs if only abstinence had been taught to them?

Kids see the problems of the Liberal philosophy. They see the havoc it wreaks, and they, having been affected by it, want no part of the cause of their woe. Who, upon seeing that fire burns those whom it touches, would attempt to eat the fire, or comb their hair with it? Only the insane would attempt something like that.

There's a rule we sane humans have: If it harms you, don't do it. Kids today seem to be seeing that Liberalism harms them, as well as those around them, and they are moving away from it. Psychologists have said that sometimes the only way for a person to change in their bad habits is for them to hit rock bottom. Now, because of the philosophies that have pervaded our culture, many kids have been propelled to rock bottom, or have seen others in that general vicinity, and have been motivated to avoid what sent them or others to such a fate.

It's common sense.

Ladies and Gentlemen...



Okay, enough of that...

(takes a deep, exhilarating breath) Ah, it's nice to be back. Okay everyone, you can come back now!

Well, I guess I should apologize for that horrible unannounced hiatus. Sorry, it appears I simply came down with a case of blogger burnout. It doesn't help that I don't seem to have as much time as I used to (due to a variety of factors).

Anywho (did I just say anywho?), I will be trying to turn out at least a few posts a week, if not more. I missed blogging so much, but for a while, I just couldn't force myself to sit down and type a post. Have any of you ever had that happen?

Now for a little catching up...

First of all, I think my little poll thingies on my sidebar have run away... That's sorta weird.

Second, my blog has been reviewed by the Weblog Review. You can read the review here and tell me what you think.

Next, I'd like to thank everyone who still reads my blog for continuing to visit. Good people, you are.

Also, I changed my profile picture. I thought it was quite a clever slogan...

And finally, I have a request for Anonymous commenters. If you post anonymously, would you please add a signature to your comments? No, it doesn't have to be your real name, it can just be a pseudonym, just give me something to distinguish you from the other anonymous folks.

And that's all I've got to say for now. Thanks guys! Have a great day!


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Does Kerry Have ANYTHING on Bush?

Well, one of the few negative things that Kerry has been able to say about Bush that had not been conclusively and concretely disproven is that Bush allowed Osama bin Laden to escape, through irresponsible policies.

Now, General Tommy Franks, who was actually *over* the operation to capture bin Laden has spoken out in an attempt to bring the truth to light.

Now, since the economy really ISN'T in a recession, despite Kerry's frequent suggestions that it is (Remember, the growth we've had of late definitely does NOT constitute a recession. There WAS a recession which technically started during Clinton's presidency)...

And since Iraq really IS better off as a democracy...

And since the Afghan people really ARE voting and participating in democracy...

And since Kerry saw the SAME intelligence that Bush saw and drew the SAME conclusions from it...

And since Bush really WON'T bring back the draft (despite Kerry's amazingly desperate arguments to the contrary)...

And since Kerry can't do any better on foreign policy than Bush can(France and Germany won't help us EVEN IF Kerry were elected president)...

And since a coalition of THIRTY NATIONS does not constitute a unilateral effort...

And since we REALLY ARE safer if we attack those who wish us harm before they harm us...

And now, since Bush REALLY CAN'T be blamed for our failure to apprehend bin Laden as of yet...


Kerry has nothing on Bush, and he knows it. That's why he keeps having to flip-flop and lie his way through speeches and debates. Kerry has made many arguments about how Bush has driven our nation into the ground, yet reality continues to prove that Bush is actually doing a decent job as president *and* that Kerry can do nothing to top Bush!

And this isn't even taking into account Kerry's pitiful political record! After FRAGGING HIMSELF and getting a Purple Heart for it, he gets out of the military by virtue of having three purple hearts. Upon his departure from the military, goes before Congress and LIES about our soldiers! He aids in the demoralization of our military men, and he denounces his service. Flash forward a couple of decades, and Kerry is a Senator, flaunting the military service he so regretted! He's a Senator who is willing to vote to send our troops into battle, and then vote to DENY THEM PROPER FUNDING! He looks at intelligence that everyone sees, makes the same judgment from the intelligence that everyone else made, and then singles out one man (who only saw the same intelligence as he did) and accuses him of lying!

Really, do you think Bush just created the intelligence or something?

Now, to top off Kerry's illustrious record, he is officially a TRAITOR! He gave comfort and aid to the enemy during the Vietnam war by meeting with the Viet Cong! After all this, should Kerry actually be President, the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF OUR ARMED FORCES? The man has long shown a horrible disdain for our armed forces, and that tells me that he should not be charged with the security of the US.

If Bush is doing a good job (and he is, according to common sense and everyday knowledge), and if Kerry has no hope of doing any better, and if Kerry's record actually shows that he would do a TERRIBLE job as president compared to Bush, why would anyone vote for Kerry?

Peace (through strength)

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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