Thursday, April 21, 2005

A Long-Awaited Post

Ah... I've GOT to post something!

The Cardinals have finally elected a Pope, Benedict XVI. Word is he's very conservative, which means that we've still got a Conservative ally in the worldwide Catholic church. For now, anyway... he seems rather old, don't you think? I'm glad he was elected, though I didn't have too strong an interest in the election because I, obviously, am not Catholic.

I look forward to having a cultural ally, even if I don't agree with Catholicism.

And those are my thoughts. Please stand by for real blog posts... I'm very busy at present, but I'm going to do my best to bring you more of the Neo you know and love (or simply tolerate).

Peace (through strength) y'all,


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At Fri Apr 22, 01:07:00 AM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Oh the leftists are having a FIT that he's planning on actually upholding Catholic teachings and traditions. He is being attacked left and right - being called a Nazi.

As a Catholic (and not a very good one) I was fascinated by the whole process. I had goosebumps when the white smoke came out and my daughters and I watched a lot of it.


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