Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Europe's Wonderful Morals

Over at the Numchuckskills blog, I found a very interesting post...

Just one more reason Europe's opinion about our morals doesn't matter.

Since when was prostitution considered a valid profession? This is moral relativism at its finest. I'll take Conservatism, thank you.


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At Wed Feb 02, 12:49:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

That is wrong. But it doesn't represent the views of the German people or Europe in general. And prostitution has been legal in Nevada(a red state) for how long?

At Wed Feb 02, 09:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh I didn't read the above link.. yet.. but I had to get in touch with ya. I just needed to tell you that you don't need to go on the 12th. For a couple reasons.. but thanks anyway for considering it. Later dude.

At Wed Feb 02, 09:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yeah .. the last post was from me - Anslie - just in case you couldn't figure that out.

At Fri Feb 04, 12:53:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...


At Fri Feb 04, 05:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you ever post about is like gay being wrong, gay marriage, and now..prostitution. You almost seem like you're obsessed.

At Sun Feb 06, 02:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumpelteazer why would I spell god with a capital g, god means nothing to me and why do you write your replys in the way you do, I was sticking up for this blog, just becasue im gay and dont believe in god dosnt mean you have to be nasty, cant you just be civilised. Infact dont, carry on casue your just making me look better!

At Mon Feb 07, 10:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A basic tenet of a strong Christian spiritual life is an understanding that we ARE a spirit, we HAVE a soul (mind, will, and emotions), and we LIVE in a body. Acceptance of this tenet requires that we subjugate the desires of the body (flesh) to the control of the soul. The soul must be, in turn, subject to the guidance of the spirit. Our spirit can only be trained by willingly spending time seeking and honoring the One True God, Jehovah Jirah, the Great I AM. The only way to the Father is through the Son, Jesus Christ. (Always be wary of counterfeits, for they abound, seeking to deceive even the elect).
Rampant pursuit of sexual gratification is the chief indicator of hedonism, (the practice of self-gratification above all other concerns). Hedonism is a denaial of the proper order of control. It asserts that "desires of flesh" are paramount over both the soul and the spirit. The consequences of unchecked hedonism in a society are extremely negative, as any honest study of cultures past will confirm.
Homosexuality in and of itself is another temptation that almost everyone has cross their path, at one time or another, (though few are the people with the intellectual honesty to admit it). If it is dealt with in the same manner as any other desire of the flesh, and made subject to the spirit, than it is relegated to it's proper place in one's psyche, (instead of becoming the defining element of one's life). If, on the other hand, one succumbs to the temptation of this most forbidden fruit, then it quickly becomes the driving force behind all one's behaviour. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the spurious "compatibility" which seems to surface, because "the way a man most feels love is through sexual activity", while a woman most feels love by receiving "affection, with no strings attached". This difference leads many to believe that they are not meant to be with one of the opposite sex. The truth is, that if they will simply place their partners needs above there own (a primary teaching of Jesus'), then they will move to a higher plane and greater harmony with their spouse than could ever be attained any other way. Anyway, I digress.....
The reason for this comment was to attempt an explanation for the perceived obsession Neo has with sexual matters.
I believe that the issue of self-control over one's sexual activity is of paramount importance (one of the foundational elements) in one's overall well-being. This being the case, then when we collectively condone hedonism in any form, it is a prime indicator of a vast sickness in the sould of society. Therefore, comment about these issues are crucial to any thoughtfull observation of humanity.


At Mon Feb 07, 01:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

please spare me the trite, self-serving quixotic psyco-babble purporting to offer "proof" that deviancy (including promiscuous heterosexual behaviour) is perfectly normal and acceptable. The deep, subtle self-loathing experienced by those who practice iniquity (that includes all of us, not just homosexuals), is simple a remnant of the shame we should feel when we indulge in sinful selfish behaviour, because we know, deep down, that there is a true creator, and that we are deviating from the best he has for us. This shame can be pushed down; it can be ignored, but it can never be alleviated, because it is the moral compass each of us is given, so that there is justice in the universe. Each has the opportunity to choose.
Just in case you should wonder or ask, I believe that sex, in it's proper context, (monogamous heterosexual marriage), is wonderful beyond compare among the experiences God the Father has granted us to enjoy during our tenure in our "earthsuits".

