I Am a Bad Blogger
Yes, it's true. I'm a very bad blogger. This is only my fourth post in a month... but there is a reason for this! I'm not just being lazy!
You know, though I try not to post about stuff like this, I think I'll let you folks in on what's going on in my other life for a change...
School's really hectic right now. I'm only taking five classes (it's my senior year), but things are still busy. I'm taking three of my classes in an online academy, and so as to stay ahead, I'm trying to do twice the allotted amount of work per day. For my remaining two classes, I'm going to college for joint enrollment; for anyone who doesn't know, this means that for one college class, I get both a high school credit and a college credit. Pretty nifty, if you ask me.
Unfortunately, this means I have less time to spend blogging than I would like. My two classes at college are English 101 and Introduction to Comparative Politics... one requires a lot of writing, and the other requires a lot of studying. It seems pretty fun so far though! English is by far my favorite class this year, believe it or not; we are reading a compilation of essays called Rereading America, and doing analyses of the essays. At some point next week, I'll even have the privilege of reading a Michael Moore essay... happy me...
In addition to the amount of school I have to do, I have been playing tennis three times a week (and that will soon increase). I have a new tennis coach now, and I've been improving greatly since she started teaching me; I may even start practicing with the men's varsity team at the college where I'm taking joint enrollment! Of course, that would do nothing to increase the amount of time I have to spend blogging... And then there's the stuff I do at church...
But never fear! I don't plan on leaving the blogosphere any time soon. It's simply a matter of finding time to blog, and then getting motivated! Perhaps you could all pay me? I'm sure that would motivate me to write more! ;-)
Until I get my schedule under control, amuse yourself with the music I added to my blog! I will keep adding more whenever I can, so keep checking back for the latest updates.
Also, before I leave, I'd like to welcome some people to the blogosphere:
First, there's Book-bound idiot (she said it, not me); looking at her profile, I have to ask... Am I a member of the odd group?
Also in the blogosphere, we have fellow worldmagblog commenter Fyne Jr. I always enjoyed reading his comments, so it's great that he has a blog now!
And finally, we have Crazy Nichole joining us from North Carolina. Hopefully my post will explain the reason why I haven't commented on her blog yet...
Now, ladies and gentlemen, this post must end, for I have much to do. I will do my best to post again when I get a chance though... Don't give up on me!
Be blessed!