Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Why Bother?

The judges are at it again! Who needs the Constitution and a majority when you've got a black robe?

Reggie asks a good question: "Why do we even bother holding elections anymore?" It seems that the only way to have your voice heard in government nowadays is to be a judge! So much for that "by the people, for the people" stuff; now it's just a bunch of power-hungry activists, crushing the rights of the people with every tap of their gavel.

Why don't we impeach these buffoons?


Please refrain from the use of foul language. Any failure to comply will result in comment deletion.


At Tue May 17, 09:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My question exactly! I certainly hope that the death of the fillibuster is quick and soon!

At Tue May 17, 04:29:00 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

Are you talking about that Judge in Alabama who keeps trying to sneak the 10 commandments into courthouses in the middle of the night?

Ya he's an asshole, I hate those activist Judges that weren't elected and ignore the constitution.

At Tue May 17, 04:43:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice vocabulary.

just curious, is the bitterness a residual from an interaction with some hyprocritical Pharisee?

At Tue May 17, 08:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Strange. Don't let people like Toad734 discourage you. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, he's just an ultra-maroon!

At Wed May 18, 08:01:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Toad734 is right. So-called "activist judges" exist on both sides of the political spectrum, and they don't have sole control over the government. They aren't even close. If there's all these liberal activist judges who are actually in control of the United States, why was there a war in Iraq? Why are their bans on gay marriage in all these states?

The only reason conservatives complain about activist judges is that they can't complain about the legislative or executive branches, because they control them. And while many liberals would love the believe that they are in control of the judiciary, they aren't. So this complaining is pretty pointless.

At Wed May 18, 08:43:00 AM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

"So-called 'activist judges' exist on both sides of the political spectrum"

The difference between the two sides, of course, is that one side thwarts the will of the majority, and the other acts in accordance with the will of the majority.

At Wed May 18, 10:12:00 AM, Blogger David S. MacMillan III said...

The difference between the two sides, of course, is that one side thwarts the will of the majority, and the other acts in accordance with the will of the majority.

Amen, brother!

Of course, everyone knows that having the basis of our legal system posted in a courtroom violates the Constitution! Especially that part about "free exercise thereof".


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