Socializing Teens
Which is socially better for kids, public/private schooling or homeschooling? Weigh in here on Ignite the Fire blog.
This blog is dead... repeat, this blog is dead. I have since repented of the hardcore republicanism expressed through most of this blog's history. See my profile for my current blog.
Which is socially better for kids, public/private schooling or homeschooling? Weigh in here on Ignite the Fire blog.
posted by jacob.thrasher @ 1/18/2005 09:36:00 PM
It's been a long road for me... long ago, I was known on the internet as "NeoFascist?," a stereotypical republican homeschooled blogger. I have repented of my old screeds, and now try to approach matters of theology, philosophy and politics from a more free-thinking perspective. I am Neo no longer. I am jacob.thrasher.
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"Neo, you are simply the best political teen blogger out there. Keep up the awesome work man. You rock." -Agent Tim
"One of the best teen bloggers I've found in all my diminutive lifespan. Very intelligent in the humorous way. I'm not going to be surprised if I find he becomes a political giant...when we all grow up." -Paradoxically Correct
"...sometimes a little out there, but I keep goin back." -Reliant
"Smart kid, good blog. Go there." -Scott
"I personally agree with him in most cases..." -Giggle Fritz
"...he writes like a much older, better educated religious fanatic then he really is." -Lefty
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
...And the King will say unto them "verily, I say unto you, as much as you've done it unto the least of my brethren, you've done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
Please refrain from the use of foul language. Any failure to comply will result in comment deletion.
Gra! I totally lost my comment. >_<
Okay, how OLD are these people posting these questions? Are they still in school? Are they under the age of 18? Because from their responses and attitudes, they certainly don't SOUND much older than 15 or 16.
Oh yeah, I commented on the thread. Check it out. xD
Yeah, we're all 15 and under over there.
That was a good comment! It made a lot of sense. Haha, I can't wait to see what they have to say to it.
Somehow that figures. You're probably one of the few 15 yr olds I know of who doesn't SOUND 15 online. I'm not sure, but I suspect is has a lot to do with your proper spelling and grammar. That goes a long way to making a you look smart, mature, and knowledgable.
As far as Rumpelteazer & Coleoptera are concerned, I would not debate with them again. It's obvious that the intention of these posts is not to learn, but to puff themselves up. They have a "You can disagree with me as long as you admit I'm right and your wrong" attitude. xD
Yes, I try to use proper spelling and grammar when I'm online. Unfortunately, that doesn't always make me popular with people my age.
Yeah, I don't think they're really looking for a debate. Which makes me kinda sad, since I wasted such a good comment on that thread! haha!
It's not healthy to say the things that you said (about dying). I deleted it.
why do u 2 even care? It's no big deal.
wow, I forgot how fun high school fights were. Neo, just keep in mind that you are a really smart person, and you have a wonderful head on your shoulders. When you hit about 25 people will really respect you for your ideals. Just hang in there and don't worry about this high school stuff. :)
Oh yah, and thank you all for reminding me of why I hated high school, and why I appreciate being out of that environment. I needed the giggle~Thanks :)
Wow. Lots of comments over there. I just posted my longest ever, lol. Which means that it's not just people 15 and under anymore. I'll be 18 soon! ;) Oh, the joys of wondering where to go to college. Keep it real, Neo.
Anything but home schooling.
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