Friday, March 24, 2006

Regenerate Our Culture

... and so I says to the guy "There is no punch line, I just needed a way to start this post about Regenerate Our Culture!"

That's right folks, I don't place buttons at the top of my page for nothin'! It's gotta be something special, like Worldview Academy or really awesome music for me to place a button up that high... and even the music only has a slim chance.

So what's Regenerate Our Culture about? Well, it's part online magazine and part aggregator of the best recent posts from seventeen teenage bloggers, all aimed at bringing our culture back to a Biblical worldview. It seems that the powers that be in ROC even chose yours truly as one of those bloggers! Thanks, ROC!

Anyway, check them out! ROC's a great resource for keeping up with all the blogs that you always wanted to read, but never had time for. So get over there!

And while I'm posting... I might be considering changing the focus of my blog... I really don't know at this point. You see, while I'm still interested in politics, I have had an increased interest in theology and church structure for some time now, and I am considering writing more about that. I don't know though... I'm all confused, you see, but none of it really matters because I haven't posted enough lately. Yay for procrastination.

Anyway, if you can think of anything you'd like me to blog about, whether it's a broad subject like theology or Calvinism (Lord help me), or something specific like Bush's ports deal or Perseverance of the Saints, let me know... Maybe that will motivate me to write.

Unless, of course, you'd rather I just didn't write. I could understand that too... This is a very welcoming blog when it hasn't been written in for a month and the last comment came from my little brother. That's right, things are always exciting around here...

Okay, I'll stop now...


Please refrain from the use of foul language. Any failure to comply will result in comment deletion.


At Fri Mar 24, 04:03:00 PM, Blogger DaylilyLady said...

I would like to know your views on Calvinism should you get a chance to post about it. More specifically, are you one of the one's that believe everyone is predestined for Heaven or Hell and don't have a choice in the matter, or do you believe in freewill?

At Fri Mar 24, 04:10:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

For the record, I'm not technically a Calvinist... but I do find myself falling on their side of many debates. I mentioned Calvinism because it was the subject of discussion on several blogs around here for a while.

At Fri Mar 24, 07:38:00 PM, Blogger paradoxically correct said...

DayLilyLady, I was going to ask Neo that myself. ^_^

Do you believe in Limited Atonement (point 3 in the TULIP Calvinist theological argument)? Irresistable Grace? I've debated on it often and I'd love to hear your view. I will be blogging on it soon because of some other things my opponents-in-debate have said.

At Sat Mar 25, 02:24:00 PM, Blogger Lewis said...

Calvinism! Calvinism!


Actually, I'd really enjoy it if you tackled a few theological subjects.

The only problem with theology is that it leads to even more misunderstandings, bad-blood, and ire than even politics.

Sometimes it's a l-i-t-t-l-e stressful.

At Sat Mar 25, 04:54:00 PM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

This new venture sounds very interesting and I will definitely check it out. Congratulations!

Honey - you write about anything at all. Whatever grabs ya - just write about it.

At Sat Mar 25, 11:51:00 PM, Blogger Chloe Elizabeth Anderson said...

I have to laugh! I was going to ask about what you thought of calvanism too (then everyone else did...=P). I'm actually curious as to what you think of the recent overtures of frienship and support by the US to India and their nuklear ambitions.
But theology would be cool too. (and will need help if you're going to take on Calvan ;) J/K...mostly)It's been a while since I opened that can of worms.

At Sun Mar 26, 03:19:00 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Write I notice you have the major Christian music support scene happening on your sidebar. Maybe something about that? If not I will. Actually, I probably will anyways, but maybe you can beat me to it; knowing me and how often I actually end up writing what I want to, it's a major possibility.

At Mon Mar 27, 04:01:00 PM, Blogger nate said...

Aye, you ought to write about some happenin' music so us other indie rock fans can listen in. And as a sidenote, what do you think of the post-modern church as represented by such people as Don Miller and Relevant magazine, etc?


At Mon Mar 27, 06:06:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

Haha David, once again it seems our thoughts are as one... I seem to be out of place in my corner of the world, believing in Perseverance of the Saints while retaining my belief in man's free will. And to top it all off, I go to a Word of Faith church. Weird, huh? Now that I've said that, I'll watch 45% of my blog readership disappear...


Where IS your blog? I'll link to it, but it doesn't show up on your profile.


You're completely correct about theological blogging... and that's why I've stayed away from it up until this point. When I write about my views on the subject, I'll most likely tackle it in the same way I write about politics... a most inadvisable mix of 2 parts research with 19 parts thought. Yay for journalistic mediocrity.

Emily and Myshkin,

Haha good idea, I should have been blogging about music all along. As a PureVolume junkie, I've discovered some music that's so awesome that my friends hate it! ;-)

At Mon Mar 27, 06:08:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...

One day I'll get around to proofreading my comments so I can improve my choice of words, too.

But not today.

At Mon Mar 27, 09:03:00 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Calvinism would be a very interesting subject, for sure! :) So, have you been to WorldView? I'm guessing you have if it's at the top of your sidebar. :) What was it like? (My parents have been thinking about letting me go this year)

At Tue Mar 28, 07:50:00 PM, Blogger paradoxically correct said...

Gah! Neo, sorry, my profile...died. *tentative smile*

Yay dead profiles... ^_^

At Tue Mar 28, 10:05:00 PM, Blogger jacob.thrasher said...


Haha actually, I meant my readership will drop because I go to a non-denom/Word of Faith church...


Oh, that's you! I wondered who linked to me from that URL, and why they never really commented... LOL!


Worldview! Go there! It was the best week of my life! I'll e-mail you or comment to tell you more about it.


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