I cannot leave this exchange without expressing compassion for all humanity. My God does not call me into the role of condemning others; my role is to tell people that they are loved, and precious beyond compare. If they will choose life, then the change to righteous living will come from within, at the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
At the same time, to condone wrong behaviour is dis-honest and of no value to anyone. People are of the highest value; their behaviour does not have to define them. Loving people, while not agreeing with their behaviour, is my highest calling, and my greatest challenge.
If your "faith walk" ain't working, you better check your "Love walk"

Be blessed


At Mon Feb 07, 10:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...whatcha think of all of this "Neo"? Uh...let's see..I had a reason for posting here.. let me think. Oh yeah! I need your e-mail... it's important. Thank you, that's all... for now ^_^ - Anslie

At Tue Feb 08, 02:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you for your nice words. Thank you as well for the tone of respect you show for my beliefs, especially in light of the treatment you have received from some who seem to understand the "law" side of Christianity, but need a little work in the "love" side.
The further I go in my journey as a Christian, the more I am in awe at just how precious people are to God the
Father. We were created to bring Him honor, and worship. We were given free will, (this is a large part of being "made in his image"), and allowed to live and grow in this world with inumerable opportunities, both good and bad. We were not made as automatons, just to do right and "worship" (imagine how meaningless a love note written to oneself would be), but as free agents, with a "God shaped hole" deep in our hearts. The faint but persistent drive to fill this void is what drives most humanity to seek and form a relationship with something that they perceive as being larger than themselves. Note that I said "most"; some people are convinced that we are all just a result of cosmic coincidence and refuse to lower themselves to aknowledge anything higher than humanity. Based solely on observation, (I know this to be true for all the people I know and can observe via various media, though I realize I cannot see all), even these exhibit symptoms of the inner quest by attaching themselves to various causes with great zeal, and/or serving their flesh in it's insatiable desires (this can be in many forms; gluttony, pornography, greed, etc,). The reason that these desires can never be fully stisfied is because nothing else fits in the "God shaped hole".
It would seem a cruel trick to creat us with this void that nothing else will fit, if we didn't have something else to help steer us toward fulfillment. We have that guide built in as well. Some call it an "inner witness", others a "conscience". Early in life, the voice of conscience is fairly strong. If we heed it and make good choices (with our parents assisting via consistent, Godly discipline), then as we grow older we continue to get this inner guidance. If, on the other hand, we begin to ignore the voice; discipline is lacking at the time it is needed, then we grow callous and cease to hear the voice. I submit that the voice is still there, but can only be heard if we search deep within for it. At the point in a persons life that they no longer hear the voice of conscience, they will begin to find a form of "quasi-fullfilment" in some fashion. Please bear with an awkward attempt at an illustration:

Assume that the "God shaped hole" is a triangular hole. Assume that the many attempts to fill the hole consist of square blocks. The blocks pile up over and around the hole, so that it can no longer be seen. The person in whom this pile resides has all these "things"; (square blocks), and reasons "This is where I am in life, it's not bad and this is all there is". I believe that the void still remains, and prompts a subtle, persistent sense of dis-satisfaction. This sense is often glossed over, callouses grow to insulate it, but it never goes away. It always undermines any true sense of well-being and satisfaction.
I cannot continue in this vein without pointing out that if one accepts the existence of absolute goodness (God the Father), as I do, then one must accept the existence of absolute evil (satan). satan operates in the world continually causing deception and counterfeits of all good things. The purpose of these endeavours is to do one thing; distract people from making the right choices, and becoming worshippers of the Father God. If he can keep people wandering around and never understanding/assuming their righfull place as children of the Most High King, then he has fed his insatiable jealousy and envy of us children. He had a place of importance in the Kingdom of God, but lost it because of pride. He now has a voracious desire to stop any from attaining felloship with the Father. Thank God he is limited, and we have Victory.
Sorry for the side trail.

