Saturday, January 22, 2005

How Sad

I was reading over the front page of my blog, and I realized that I haven't written anything of substance in quite a while! I feel so sad.

Okay, enough fluff. I'm going to write a good post soon. Maybe I'll rewrite that post on gay marriage...

In the meantime, here's a little something to chew on...

Over and over and over again, the left-wing crowd refers to the "hatemongering" conservatives, who are standing in the way of equal rights for homosexuals. But who's hating? Conservatives see homosexuality as a deviant behavior (one that does not have any positive effects on society), and they decide they won't sanction it with marriage. We're not "cussing out" the homosexuals. We're not killing them. We're not attacking them. We're not even saying that we hate them. We're just denying them the government sanction of a deviant behavior.

My, we're just a MURDEROUS lot, aren't we?

Also, what's this about "equal rights?" Gays already have equal rights. One of those rights is the right to get married... to someone of the opposite sex. That's the right we're dealing with. Marriage in and of itself is not a right; it must two people of the opposite sex to be marriage. Therefore, homosexuals are not fighting for "equal rights"; they're fighting for extended rights.


Please refrain from the use of foul language. Any failure to comply will result in comment deletion.


At Sat Jan 22, 10:22:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

Yeah, I know... I got rid of two polls to make the page load faster... and the other just disappeared. I guess it'll come back when it gets hungry...

At Sun Jan 23, 01:01:00 AM, Blogger LAURA A. WARMAN said...

I was just wondering why conservative christians (which I consider myself to be) are always arguing about conflicts that are not easily resolved. It seems like christians spend all our time arguing about stuff like gay marrige and not enough time loving. Sure, I feel strongly about stuff like that, but what's the point about arguing all the time about things that rarley meet a common ground. What kind of image is this giving us?

Just a thought :)

At Sun Jan 23, 06:37:00 PM, Blogger Lewis said...


>>>Christians tell me I will suffer in hell for eternity for doing what comes natural to me. I think that is a hateful thing to say to some one, dont you?

But if you don’t believe it, why should you get upset?

Look at it this way (stealing an illustration from Joel Belz): Imagine that most people in the world invested their money in a particular bank, and that a small group of other people knew that the bank was corrupt and about to collapse. In order to prevent the investors from losing all of their money, the people “in-the-know” attempt to persuade them to remove their money from the bank, and warn them of the dangers of leaving the money in.

Would these people’s attempts to save your funds from disaster offend you?
Heck, even if they are wrong, at least they are trying to do you a service, right?

Think how far more disastrous the consequences of disbelief in Christianity would be, if Christianity turns out to be true, after all. You would not just lose your cash.

Take the proselytizing for its intent: an earnest attempt to save you from a fate worse than death.

At Mon Jan 24, 11:14:00 AM, Blogger Lewis said...

>>>Becasue christains try to force their beliefs upon me through preaching.

Oh, come on now. Solo verbal force only works by voluntary submission. I can’t see that you have much to complain about, since you are under no physical hazard, and can always refuse to listen or comply with perfect safety. What do you want to do, curtail free speech because it ‘annoys’ you?

>>>And how do you compare that to gay people?

I didn’t. My analogy compared non-Christian and Christian world-views.

>>>No one is trying to say christains are wrong. Quote me once where I have said anything christians have said is wrong. HAH you cant, all I have said is I dont share your beliefs.

C’mon man, try to act like you’re older than 7 ½. Your arguments rest on the belief that Christianity is ‘wrong’. If Christianity is ‘right’, then they are ‘right’ in enforcing their moral beliefs. Your complaint is that they are ‘wrong’ in enforcing their beliefs… you wouldn’t say that unless you believe that Christianity is ‘wrong’… otherwise you’re merely incoherent.

At Mon Jan 24, 11:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neo -- Could you please do something about Rumpelteazer? I would suggest banning for a number of reasons, in no particular order... A. His/her posts are not in the least helpful or illuminating. B. His/her posts are demeaning, spiteful and arrogant. C. The 30-odd repeating posts speak to a degree of either lunacy or sheer stupidity. D. The "im not gonna use capital letters or punctuation or any semblanse of speling in me postes so there" is flat out ridiculous. E. Did I mention the hateful rhetoric that has no place on a Christian blog?

At Tue Jan 25, 06:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumpelteazer... I went into this long, rambling essay, but the post didn't "stick" for whatever reason. Argh. In a nutshell, I apologize for my angry response to your post. As Homer Simpson would say... "Stupid brain!" I hope you will forgive me for my compulsive arrogance. I wanted to give a strong criticism of your post, but went way overboard. I should follow my own rules, but didn't in this case.

At Tue Jan 25, 06:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


There's not much more I can say than to ask forgiveness. I understand about your computer problems. That was in my original post that was inexplicably zapped into nothing, so I'm not immune to similar problems, and perhaps that's why it happened. Know what I mean? As stated earlier, it was a compulsive and stupid response to your post, which I still don't agree with, but we can argue the merits of the post separately and in a fashion that is not of the same tenor as my angry post. You must understand that the reason for forgiveness is because of these situations. Why else would we need it if there wasn't something we've done, said or written that needed forgiveness in the first place? It doesn't change the fact that the transgression occurred, but Christ-like forgiveness blots it out and moves on.

At Tue Jan 25, 07:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u4ric, I don't understand how you can say that something like homosexuality is "natural". If you don't want to take our word for it, take science: YOU CAN'T REPRODUCE BYE FORNICATING WITH YOUR GAY LOVER!!!!!!!!. It just doesn't work. That alone should tell you that it isn't natural. And further more, no one is harrassing you. You have every right to choose not to visit blogs that you know are going to discuss subjects such as this. Oh, and I'm sure you've said some unkind things about those who disagree with you that we could consider "harrassing".


At Tue Jan 25, 07:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fist off I don't even know if my comment got posted or not.LOL, but just in case, I would like to let you know that I did not mean to offend you in any way when I said those things. Although I don't regrett saying them, I regret the way they were expressed, and I agree with you that Christians can be agressive in their approach to minister rather than assertive. It does not mean that we love you or respect you any less when we come off as rude, all it means is that we know what is right and some people don't know how to express it in the right way.


At Sat Mar 12, 02:56:00 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

Ya right

This is a churches web site!

By the way who said marriage wasnt a right? Where in the constitution does it say "Marrying someone of the opposite sex is a privelage, and christians can pick and chose who gets to do it."?

No one is saying you have to marry a dude. No one wants to make your church marry lesbians.

I can see by the other comments on here that mine will probably be deleted as well.


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