An Interesting Discussion
Wanna read more Neo? Check out this post and thread on Worldmagblog about the performance of American public schools and its alternatives.
This blog is dead... repeat, this blog is dead. I have since repented of the hardcore republicanism expressed through most of this blog's history. See my profile for my current blog.
Wanna read more Neo? Check out this post and thread on Worldmagblog about the performance of American public schools and its alternatives.
posted by jacob.thrasher @ 12/08/2004 01:07:00 PM
It's been a long road for me... long ago, I was known on the internet as "NeoFascist?," a stereotypical republican homeschooled blogger. I have repented of my old screeds, and now try to approach matters of theology, philosophy and politics from a more free-thinking perspective. I am Neo no longer. I am jacob.thrasher.
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"Neo, you are simply the best political teen blogger out there. Keep up the awesome work man. You rock." -Agent Tim
"One of the best teen bloggers I've found in all my diminutive lifespan. Very intelligent in the humorous way. I'm not going to be surprised if I find he becomes a political giant...when we all grow up." -Paradoxically Correct
"...sometimes a little out there, but I keep goin back." -Reliant
"Smart kid, good blog. Go there." -Scott
"I personally agree with him in most cases..." -Giggle Fritz
"...he writes like a much older, better educated religious fanatic then he really is." -Lefty
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
...And the King will say unto them "verily, I say unto you, as much as you've done it unto the least of my brethren, you've done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
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Yes we have had our share of mishaps... so aggred with Ser... You could of let me know that it was happening when it was happening!... I would of loved to be a part of that one!... I'm a good debater, (or at least I think I am)when im passiate about somthing... Homeschooling is one of them... so next time tell earlier so that I can jump in! Please! Thank you
hey Neo, have you checked out that Jonathan Taylor Gatto book? I have the link on my blog... after reading that book... wow!
Since V.F. was kind enough to link to my blog here it seems fair that I make some comments about home schooling.
First off, for some kids and some parents home schooling is a good fit. My sister home schools her children and while they are quite young yet they seem to be doing quite well.
I do think though that any comparision between home-schooled kids and non-homeschooled kids is probably comparing apples and oranges. Parents that care enough about their kids education to homeschool them would probably have kids who did very well in school whether they home-schooled them or not. It is probably impossible to say with numbers which environment they would learn more in.
I do get concerned about those parents who choose homeschooling because they feel that public schools are a 'bad environment' filled with 'evil.' They may be right, but I don't think that sheltering kids from the world is a good way to deal with that problem. I know that many homeschooled kids are not sheltered like this, but some are.
Lastly, I don't think that homeschooling is an effective solution for the nations educational problems as a whole. Their are several reasons for this. One is that their seems to be an obvious connection between parents who don't place much importance on education and children who do poor in school. Having these parents teach their children will likely increase the problem of uneduated kids rather than decrease it.
Equally important perhaps, is that specialization is central to a highly performing economy. Specialized teachers who can teach a group of kids at once (yes this is a more difficult task than just teaching a few kids) are a part of this, freeing up people to focus on what they are specialized at doing.
For these reason's it seems to me that even homeschoolers and those who support homeschooling would be wise to examine ways to improve the public education system.
Lesson's learned from the homeschooling expirience might be a benefit here.
Interesting points, and I agree with you on most points. The following is the only part of your comment that I disagree with:
"I do get concerned about those parents who choose homeschooling because they feel that public schools are a 'bad environment' filled with 'evil.' They may be right, but I don't think that sheltering kids from the world is a good way to deal with that problem. I know that many homeschooled kids are not sheltered like this, but some are."
My main disagreement is with the statement about "sheltering" kids. Honestly, "the world" that you speak of, which would actually be public school, has absolutely nothing to do with real life. When kids grow up, they will use none of the so-called "social skills" that they learn in school.
As adults, they won't have nearly the amount of peer pressure to conform. When you're an adult, originality and intelligence are valued, not looked down upon. The training that kids receive in public schools today tends to inhibit their personal growth and it essentially teaches them to work towards mediocrity.
Allow me to clarify myself: I'm not against the idea of public schooling. I'm against the horrid state that our public schools are in. The kids aren't supervised in their socialization NEARLY enough, and they aren't taught even basic manners.
If the public school system actually did a half-way decent job, I wouldn't mind it, and I don't disagree with public schooling in principle. I simply believe that the job they are doing is just pathetic... way too many kids have a head knowledge of academic subjects, but can't think critically to save their lives. Moreover, they can't socialize like civilized human beings.
So essentially, I say keep the public school system. But for goodness sake, SOMEBODY FIX IT!
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