I will attempt to address the points you highlighted:

"force behind all one's behaviour." In this case, I didn't accurately convey my thoughts. I do not mean outer appearance (indeed, I know men with effeminate mannerisms who are heterosexual, and men of masculine mannerisms who practice homosexual behaviour. Please note that "homosexual behaviour" by my definition, means nothing more or less than attaining grtatification by sexual activity with a person of one's own sex.) I will go further and state that the "driving force behind ones behaviour" that I wish to portray is lust. This lust for gratification is the force of which I speak. It is akin to a small fire at first. If it is fed, then it will grow. It can never be fed enough. There is no line demarcating homosexual and heterosexual gratification; in fact, many who stoke the flames of lust higher and higher find themselves drawn to both sexes. The point is, the order of control has been violated, (spirit controlling soul controlling flesh), and the flesh is the realm most easily manipulated by the enemy (satan). This leaves those under control of the flesh in a state of constant vulnerability.
"the way a man most feels love is through sexual activity"
Please note the word "most". This statement is from a prioritized list used sucessfully by many marriage counselers. The list comes from a book written by Dr. Willard F. Harley. He is a marrige counseler with a remarkable record of salvaged marriges to his credit. The book is called "His Needs, Her Needs". I admit that my cause for believing it to be valid is subjective, but myself, my wife, and all the couples we know who have read the list agree with the priorities assigned.

"while a woman most feels love by receiving affection, with no strings attached"

see above.

"This difference leads many to believe that they are not meant to be with one of the opposite sex."

As you see from my lengthy diatribe above, I do believe it is a choice. I do have, as a personal friend, one man who came out of a five year stretch living with another man and now is in his sixth year of a happy marriage to a fine woman. He says his thoughts were on guys from an early age (some are more prone than others), but he always knew the truth. He says he still has to deal with temptation (no different than the heterosexual keeping lust at bay), but God has radically changed his understanding and enabled him to stand. There are many other people who have made this choice. check out this site, if you like: http://www.exodus-international.org/

"if they will simply place their partners needs above there own"

But the relationship can only be a a counterfeit of the one you were created for.

"self-control over one's sexual activity"

see statements above.

"The deep, subtle self-loathing experienced by those who practice iniquity"

The callouses may insulate, but they do not obliviate.

"selfish behaviour"

I beleive it to be selfish in the same way that I consider myself to be selfish, if I feed the lusts that burn in my heart. Just as any who feed the lusts of the flesh and neglect the spirit. In doing so, I am, in effect, offering worship to myself, as opposed to God the Father. Only God is worthy of my worship.

I would close by saying that God the Father loves you. I love you. And, in truth, it would be a lie to say that I do not want to influence your beliefs. This is because, though I am only 43, I have seen both sides of life. 7 of my 43 years were spent in debauchery (no, not homosexual, but devoid of self control, and in denial of God's role for me), and I am now in my twentieth year of the ever-increasing joy of discovering what God has for me. God gives me a heart for people, and I want more than anything else to help them find their place in His kingdom.

Also, because I have seen some people post and give you a good picture of Christianity, while others have given you a picture that lacks in love.

Be blessed,


At Wed Feb 09, 11:38:00 PM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

While we're being spared, please spare me the long, involved, utterly wrong essay about why homosexuality is evil. It's getting rather tiring, as is this whole debate. What is wrong with homosexuals? Why do you insist on denying a subsection of the population the right to get married?

Since when does Christianity have the right to dictate policy to the United States Government?

At Thu Feb 10, 08:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the whole point of the long and winding discourse was to carefully point out that homosexuality is only one of many flesh-centered behaviours that keep people in bondage and blinded to the true reason for their existance.
The only reason it gets more attention than all the others (hetero-lust, fornication, adultery, greed, envy, etc.) is because no-one has formed any large scale advocacy movements to try and promote acceptance of these other destructive behaviours.
Tha actions of the homosexaul advocacy movement have turned the homosexual agenda into a lightning rod for opposition.
Any movement of signifigance promoting the acceptance of any wrong behaviour will receive the same attention.
The grievance is not with the people practicing the behaviour; because a person has homosexual temptations does not make that person a homosexual, any more than a hetero married man who is tempted is an adulterer. If the temptation is turned away as it should be, instead of allowing the lust to take root, then the man is strengthened, and he does not become an "adulterer".
In case you should quote Jesus "if a man looks on a woman with lust in his heart, then he is an adulterer", please note that he says "with lust in his heart".
There is a moment in every temptation when one is able to turn aside, before the lust is fed.
Hopefully, one can see from all the lengthy words preceding these, that a thoughtful, somewhat mature Christian holds no malice toward people who practice homosexual behaviour. In fact, compassion is abundant. The assertion of hatred by the left is a fallacy, and indeed slanderous.

At Thu Feb 10, 09:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man,

I almost forgot to address the last quest by TLA.
Christians have the right, under the present system, to dictate policy to the United States Government as long as we have the votes to carry the day. The left may shriek, and attempt to undermine the system, but so far we retain the right.
I am glad, by the way, that the Seperation of Church and State clause is in the constitution. I do not want my government establishing a religion for me, (this is all that was intended by the framers).
I just want it to enact and enforce laws which keep people from practicing behaviours that are detrimental to their own and societies well being. Even if they are ignorant of the societal consequences of their actions.

At Sun Feb 13, 04:49:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Ah, my daily dose of typical RR tolerance...

I'm sorry about my last post. It was posted at about 10:00 after a particularly tiresome argument.

Homosexuality isn't a deviant behaviour. It occurs in nature. It isn't a concious(sp?) choice. It's a trait.

Prosecuting gays makes about as much sense as prosecuting people with red hair.

At Sun Feb 13, 05:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mothers eating their young..... strong individuals taking from/killing weaker ones...certain avian species will kill one within their flock which doesn't look like all the rest.....canines regeluarly ingest their own vomit...you get the point.
The fact that something occurs in nature does not give it any stamp of validity for human interaction. The basic difference between us, and the reason we probably won't reconcile this particualr argument, is that while I believe that mankind is set apart from the animal kingdom by being created in the image of an infinitely wise and wonderful God, (given a spirit and free will to choose our course), you believe that we are simply an extension of the animal kingdom brought about by Cosmic Coincidence.

At Mon Feb 14, 03:37:00 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Oh, yes. I believe in God, therefore what God says is right.

That's real convincing, I tell ya.

At Mon Feb 14, 09:12:00 AM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...


I think you should address the real point of anon's post. Are you really prepared to justify a behavior simply because it is found in nature? Come on everyone, let's go eat our own vomit and kill everyone who doesn't look like us! Moms, don't forget that that little one you have can make a gourmet meal, since after all, cannibalism IS found in nature...

At Mon Feb 14, 09:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To attempt an impartation of the understanding and knowledge of an ongoing, interactive, long term relationship with God the Father to one who's mind is set in denial is a waste of time, on both parts.
My apologies for wasting your time.

At Tue Feb 15, 07:46:00 PM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

I'm not justifying a behaviour because it's found in nature. It's found in HUMAN nature, and it doesn't cause harm to itself or to others. Realistically, the percentage of gays is unlikely to have any effect on overall population growth, and many even gays have kids(biologically).

Homosexuality causes no harm to the individual or to society at large. Therefore, it makes no sense to persecute them EXCEPT based on religious ideals. And if you accept that, you can accept me starting a new religion and persecuting Christians.

At Wed Feb 16, 10:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Homosexuality causes no harm to the individual or to society at large" is a patently false, utterly absurd statement. From a purely natural standpoint, homosexual behaviour is resposible for the onset and spread of HIV in the world (what a legacy). Of course hetero promiscuity and IV drug use will also spread it (both activities society should discourage), but, by all accounts, homosexual behaviour gets the credit for letting it establish a foothold in the world at large.
http://www.globeafrica.com/Health/hivhistory.htm is only one of many resources detailing the facts about this epidemic.
The natural toll on the lives of the individuals include higher rates of suicide, depression and alcohol/drug abuse. Many resources report these phenomena, even thoug it is not PC to do so.
The greatest toll, though, is the one you dismiss out of hand. It is the spiritual toll. The previously mentioned negative aspects (suicide, depression, drug abuse), are simply physical manifestations of the spiritual catastrophy wrought by realization that the homosexual relationship is a counterfeit of the real thing, empty, pale, and poor, by comparison.
Please allow a definition from Websters:
Persecute:1 : to harass in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
2 : to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER

This word is one of many that the left consistently uses out of context. The refusal to condone wrong behaviour does not constitute persecution by any stretch of the imagination.
As far as establishing a religion for persecution of Christians, you can save yourself the trouble and just join one of the many already persecuting/killing Christians around the world, if that is your bent. (please note, the last statement was facetious, as I know you advocate tolerance).


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